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单词 Nuclei
1. Preparation of nuclei and gel retardation assays.
2. Clearly comet nuclei are very weak.
3. Some reactions between deuterons and lithium nuclei.
4. Iron nuclei have the largest binding energy per nucleon; hence neither fission nor fusion can release further energy.
5. She noticed that the nuclei of the cells of the quail embryo looked slightly different from those of the chick embryo.
6. Frequent breakup and erosion of cometary nuclei provides not only vast quantities of meteoric dust, but also occasional larger fragments.
7. Furthermore, the particles act as nuclei for droplets of water vapour.
8. Egg cytoplasm could redefine the fate of blastocyst nuclei that were transferred into them.
9. Alpha particles are just high-energy 4He nuclei; after decelerating and picking up electrons, they become atoms of 4He.
10. Such nuclei behave as if they have a-particles rattling around inside them.
11. From the desk lamp,() glassy nuclei of brightness followed the words he wrote.
12. Is it possible, they asked, that nuclei from two-cell embryo are simply less robust than nuclei from zygotes?
13. You want to force those nuclei together while nature is designed to prevent it.
14. Nuclei were isolated from cell lines or spleen from transgenic animals or inbred mouse strains.
15. The daughter nuclei are solids and form cationic clusters with water in the atmosphere.
16. As they move upwards they lose their nuclei and synthesize the special proteins like keratin that give the skin its protective toughness.
17. To coordinate this work, the existing nuclei of these parties must be brought together in an international organization.
18. The figure on page 28 shows the make-up of these simplest nuclei and illustrates what happens when two deuterium nuclei collide.
19. He hoped that the tightly packed deuterium atoms would be set in motion, their nuclei bumping into one another and fusing.
20. The calculations by Frank and the Soviet theoreticians had dealt with the fusion of proton and deuterium or of two deuterium nuclei.
21. This is an accelerator constructed for nuclear structure research using heavy ions, and it can produce exotic nuclei.
22. The reason why fusion is more likely between spin polarised nuclei is straight forward.
23. After larger doses, chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment.
24. For each treatment at least seven pairs of limbs were examined and over 1,500 nuclei counted.
25. As the red blood cell has little cytoplasm, the effect is that both nuclei become surrounded by HeLa cytoplasm.
26. The procedure is hygienic in the sense that only the nuclei travel through the tube.
27. At this point it must seem paradoxical that atomic nuclei containing several closely packed protons exist at all.
28. Such a model facilitates accurate predictions of the average change in charge radii for nuclei.
29. The activity of a radioactive substance is the number of nuclei decaying per second.
30. According to the theory, negatively charged electrons within atoms orbit around positively charged nuclei.
31. The alignment of polymer chains at specific distances from one another to form crystalline nuclei will be assisted when intermolecular forces are strong.
32. The neutrino is produced in the beta decay of nuclei, when a neutron converts into a proton, and an electron.
33. The remaining neutrons would have decayed into protons, which are the nuclei of ordinary hydrogen atoms.
34. He even transplanted nuclei from adult skin cells in culture and again found that normal development could take place.
35. Gangs, particularly of white youths, formed definite nuclei for crowd and mob formations.
36. Where comet jets come from Bright jets of material sometimes spurt from the nuclei of comets.
37. Then the nuclei arrange themselves side by side and fuse into a single nucleus carrying the chromosomes of both sperm and ovum.
38. The other half of the NEOs are extinct comet nuclei.
39. Nuclei could be successfully transferred between embryos that were in the same developmental domain, but not between embryos in different domains.
40. The largest known cometary nuclei presently in Earth-crossing orbits are about ten kilometers in diameter.
41. There are many different ways to make these measurements on unstable nuclei.
42. The time interval over which half of the nuclei decay is the half life of U-235.
43. Energy is released when the nuclei of the light atomic elements join, so bringing them together is the primary goal.
44. The pipette was wide enough to accommodate the cell nuclei easily, but too narrow to accommodate the whole cell.
45. Plants, animals, and fungi have eukaryotic cells, containing distinct nuclei and several other kinds of organelle.
46. In fact, sufficient nuclei are always present in the atmosphere.
47. What would happen if they transferred nuclei from two-cell embryos into enucleated cytoplasts taken from two-cell embryos?
