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单词 sanctum
释义  Related topics: Religionsanc·tum /ˈsæŋktəm/ noun [countable]  1  inner sanctum TBa private place or room that only a few important people are allowed to enter – often used humorously 〔只允许少数要人入内的〕私室,密室〔常为幽默用法〕 Occasionally, she would be allowed into the inner sanctum of his office. 偶尔她也获准进入他那私密的办公室。2. RRTBa holy place inside a temple 〔庙宇中的〕圣所,内殿Examples from the Corpussanctum• Please recall how I've been penned in a sanctum on a planet for most of my days.• She strode through the door to the outer office of his sanctum, past his personal secretary, who blinked in astonishment.• Why should she have been invited into the inner sanctum while I had been so resolutely excluded?• Renaissance encyclopaedias often had architectural structures, as though the reader were progressing towards the inner sanctum of truth.• And there would be me, allowed into their inner sanctum.• I skirted the dike district too - or at any rate two big chicks denied me entry to their purple sanctum.• The Governor's sanctum was a leviathan suffused with the same dreary red light.• Ruby laser light stitched the interior of the sanctum like thinnest threads of stronger flame within a dully glowing oven.Origin sanctum (1500-1600) Late Latin Latin sanctus; → SAINTsanc·tum nounChineseSyllable  that room a only few place a Corpus or private




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