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单词 becoming
释义  be·com·ing /bɪˈkʌmɪŋ/ adjective formal  1  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGa piece of clothing, a hairstyle etc that is becoming makes you look attractive 〔衣服、发型等〕合适的,相配的 Her short hairstyle is very becoming. 她剪的短发很适合她。2  SUITABLEwords or actions that are becoming are suitable for you or for the situation you are in 〔说话或行为〕适当的,适宜的 She received the praise with becoming modesty. 她谦逊得体地接受了赞誉。 —becomingly adverbExamples from the Corpusbecoming• Bad language is not at all becoming.• Laura's hair is softer and more becoming.• She had received the plaudits with becoming modesty, of·com·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  of clothing, is that makes piece hairstyle Corpus a etc a becoming




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