48. That is, all nuclei have approximately the same density.
49. It is possible to transplant chromosomes in cell nuclei.
50. Energy is released by the fission of atomic nuclei.
51. Their nuclei tend to be long and stringy.
52. Embryo has most commonly eitht genetically identical haploid nuclei.
53. Three nuclei differentiate into the antipodal cells.
54. Notice how flat the surface cells are and how dark and pyknotic their nuclei have become.
55. The differences between the giant cells of the tuberculosis of black bream and those of mammal are the numbers and arrangement of the nuclei.
56. In the secondary maturation cell division the secondary spermatocyte generated spermatid containing 32 nuclei with round, spindle and crescent shapes, which eventually developed into 32 spermatozoon.
57. Objective: To compare the distribution of enkephalin (ENK) in the vocal and auditory nuclei of male Carduelis spinus and Lonchura Striata.
58. In addition, it was demonstrated that PGAM2 locates both in cytoplasm and nuclei, and takes part in the glycometabolism process of cytoplasm and nuclei.
59. Objective To investigate the effect of Naja naja atra venom on the expressions of nitric oxide synthase(NOS) in certain Nuclei of Pons in Rat.
60. The nuclei are large, irregular, hyperchromatic, and show prominent nucleoli.
61. Radioactive series: Any of four sets of unstable heavy atomic nuclei that undergo a series of alpha decay and beta decay until a stable nucleus is achieved.
62. Parthenogenesis in which the egg is activated by sperm, but without fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei.
63. The unpaired electron makes the atoms themselves act like spinning bar magnets, with a magnetic moment three orders of magnitude stronger than that of precessing nuclei.
64. So how did a paper about "crystal nuclei" become proof that the chicken pre-dated the egg?
65. Crystal nuclei made from Pre-hydrated OPC were blended into cement and the effect of the crystal nuclei on the early strength of cement was studied.
66. Tumor cells in some areas are more pleomorphic with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei, but I do not see mitotic activity or coagulative necrosis.
67. Objective To examine the localizations of neurokinin B receptor(NK3)-like immunoreactivity (-LI) and its colocalization with vasopressin-LI in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat.
68. For example, heart muscle cells have two nuclei, which means the DNA could be in there twice, so this could screw up the carbon 14 dating.
69. It is justified by the observed results that non-metallic inclusion can act as the heterogeneous nuclei of nodular graphite in this paper.
70. After injection into the rostral or caudal pole of the IPN, no labeled cells were observed in bilateral medial habenular nuclei.
71. Annulate lamellae(AL) swallowed and spaced cell contents- The loop - shaped and compact nuclei seen in cells were abnormal forms of nucleus.
72. Objective To study the effects of nitric oxide(NO) in basolateral amygdaloid nuclei(BLN)on sleep and behavioral activity in rats.
73. Goblet cells are less and the cells lining the glands of the polyp have hyperchromatic nuclei.
74. In this process the nucleus breaks up into two intermediate - sized nuclei.
75. The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical.
76. The bacteria may speed up learning because the Raphe nuclei stimulate a brain region called the hippocampus, which handles spatial memory, she says.
77. At high magnification, the neoplastic glands of adenocarcinoma have crowded nuclei with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism.
78. There are numerous amoeboid nuclei suspended in the organelle - rich cytoplasm.
79. Objective To investigate the projection from the vestibular nuclei to the spinal cord.
80. Referenced criteria and further typing depend on growth pattern and ground glass nuclei characteristics.
81. This is a Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis stained with GMS to reveal the nuclei.
82. RESULTS: The layer of CA1 pyramidal cells in both AO groups became thinner with pyknotic nuclei than control.
83. Scientists announced Monday that in a quark-gluon plasma, achieved by smashing gold nuclei together at 99.995 percent of light speed, quarks briefly lost their ability to tell right from left.
