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单词 Excavation
1 More discoveries were made as the excavation proceeded.
2 Excavation of the site will begin tomorrow.
3 The excavation of the buried city took a long time.
4 Excavation on the site is likely to continue for several years.
5 Pompeii remains the most complete urban excavation ever undertaken.
6 The excavation of the tunnel is still incomplete.
7 Rock excavation is obviously very expensive.
8 One other oasis town is currently under excavation.
9 These areas served as guides for subsequent excavation.
10 But his defenders note that the current excavation of the tunnel was initiated by the Labor government.
11 The excavation of a village may reveal a number of small buildings clustered around one much larger building.
12 A museum allows visitors to watch an ongoing excavation by paleontologists.
13 Another major limiting factor in excavation is the subjective nature of the excavation process.
14 Using open cut excavation where possible, Nuttall has moved about 26,000 cu m of alluvium and gravel.
15 The excavation laid bare the streets of the ancient city.
16 In that excavation, however, the water was not drained from the cofferdam.
17 Omsk alone required the excavation of 130,000 cubic metres of earth.
18 The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation.
19 After the war, the engineers had to invent some mammoth excavation devices to shoehorn them out.
20 As a result, interest in non-destructive fieldwork was rekindled and continues today alongside excavation.
21 Elsewhere, it is likely that the original boundaries between the fields will only be recognized through extensive survey and excavation.
22 They visit the campus of the Crow Canyon Archeological Center and one of its excavation sites.
23 Rather, individual studies have been made of certain types in the reports on the excavation of cemeteries.
24 The local Soprintendenza in charge of archaeology in the Salerno region hopes to find the money to conduct a systematic excavation of the villa.
25 The funnel-shaped pits are constructed in dry soil or sand using a novel excavation technique.
26 It was at this inquest that Gordon Thomas claimed that 60,000 cubic yards of earth had been moved during the excavation.
27 Archaeologists are becoming increasingly aware of the high cost and destructiveness of excavation.
28 A total of nine elements were seen in the slab and its counterpart and some more have been exposed by careful excavation.
29 All we had to do now was satisfy ourselves that there was enough wreckage to warrant returning for a full-scale excavation.
30 Fieldwork is a major element of this degree since the material for study is gained by survey and excavation.
1 More discoveries were made as the excavation proceeded.
2 The excavation of the buried city took a long time.
3 The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation.
31 Special precautions were taken to ensure the stability of the track during excavation for the foundations of the structure.
32 Since excavation involves destruction of much of the evidence, it is an unrepeatable exercise.
33 Witnesses at the inquest describe the excavation as being carried out in benches 5 feet high.
34 What are the best excavation methods for retrieving this information?
35 Howard Carter's own sketches, excavation notes, photographs, diaries and letters provide the historical background to the finds.
36 The task required the excavation of three and half million tons of rock with enough dynamite to level Toledo.
37 This station is new; much excavation had to be done to provide space and a new platform hall.
38 An excavation of a Roman villa, for example, can produce several tons of small fragments of pottery, glass and tiles.
39 Significant technological advances in underwater excavation and recovery are proving a mixed blessing in the field of marine archaeology.
40 Some sustained underwater excavation by Crossley and Yeadon, opened a route passable with big tanks, enabling exploration beyond.
41 The excavation of a Roman town house revealed fragments of a mosaic floor.
42 This has opened the way for what has become the largest excavation of a medieval castle yet in Britain.
43 Construction was halted when excavation work on the baroque square unearthed the ruins of a medieval synagogue destroyed in 1421.
44 Today they are out doing an excavation, looking for whatever is down there in conjunction with their theme on dinosaurs.
45 The excavation of the Viking site at York was so important, though, that the development plans were changed.
46 Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
47 Once the excavation is over, the vast majority of sites revert to the anonymity that they possessed before it started.
48 Research into Anglo-Saxon pottery found in the excavation of settlements has tended to focus on questions relating to domestic pottery production.
49 Recorded in this way, the information is easier to sort and analyse after the excavation has finished.
50 For instance, one person may estimate only electrical work, whereas another may concentrate on excavation, concrete, and forms.
51 Gravel pits help wildlife Excavation of sand and gravel may scar the landscape but it does increase habitats for wildlife.
52 Methods of Excavation Excavation is both costly and destructive, and therefore never to be undertaken lightly.
53 Desk-top publishing already promises exciting possibilities for reducing the cost of publishing excavation reports.
54 The Doctor paced around the excavation measuring the depth and imprint of the relics.
55 Many of these features were examined by Artis, though some have also benefited from recent fieldwork and excavation.
56 Half of the library is still buried beneath more recent buildings and awaits excavation.
57 A tiny excavation may remain.
58 He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into a excavation.
59 The excavation exposed some ancient ruins.
60 He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation.
61 Multi-arch tunnel has some specific characters such as large excavation scope and repetitious disturbances during excavation.
