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单词 plausible
释义  plau·si·ble /ˈplɔːzəbəl $ ˈplɒː-/ ●○○ adjective  1  BELIEVEreasonable and likely to be true or successful 貌似有理的;似乎是真的 OPP implausible His story certainly sounds plausible. 他的叙述听上去当然很合理。 a plausible explanation 说得过去的解释2  TRUEsomeone who is plausible is good at talking in a way that sounds reasonable and truthful, although they may in fact be lying 〔人〕花言巧语的;能言善辩的,能说会道的 a plausible liar 一个能说会道的撒谎者 —plausibly adverb —plausibility /ˌplɔːzəˈbɪləti $ ˌplɒː-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusplausible• Where the medium is not continuous on the scale of the measurement being made the assumption is not so plausible.• Although she is pretend-reading and she guesses what the print probably says rather than decoding the print, her story sounds plausible.• In comparison with fabliaux like that, the misbehaviour of the monk and the wife is all too deliberate and plausible.• Langham's story sounded plausible at the time.• But it is quite possible to think of plausible cases.• I need to think of a plausible excuse for not going to the meeting.• The most plausible explanation of this observation is an abrupt, massive, global acidification of rainwater.• Students may well differ in how plausible they find efficient-market theory.• His explanation sounds fairly plausible to me.• In any plausible way of forming Jupiter the hydrogen and helium are initially well mixed at a molecular level.Origin plausible (1500-1600) Latin plausibilis “worth applauding”, from plaudere; → PLAUDITSplau·si·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  reasonable true to or likely and successful be Corpus




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