84. Borax carmine A dye used to stain nuclei for light microscopy.
85. Nuclei are darker and more irregularly sized and closer together in the adenomatous polyp than in the normal mucosa.
86. As for the soft nuclei like ~ ( 188 ) Hg, the contribution from shape changes, i _ ( SC ), is very important.
87. Since the extra nuclei don't die, they could be poised to make muscle proteins again, providing a type of muscle memory, he says.
88. The distinct imprints which correspond to the bicuspid valves of lymphatics and the oval or fusiform impressions of the endothelial nuclei were seen on the casts.
89. Mistakenly, he believed that new cells formed by being budded off the nuclei.
90. The theoretical models for investigating the fusion mechanism of heavy nucleus collisions and calculating the formation cross sections of superheavy nuclei have been introduced.
91. That is, all factors favorite in both forming spherical nuclei and growing in all directions in the iron melt can be regarded as factors promoting graphite spheroidization.
92. The nuclei of endosperm are amitosis and its division is not synchronous.
93. The present paper is dealing with a haematoxylin squash method for the studies on the morphological changes of cell nuclei in the process of spermatogenesis of the mouse.
94. The ENDOR spectrum of the phosphor shows the existance of Cu nuclei near F ? ? center.
95. Objective To evaluate the effect of bilateral subthalamic nuclei deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) on anxiety and depression of patients with Parkinson's disease(PD).
96. The present experiment showed that the SP-like immunoreactive perikarya is located in the median raphe nuclei of the rat.
97. We get a buildup of electronic probability density between the nuclei.
98. In many gymnosperms the nuclei divide within the pollen grain to produce a small number of cells (2-40 depending on the group )representing the male prothallus .
99. The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei.
100. Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable.
101. As neutrons pass through matter, they make occasional elastic collisions with nuclei.
101. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
102. Much of what we know about nuclei comes through scattering experiments.
103. Medio-Iaterally, the cervical projecting cells were located chiefly at the junctional area between the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei and at the ventromedial part of the latter.
104. The nuclei of larger sunspots sometimes undergo disintegration or splitting into several parts.
105. At higher magnification, vasculitis with arterial wall necrosis is seen. Note the fragmented remai of neutrophilic nuclei (karyorrhexis).
106. The free neutrons can bombard other nuclei, leading to a series of fissions a chain reaction.
107. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Glucose metabolism of bilateral frontal lobes, bilateral caudate nuclei, bilateral cingulate gyri and bilateral cerebella.
108. We measured 62 nuclei of senile cataract by Shaos durometer.
109. The efferent projections of the habenular nuclei follow three routes, the rostral, contralateral and caudal pathways.
110. The tumor cells have abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and small compact round nuclei.
111. The labeled cells were found mainly in the dorsal column nuclei, nucleus raphe magnus, reticular nuclei, vestibular nuclei and nucleus of tractus solitarius.
112. When the free nuclei of the endosperm were 16 or 32, the nucellar embryo initial (s) originated from the nucellar cells near the micropylar end of the embryo sac.
113. Their nuclei are pale and vesicular(), containing mainly unstained euchromatin.
114. A few cell bodies and processes in the two newly found nuclei, the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus (AVM) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus (ADO), were also labeled.
115. More recently, PLSCR1 was found to translocate into the nuclei under certain conditions, though its nuclear function remains unclear.
116. But the lead ion collisions will be different; because lead ions are composed of complete atomic nuclei – not just a single subatomic particle – their masses are far larger.
117. Objective To study the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation(DBS)of bilateral subthalamic nuclei(STN)on depressive disorder in Parkinson's disease(PD)and to discuss its neurological mechanism.
118. A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons.
119. CONCLUSION: The cervical segments of spinocerebellar tract project to the cerebellar nuclei in rats and locate somatotopically as compared with the lumbar spinal cord.
120. The neoplastic cells appear glial, and many have oval and relatively uniform nuclei surrounded by perinuclear halos.