62 The excavation sequence and excavation method of the main carven system affect directly the completion date, quality, safety and cost of the project.
63 Declassification of the "affluent poverty" in western rural China should be established on the basis of excavation, cultivation and development of characteristic agricultural resources.
64 Combining with open-cut method or subsurface excavation method, subway station is built after the station passenger tunnel is perforated by shield tunneling.
65 Currently, Hadi is the European Fund for assistance at the scene of the excavation work could be excavated high pounds of property.
66 Remnants Boat . After excavation and clearing . the boat - shaped base has been restored to its original form.
67 We decided to commit ourselves and began a full - scale excavation of the site in 1977.
67 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
68 Its excavation brings a distinct breakthrough to the research of Hellenistic civilization.
69 Due to the mucky soil's high natural moisture content, large compressibility , low strength and other areal discrepancies, the risk of foundation excavation is high.
70 Ancient tombs are main targets for archaeological investigation and excavation.
71 The Antiquities Service allocated excavation permits and gave many Egyptology students firsthand knowledge of ancient Egypt.
72 It may effectively enhance the working surface excavation equipment the use factor, fully displays the transportation system the potential, guaranteed continuously balanced produces.
73 Loess has the characteristics of structural properties, such as incomplete consolidation, collapsibility; And the multi-arch tunnel of highway has complex excavation steps and structure stress.
74 Ironically, Reliable Excavation Demolition is always the defending team in some control point and Payload maps, although its name would suggest that they are the attackers, rather than BLU.
75 The tunnel section is advised to adopt curved shape and full-face excavation by controlled blasting to reduce disturbance on surrounding rock and maintain its self-supporting capability.
76 The double - row piles with both inclined and horizontal bolsters also analyzed in consideration of staged excavation.
77 There are many blue holes on Abaco and other Bahamian islands, but this is the first to be the site of a sophisticated fossil excavation, Steadman said.
78 In point of view of the principle of inreversible process, the energy dissipation of rock mass excavation is analysed.
79 According to common problems on spiral excavation drilled-pouring pile, including deviation of pile, declivity of hole, slumped hole, it analyzes reasons and puts forward relative prevention measures.
80 The main retrieval hot spot concentrates in the knowledge excavation, theisomerism information conformity retrieval, the total information retrieval.
81 The rationality of the pile body process and the conformity of foundation bearing capacity to the design requirements are the critical factors in the quality supervision of manual excavation piling.
82 I think in a lot of ways - and this could probably be said of Spenser as well - Milton is attracted to the excavation project.
83 The stability of sludge sump of underground continuous wall during short sump excavation was discussed.
84 Due to piedmont area stratified soil layers are present at the prism excavation depth.
85 Smooth blasting of slope excavation would inevitably bring on damnification of slope remaining rock mass.
86 The results of the studies on the blasting excavation sequence and excavation options for the main carven system on the right bank of Three Gorges can be taken for reference by relevant units.
87 During the process of shaft excavation, especially in threading coal formation which have outburst tendency, coal (rock) and gas outburst bring much difficulty to coal mine.
88 There are frequent surface disturbance and severe wind erosion and gravity erosion in excavation area, prevention of circumferential retrogressive erosion and devolution should be laid stress on.
89 Construction of concrete lining at the time of the basic lofting lofting method consistent with the excavation.
90 The lateral deformation of retaining wall is a very important and key variable in excavation engineering.
91 Data link rules are one of the main technical in data excavation , and it is also the closest to the process form when trying to understand the data excavation .
92 Shaft to ventilation and excavation, repair qanat soil when used.
93 Walterfang hires Mike Flecker, an Australian maritime archaeologist, to manage the excavation. The whole vessel was buried.
94 The rescue excavation is being undertaken by archaeologists from Orkney College and is sponsored by by Orkney Islands Council and Historic Scotland.
95 Safety Certificate or equivalent is also required where there is a risk that flammable, asphyxiant, or otherwise hazardous vapours might accumulate within the excavation.
96 The excavation of foundation for rock wall crane beam is the key of whole construction.
97 In Chapter two, the main methods are discussed for selecting evaluation index of reference investigation, Delphi, relative analysis, and co-operative excavation.
97 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
98 In the paper, the design of dewatering and drainage by pipe well point method for deep foundation pit excavation of a metro station in Shenzhen city is presented.
99 Exploration works have shown that there are alveolate isolated aquifers in the loose deposits with rich groundwater. By direct viewing, the landslide was caused by road excavation in 1998.
