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单词 plight
释义  plight1 /plaɪt/ ●○○ noun [usually singular]  SERIOUS SITUATIONa very bad situation that someone is in 困境,苦境plight of the desperate plight of the flood victims 洪水灾民的绝境 the country’s economic plight 该国的经济困境Examples from the Corpusplight• Her husband simply dismissed her plight and carried on with his plan to go riding.• Roy was sympathetic to her plight and offered to help her look for her daughter.• It parks, waits and taunts our plight.• Concern about the plight of young intellectuals was mixed with promises of improvements.• A new report exposes the plight of skilled nurses, who work long hours for very low rates of pay.• His chief concern is the plight of kids growing up in the ghettoes.• There can be no real understanding of the plight of either rural or urban poor.• The Republican contender said he never understood the plight of the handicapped before he was injured.• the plight of homeless children• He embraced their plight as best he could.• Through their various plights, the drama questions a world where feminine ideals regularly defy rational explanation.• The film deals with the nomadic desert people of the Sahel, whose plight has worsened in the recent years of drought.plight2 verb  plight your troth old usePROMISE to promise someone that you will marry them 许婚;承诺结婚Origin plight (1300-1400) Anglo-French plit, from Latin plictus; → PLAITplight1 nounplight2 verbChinese  someone Corpus a that is situation very bad in




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