121. The two arrows at top of picture are pointing to elongate, dark, fibroblast nuclei.
122. In the cooling storage ring absolute value of charge mean root radius of Lithium-like nuclei will be measured by the X-ray laser.
123. In fact, the cell colonies from the euploid cell nuclei populations were larger and more dense than those from the aneuploid ones.
124. The researchers compared sequences of DNA from the nuclei of African and Asian elephants, and from woolly mammoths and the American mastodon.
125. Not all of the atomic nuclei of an element are identical.
126. Small mixing cloud chamber with liters cubage has been used in the observation of the nature ice nuclei and the detection of the nucleating effectiveness of artificial ice nuclei.
127. In the sucrose solution of lower supersaturation , the possibility of forming nuclei by sonic wave which conform with the industrial requirement was investigated.
128. Mesangial cell nuclei showed irregular shape and mitochondria swelled, stroma was normal.
129. Uncommon abnormalities: T2/FLAIR hyperintense lesions in dorsal medulla, the hypoglossal nuclei and cerebellum; these features are more typical in non-alcoholic patients.
130. Steroids can increase muscle fiber size and the number of cell nuclei fiber.
131. The follicles were lined by cells with moderate amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round nuclei and occasional prominent nucleoli .
132. A effective method of calculating moment of inertia at ground state of even-even deformations nuclei is derived based on rigid rotation and collective rotation nature of quantum systems.
133. Alpha particles -- helium nuclei -- were being hurled through the tube,(http:///nuclei.html) in which an artificial mist had been created.
134. Enucleated cells are prepared by removing cell nuclei in the presence of the drug, cytochalasin B.
135. Velocity and isopyknic gradient centrifugation was employed to fractionate rat myocardial nuclei.
136. The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.
137. The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple while sperm tails are green.
138. Measuring in the intact nuclei is rather close to the physiological condition, so the results are of much reality.
139. Note the central nuclei and the syncytial arrangement of the fibers, some of which have pale pink intercalated disks.
140. The paper discussed the change rule of meristematic nuclei and their relation with the intercellular rhizobia.
141. Radioactivity provides an extremely sensitive method of analysis since disintegration of individual nuclei are monitored.
142. Relativistic Hartree Fock ( RHF ) theory has been adopted to describe properties of exotic nuclei.
143. In most mammals mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks that have no nuclei.
144. Methods: 83 cases of intractable schizophrenia were treated with radiofrequency thermocoagulation of bilateral multiple nuclei by using stereotactic technique.
145. Nuclei which will eventually fuse divide conjugately in the binucleate ascogenous hyphae.
146. In this paper, we have given a method for calculating non-axial rotational wave functions and energy levels of odd-A nuclei by means of that of even-even nuclei.
147. Alpha particles positively charged helium nuclei obtained from natural radioactive decay.
148. Hyphae with nuclei of different genotypes can fuse to form a heterokaryon.
149. Collectively , these two constituents of nuclei are known as nucleons.
150. Objective To investigate the mechanism of hyperphagia and obesity induced by bilateral lesions of the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei (PVN).
151. Vlasov equation and generalized Poisson equation are used here to obtain the energies of oscillations in nuclei.
152. An idiogram of the SC karyotype of silk worm has been constructed from the data of 10 nuclei and the sex determination of silk worm has been discussed.
153. The chalazal parts of the endosperm containing free nuclei forms several lobes.
154. Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay.
155. The lanthanide ion has the effect of inducing the NMR relaxation rates of the determined nuclei in its coordination compound in aqueous solution.
156. The greatest amount of nuclear binding energy per nucleon occurs for nuclei the vicinity of iron.
157. BCS theory is used to calculate the moments of inertia (Mol) of odd-A and even-even rare-earth nuclei.
158. The adsorption of retarders on the surface of nuclei newly produced inhibits the crystal growth of dihydrate and accordingly controls the hydration process of gypsum.