100 The structure deformation of old metro station and ground settlement in proximity by vehicle contact load is analyzed during the deep excavation of nearby new transfer metro station.
101 By analysis of difficult points in underdrainage design at excavation section, the paper briefly introduces thinkings and methods for underdrainage design at excavation section.
102 The use of quadrature function curve fitting in excavation volume calculation of earthwork wasdiscussed.
103 The mainly keystone is:excavation and maintenance groudsill pit, propping up pond wall moulding board and casting pond wall concrete.
104 The boundary of earthwork excavation and the Triangle network can be reconstructed.
105 The present relief of more than 1000 ft was due to excavation.
106 A calculation programme of finite element method has been developed in order to study the behavior of excavation with sheet piling in soft clay.
107 The association analysis using data mining theory, a certain life insurance policies the company's history database of the excavation, has been reasonable, reliable association rules.
108 According to the principle of conservation, differential equation which can describe disturbance flow and temperature distribution law of airflow of excavation roadway is a educed .
109 The excavation near a fault may lead to the fault activation, which is likely to cause or intensify the partial load on tunnels.
110 Usually at least three fell to traps and magic during the entranceway excavation.
111 The results show that the upheaval of the excavation using the top-down method is about 1/3 compared with the excavation using the bottom-up method.
112 Ah-nu except convinces the players to return to the team completely with all one's strength, also does everything possible the player which the excavation quite has the potential.
113 The sequence of excavation for the shaft of diversion system at Pushihe storage power station is to excavate the pioneer well used by back well boring machine, then by hand air drill to expand it.
114 The presented computation methods are also applicable to stability analysis of catch drain, impended wall, open caisson and other excavation works during construction.
115 Hydraulic lift integrates bulldozing, rotary excavation, agitation, conveying, loading together.
116 After a couple of hundred meters, we passed over the inner ditch and stopped to look at our recently finished excavation trench, where we had found a funnel-shaped footing for a tree-trunk palisade.
117 "The Authorizer" is also to consider if a confined space permit is necessary should excavation form any part of an enclosure.
118 Soil Mixing Wall (SMW) is a new method for an excavation supporting system. It integrates soil retaining with water sealing.
119 The lateral deformation of the diaphragm wall in clays has been analyzed for braced-cut during excavation.
120 The main causes of breakage were concrete tube pile instability of foundation pit or failure of its bracing, soil squeeze due to pile driving, incorrect excavation and incorrect heap of soil.
121 Level the ground and clear dregs on the surface, followed by setting-out and excavation.
122 There exists inevitable disturbing influence to the nearby architectures during the underground engineering excavation.
123 The serious hydrocele of the excation might conduce the working face or livelong minesubmerged, So need use many ways to detect the hydrocele of the excavation.
124 The four-year excavation, which also turned up other ruins, including a necropolis burial ground, was carried out by a group of Italian and British archaeologists.
125 Earth excavation and backfill is to have the appropriate security measures to strictly regulate the construction.
126 This paper introduces the designing thoughts and calculation steps of large span excavation platform when using large permanent sinking headframe.
127 During the process of deep excavation digging,(Sentencedict) it is an important task to monitor the excavation and affected building to make sure the spot's safety and go on wheels with the schedule.
128 The results show that the calculation of three-dimensional analysis of deep excavation is an effective means to study spatial effect.
129 This paper introduces excavation of the unfavorable geological section of tunnel project of Wanjiazhai YRDP, temporary brace and construction of concrete lining.
130 An elastoplastic shear strength reduction FEM is used to analyze the stability of excavation slope.
131 The collapse of a braced excavation in Singapore, April 2004 Whittle.
132 Changsha is also known for its important 2, 100 - year old Han Excavation.
133 The excavation engineering is an antiquated and modern geotechnical engineering problem.
134 They are currently working at an excavation at Theban Tomb Sixteen.
135 In Yangtze works , Phase III, the land - based reservoir will be constructed by excavation.
136 In view of the property of slurry and the peculiarity of true soil, the mechanism of slurry dado with concrete curtain wall method in shaft excavation has been studied in this paper.
137 This paper discusses the construction plan of highway tunnel by zero excavation.
138 The low density drilling fluid has borehole excavation effect on compensated neutron porosity logging, and by this way apparent porosity is lower than the true value.
139 Due to high in situ stress in the powerhouse area, important deformation of local surrounding rock, rock burst, shotcrete spalling occur during excavation.
140 Secondary stress after excavation could result in deformation of the surrounding rock at Jinping hydropower plant because of deep embedment of the aqueduct tunnel and low compression strength of rock.
141 Linear optimization is often used in the calculation of earth adaptation, the calculation is a huge operation by human if there are many excavation areas and placement areas in it.
