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单词 Inept
1 He was always rather inept at sport.
2 I've never heard anyone so inept at making speeches.
3 He was criticized for his inept handling of the problem.
4 It would be politically inept to cut these training programmes now.
5 Blake was intellectually able but politically inept.
6 He was an inept politician.
7 He was rather inept at word games.
8 He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.
9 She was left feeling inept and inadequate.
10 He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
11 Dick was socially inept and uncomfortable in the presence of women.
12 His inept handling of a minor problem turned it into a major crisis.
13 Whan an inept remark to make on such a formal occasion.
14 She found them selfish and demanding and socially inept.
15 This is a clear example of inept drafting.
16 Ferry captains have no time to trifle with inept sailors blocking the channel.
17 The shadow budget was also politically inept,[] although its positive features could have been defended much better than they were.
18 Though banks have proved inept at merging, big ones in the same market should be able to achieve 30% cost savings.
19 An inept clearance by Wright, who was in the left-back position, gave Celtic an unexpected opportunity to go in front.
20 There were flings, of course, but Nicholas was inept at all forms of promiscuity except gossip.
21 In fact, economists have proved notoriously inept at predicting upturns and downturns.
22 Often, the people most committed to the use of charismatic gifts are those most inept in evangelism.
23 These search systems must still be suitable for casual use by inept or inexperienced users.
24 He staggered through the open doorway, into the painted freezer, feeling his knees giving out with each inept step.
25 And as much as he was out of step with me, he seemed inept with what used to be our world.
26 Those on the rung just below are often rendered as ridiculous rather than evil, as inept or boorish rather than malign.
27 Last Saturday's exhibition against Hull City, a side with a pitiful away record, was inept and occasionally heartless.
28 Our enjoyment of many of the oysters we were served was diminished by inept shucking.
29 In the most severe cases, work-inhibited children may be so inept that any school assignment is overwhelming.
30 The manner of his handling his departure from McLaren was, however, characteristically inept.
1 He was always rather inept at sport.
2 He was criticized for his inept handling of the problem.
3 It would be politically inept to cut these training programmes now.
4 He was an inept politician.
31 Audrey had arrived late, and her twittering, terrified, inept chatter was the most touching touch of all.
32 Nominal independence in 1960 brought a succession of inept, mostly military governments.
33 Who could say how much law and order had been eroded by soup stains, a careless buttoning, an inept shave.
34 Where there were sentimental witnesses the old, the ugly and the inept always came out best.
35 To most of his contemporaries Blake was a nutter or simply inept.
36 They're inept at tennis.
37 Negotiations, in the hands of the inept or inexperienced, can go horribly wrong.
38 At first I thought it had maybe been a cat on the roof, then possibly some inept burglar.
39 When it comes to girls, Isaac is socially inept and awkward.
40 Filled with shame, she rarely tells a friend how inept, depressed, or restless she feels.
41 Inept handling of the match by the referee ensured that the game would not pass without incident.
42 He's quite inept at tennis.
43 You are completely inept at writing.
44 He is inept at ball games.
45 There are some people so inept at keeping records.
46 The choice of Lady Chatterley as a test-case was inept, but it suited the anti-intellectual temper of the legal establishment and it would mean the defeat of an impeccably liberal cause.
47 Dickinson's broken meter, unusual rhythmic patterns, and assonance struck even respected critics of the time as sloppy and inept.
48 He is inept at [ in ] ball games .
49 Her employer gave her books on politics and sociology to read, while his brother-in-law crept into her bed at night and gave her inept kisses.
50 In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.
51 He is totally inept.
52 He's inept at tennis.
53 At the battle of Crecy in 1346, the inept Philip annihilated his own army.
54 Investigators blamed lack of funding and inept management, among other factors.
55 Hoover was inept at politics as he was superb administration.
56 They ended the season a confused, inept and broken team.
57 Michael Martin, the incumbent until June 21st, was inept, but it was his refusal to tackle—or even to air publicly—the laxness of the allowances system that did for him.
58 In the SARS epidemic in 2003, the technocrats were initially inept too, putting face-saving ahead of epidemiology.
59 Why do you give me this tainted Apocrypha , this thousandth copy, this inept falsification?
60 Accordingly, his peers judged him an inept instructor and ill-suited to a scholarly career.
61 Warren G. Harding was mourned as if he were Lincoln when he died in 1923; history now sees him as one of our most inept and oafish presidents.
62 Ambrose Burnside, American Civil War general, was noted for his inept command of Union forces.
63 Owing to the error guideline on pricing and inept pricing process, price is ineffective.
64 Why is the technology industry generally so inept at designing the interactive parts of digital products?
65 In the first place, Hoover was as inept at politics as he was superb at administration.
66 Brown's collage sounds not like two songs stitched together but one single theme song for inept Romeos everywhere.




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