159. Polar nuclei could autofused to a big secondary cell, but further differentiation of the cell was not observed.
160. In the accessory olivary nuclei labeled terminal branches were more numerous in lumbar injection cases.
161. Bosons include mesons, nuclei of even mass number,(Sentence dictionary) and the particles required to embody the fields of quantum field theory.
162. The nuclei are 5 mm in diameter, spherical or semispherical in shape.
163. Translocation of FOS and MYC from cytoplasm to nuclei of spermatogonia is consistent with quick proliferation of spermatogonia .
164. The high energy radiation mechanism research of active galactic nuclei is a key to understanding their structure, evolution features and origin of central drive.
165. And the real killer is if we get too close we're even going to have nuclear-nuclear repulsion between the nuclei of the two atoms.
166. Karyogamy The fusion of two nuclei that exist within a common cytoplasm, as occurs in the formation of the zygote from two gametes.
167. The interphase nuclei was observed to be the round prochromosome type , and the prophase chromosome type was the interstitial type .
168. A microscopic approach for studying rhe collective states of odd-mass nuclei is proposed from the viewpoint of interacting boson-fermion model.
169. Objective To explore the transductive relationship between pineal, central nuclei of suprachiasmatic nucleus and dorsal raphe , and peripheral lymphocyte in terms of circadian rhythm.
170. To free electrons, something has to make them whirl fast enough to break away from their nuclei.
171. For the hyperdeformations in the actinide nuclei, the theoretical predictions, experimental methods, primary results and existing problems have been discussed.
172. The temporal features of interaction between excitatory and inhibitory input from both lower and higher auditory nuclei to inferior colliculus(IC) shape their responses to complex sound.
173. However, the nuclei of low, cuboidal follicular cells were getting smaller and elliptic, and they were scarce of organelles.
174. Histones are protein - found in eukaryotic cell nuclei, tightly bound to DNA, which has many phosphate groups.
175. The influence on erythrocytes nuclei in healthy Bufo gargarizans after injected with thioglycolic acid was studied.
176. In a frog renal carcinoma model, the transfer of nuclei from tumor cells into oocytes was reported to reverse oncogenesis and to direct development to the tadpole stage .
177. When we're talking about r for internuclear distance, we're talking about the distance between two different nuclei in a bond, in a covalent bond.
178. AIM:To study the response of astrocytes and motoneurons in hypoglossal nuclei and their interrelation after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats, and explore the possible mechanism.
179. The research on cavitation mechanism shows that nuclei have strong effect on cavitation inception, cavitation development and cavitation noise.
180. The research on the calculation of the nuclear shell correction energy is of great importance for improving the nuclear theory and for the synthesis of super-heavy nuclei.
181. Through a series of model compounds, it is proved that short aliphatic bridge between two aromatic nuclei can be determined at least qualitatively by ozonization.
182. Second, its region is the most difficult in which to describe odd-odd nuclei .
183. Conclusion The reduction of GAD65 and GAD67 positive production in the aged rat auditory brainstem nuclei may be related to presbycusis.
183. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
184. The study of the insides of atoms , or of atomic nuclei, called nuclear science, or nucleonics.
185. Chiasmata also help to hold homologs together until the start of anaphase, thus helping to ensure the correct distribution of chromosomes into the daughter nuclei .
186. However , the neoplastic cells show pleomorphism, with hyperchromatic nuclei.
187. Many nuclei have become pyknotic and have then undergone karorrhexis and karyolysis.
188. Dikaryon (dicaryon) A fungal hypha or mycelium whose cells each contain two different nuclei, arising from the fusion of two compatible cells, each with one nucleus.
189. The changes of retinal vessels of mice were observed by ADPase histochemical technique and HE staining was used to count preretinal neovascular nuclei.
190. Radiofrequency derogation under stereotactic orientation to thalamic nuclei Vo and Vim is safe, effective and basically without recurrence in Writer's Cramp.
191. The results showed that chicken′s nuclei rotundus mainly accepted the nerve fiber of the posterodorsal central gray of the visual tectum.
192. By employing the 1/N expansion technique, the analytical expressions of the reduced E4 matrix elements are derived for deformed nuclei.




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