142 Controlled blasting technology that is an excavation mode of small-bore and subordinate blasting row by row is used in construction.
143 The results of the studies on the blasting excavation sequence and excavation options for the main carven system on the right bank of Three Gorges can be taken for reference by relevant u...
144 Permit to work - hot work, excavation, confined space entry, scaffolding erection.
145 The stress - strain of excavation in layers optimum to single excavation.
146 For a long time, the subgrade project quality testing and evaluation method follows the traditional excavation inspection and drilling and sampling test techniques.
147 The excavation exposed a staggering numBer of Bronze age artifacts.
148 Ground water is lowered by the drainage which can be caused by any deep excavation.
149 Studies deep excavation dewatering program designing methods of Ritz finite element and Galerkin finite element.
150 By using ALGOR finite element analysis system, the stress field and displacement field of deep excavation were calculated.
151 Scientific excavation of the remains was undertaken by the Franciscans in 1909.
152 To meet the water and smoke to tobacco-curing, he built a volume of 150 cubic meters Shan Tong 11, the channel excavation 250 meters, 200 meters to install pipelines, newly built barn 19.
153 The in-situ rehabilitation of seriously corroded pipelines without excavation will save numerous money for oil fields, and will result in great social and economic efficiencies.
154 Yingkou City to use alargenumberof traffic accidents due to factors analysis, traffic statistics from the excavation of which holds the essence law.
155 Many highway distresses often appear in the loess excavation section because the collapsible property of loess.
156 The article analyses the mechanism and affected range of surface settlement around by excavation perviousness, and discusses the affecting factors and the measures to control it.
157 The horizontal frost-heaving force is attenuated in the process of excavation with the maximum attenuation rate being 40 percent.sentence dictionary
158 From the angle of industry, working capital turnover of real estate, excavation and electric power have obvious relation with corporation's performance because of their selves' characteristic.
159 Degree of ore-rock fragmentation and composite economic benefit could be improved by application of the digital electronic detonator during electric shovel excavation.
160 Professor Bestock led five graduate students on a recent excavation at Abydos, in southern Egypt.
161 The loss of strength due to the strong disturbance of underlaying residual soil by the excavation of foundation trench shall cause obvious settlement of cushion cap with its gravity.
162 Deep excavation is a venture project, its risk represent that excavation supporting structure is a provisional establishment, once the basement completed it will blank out.
163 That main excavation and loading equipment at present in domestic large-scale open-pit is the Electric shovel.
164 "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.
165 Based on observation and investigation insitu, a method is presented to solve equivalent permeability tensor of rock mass during excavation.
166 By this time, however the building was gone, the excavation was completed.
167 The major key of highway excavation and slope treating lies in the organic combine of geology survey, design and construction.
168 Civil work for excavation, rock blasting, shotcrete , embankment and reclamation, construct jetty, roadwork and painting work.
169 This paper introduces the construction operation procedure of tunnel engineering in adverse geologic areas, which includes excavation, temporary support, concrete lining, and so forth.
170 The deflection of precast piles and excavation problems induced by pile driving are introduced through an engineering case of pile foundation treatment of a power plant.
171 With reasonable vertical drainage system and through site monitoring, safe excavation of foundation pit and quality of piles were assured.
172 The excessive pore water pressure induced by excavation should be determined by the undrained triaxial compression test according to the stress path of the soil in and out of foundation pit.
173 It may avoid stopping transportation and polluting city environment to have excavation in the open replaced by shallow-concealed excavation for large scale underground cable tunnel construction.
174 Mechanical excavation is carried out by a variety of machines, including the shovel and drag - line excavator.
175 The key problem of the excavation of the main carven system is to determine the best excavation sequence and excavation options according to the concrete features of the project.
176 Polygon clipping was a significant arithmetic in the model building of virtual tunnel excavation.
177 In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory.
178 The Indus civilization was brought to light in excavation by Sir John Marshall in the 1920 s.
179 Our new habitation was an excavation made in the earth.
180 This paper presents the method of iteration and accumulation for braced sheeting pile wall in deep excavation engineering, which be suited to heterogeneous stratumstratified soil.
181 Based a method is presented to solve equivalent permeability tensor of rock mass during excavation.
182 When conducting numerical analysis of plastic cracking zone of rock mass subjected to underground excavation, its results mainly depend on the adopted plastic flow criterion.
183 Through tracing the change of the stress on the horizontal and slantwise paths, the influence and scopes of the excavation effect on the inside stress field of the slope are put forward.
184 The real value of a person doesn't depend on how the others valuate him but the fully excavation of his own potential.
185 The blasting of slope excavation results in the damage of rock mass consequentially.




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