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单词 Matrixes
1. Europe is remaking itself politically within the matrix of the European Community.
2. Rome was the matrix of Western civilization.
3. The fossils lie embedded in a matrix of shale and sandstone.
4. The new product matrix sets out to present complex information with clarity.
5. It is also capable of reading text produced on a dot matrix printer, or from the output from a fax card.
6. These chitin fibres are embedded in matrix materials, making the wall material like a carbon fibre composite.
7. Fig 4.11 outlines the way in which the bigram and matrices are used in conjunction.
8. This shape matrix was then compared to a stored dictionary of words to find the word most consistent with the shape information.
9. The use of longer transitions requires a larger training corpus, increased storage for the transition matrices and is computationally more demanding.
10. These two specimens are beautifully preserved, extracted from a matrix of white chalk, which gives them their colour.
11. With figure 4.2, however, the cycle is seen as going diagonally across the matrix rather than running along one axis.
12. Punctuation marks are classified as separate syntactic categories and grammars and transition matrices based around this assumption.
13. The book is divided into two distinct parts, one describing analysis of aqueous samples and the other analysis of solid matrices.
14. Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
15. The pathways taken by the cells may be determined by the nature of the extracellular matrix and contacts with other cells enroute.
16. In the Management Matrix model there is an even broader conception of the range of decisions calling for specialization and delegation.
17. Matrix appeared to be a very, very high priority for the previous administration.
18. The calcareous skeletons of this distinctive species have weathered out from the limestone matrix.
19. The matrix enables links to the awards of other examining bodies to be established.
20. The matrix approach is best suited for complex projects which require the simultaneous efforts of experts from several disciplines.
21. The feature matrixes exhibit self-correlativity of picture element distribution.
22. The construction of unitary matrixes for quantum computation by means of red and blue detuning transitions in an ion trap is first discussed.
23. The influence coefficient matrixes of initial parameter are used for the solutions of the initial parameter equations.
24. Matrixes: various matrixes of benders, crimping machines, Punching shear machines, drawbenchs, and plum spanners.
25. As special forms of matrixes, symmetric and anti-symmetric matrix plays a key role not only in the theory of matrix but also in actual application.
26. This paper studies the transformation matrixes for perspective projection and axonometric projection, deduces the general matrix for three dimensional graphic transformation.
27. To automatically plan the assembly sequences of large space truss structures in the process of on-orbit assembly mission, a hierarchical planning method based on connection matrixes was presented.
28. The hardening gradient and the character of abrasion in hardening layer of hypoeutectoid steel with two kinds of matrixes that was treated by laser beam have been studied.
29. For the sake of using the research of normal systems easily, descriptor systems are changed into normal systems by using Jordan decomposition of matrixes and their observability is hold on.
30. The method of the singular value decomposition (SVD) of matrixes reflects the inwardness and essence character of the images, so it has wide application in the image processing.
31. The essay provides a "combined method" for the computation of the common eigenstates of the commutative Hermitian matrixes and discusses the correlated items.
32. In this paper, a logic mode of ISDN is given by analysing the CCITT's conceptional principles, sorting structures of its functional elements, and their service analysis matrixes.
33. Effects of 4 matrixes, spraying of "Yuhualing", a kind of biotype organic nutrition on the rooting and seedling rate of papaya cuttings were studied.
34. Secondly, error modules of main braking were established and errors of the guidance law designed above were analyzed by error sensitivity coefficient matrixes.
35. Based on transmission line theory, the voltage transfer ratio function matrixes are derived for the multi-conductor cable system.
36. The dimension of Scoring matrixes X is descended by using scoring rate or passing rate or coefficient of correlation or guess rate when estimating those item parameters.
37. The results indicate that the natural extracellular matrixes such as collagen (COL), hyaluronic acid (HYA) and phosphoserine (PS) play important roles in the modulation of mineralization.
38. This paper presents an access method for the large scale band matrix in the national economic planning and the national energy planning. The band matrixes are stored with an one-dimension array.
39. The system manage design process of a product with project mode, and can establish and manage function-means tree, product tree and design matrixes to store structurized design data.
40. The paper also shows how to simplify a set of decomposed matrixes by means of "Switching Matrix", and how to transform it back into hydraulic system layout.
41. Firstly, the opto-mechanical structure and modeling theory were introduced, and the transformation matrixes of mirrors were presented.
42. Initiates ascending to 3000 will have to become aware of the tendency to wish to plug into the matrixes rather than reweaving the grid work inside of the form.
43. The uncertainties form a convex cone spanned by a number of known constant matrixes.
44. The algorithm constructs matrixes by using covariation or covariation coefficient and estimates bearing and range of near-field sources by rooting method.
45. Matrixes are electrical boxes that originated in the Pleiades and Alpha Centauri primarily.
46. To solve problem for safe over summering of cool-type tall fescue in Wuhan, we carried in a contrast test on lawn of tall fescue over different soil matrixes.
47. Transformation matrixes of voltage vector and its dwell time between two - level and arbitrary - level inverters are derived.
48. By decomposing a matrix into one diagonalizable matrix and two orthogonal matrixes, singular value decomposition has very good properties.
49. Based on the screw theory, the first-order effect coefficient matrixes of a 3-UPU parallel pyramid mechanism under initial position and movement along X-coordinate axis are established.
50. This paper attempts to describe the theoretical model of SSA. Based on the theory of bilateral electromechanical transducer, SSA is modeled by transfer matrixes of bilateral transducers.
51. The sufficient and necessary condition of controllability and reachability of a class of linear switching systems which has the same systematic matrix and different input matrixes is given.
52. Another result is presented a topological formula for any 2-order algebraic cofactor in passive network node admittance matrixes.
53. The grey incidence matrixes were established according to the grey relevance degree of data series.
54. Disease machinery is a lower octave of the matrixes for all intents and purposes.
55. The noise correlation matrixes of cascade representation(), impedance representation and conductance representation of a two-port network were derived from basic circuit and noise definitions.
56. The selection of weighting function matrixes and the controller design method for a plant with a pole on imaginary axis is discussed in detail.
57. The problem of minimum_energy optimal control for multivariable linear systems determined by a class of differential operator matrixes is investigated.
58. At the same time,( ) derived two additional stiffness matrixes of foundation while the semi-infinite spatial elastic base and piles jointly work with foundation.
59. Firstly, we use norm theory to research the controlled chaotic systems and lead to some sufficient conditions for system convergence and the choice of state feedback gain matrixes.
60. In this Paper it is Proved by the rank transformation that maximum rank of the adjacent matrixes of all spanning trees of a connected graph G is twice the line independence number of the graph G.
61. The controlling means configured for controlling the culture medium to submerge the porous matrixes at high level, and to emerge the porous matrixes at low level.
62. An approach to formation of IF equivalent matrixes by finding the transitive closure is presented with the proof of theorems of transitive closure and resembling matrix.
63. The three factorial square matrix is the most basical matrix, however, it is not easy and simple to deal with the problems on this sort of matrixes as mentioned above.




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