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单词 pilgrimage
释义  Related topics: Religionpil·grim·age /ˈpɪlɡrəmɪdʒ/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  RRa journey to a holy place for religious reasons 朝圣之旅make a pilgrimage/go on (a) pilgrimage the chance to go on pilgrimage to Mecca 前往卢尔德朝圣的机会► see thesaurus at journey2  VISITa journey to a place connected with someone or something famous 〔去与名人或有名之物有关的地方〕旅行 Presley’s home has become a place of pilgrimage. “猫王”的家乡已成为旅游胜地。Examples from the Corpuspilgrimage• They set out for a pilgrimage to Rome.• On his recovery he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Rocamadour in the Quercy.• Today, Dominique Sennelier, third-generation director of the prestigious company, makes a pilgrimage to Tucson.• It was sort of a pilgrimage.• It was a pilgrimage I had had to make, and I was glad I had made it.• a pilgrimage to Graceland, Elvis' home• a pilgrimage to Mecca• In March, the Lowes made their annual pilgrimage to the Rockies.• I made two more visits to Knowlton, and it has now become a focus for my own particular pilgrimage.• I am walking the river from mouth to source, ending my journey at Amarkantak-only half the pilgrimage.• Each arises in a special way in the pilgrimage toward a united of pilgrimage• Klingenzell priory, between the castles Liebenfels and Freudenfels, was founded in 1333 and became a place of pilgrimage.• Gwytherin became a place of pilgrimage to followers of her cult.• His presence has already made Gyuto a place of pilgrimage.• That aspect of Lourdes is now of course utterly dominant: this is a place of pilgrimage and little else.• It was once a place of pilgrimage for local people, who came to listen to the nightingales that nested here.• There, in 612, he established his hermitage, which was soon a place of pilgrimage.• It, too, is an important place of pilgrimage and its music is increasingly finding its way into parishes.• I have made places of pilgrimage. and cared for their pilgrims.pil·grim·age nounChineseSyllable  holy place Corpus a journey for religious to reasons a




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