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单词 Unforeseen
1) This was a sudden and unforeseen blow.
2) For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.
3) Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent.
4) The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.
5) This was an unforeseen complication.
6) An unforeseen difficulty has arisen.
7) Call this number if any unforeseen emergency should arise.
8) Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.
9) He made no provision against the unforeseen expenses.
10) Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring.
11) Due to unforeseen circumstances ,[http:///unforeseen.html] the play has been cancelled.
12) Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
13) Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert.
14) It was sabotaged by an unforeseen fire drill.
15) Many unforeseen dangers may be lurking in the wings.
16) These actions may have unforeseen consequences.
17) Other unforeseen events also occurred in my family.
18) Something totally unforeseen could occur to preclude it.
19) In some unforeseen circumstances like death,() one parent has to be enough.
20) The unforeseen Sometimes there just is not time to consider all available options.
21) Other unforeseen difficulties have taken a further 4 percent, but Remington is confident the contingency reserve will cover it.
22) Without an efficient system and good professional advice, unforeseen problems can develop into major setbacks.
23) The precautionary motive. Unforeseen circumstances can arise, such as a car breakdown.
24) Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.
25) Measures of this sort are no doubt often inconsistent with each other and may have unforeseen consequences.
26) The player did eventually join the Peacocks, but under unusual and unforeseen circumstances.
27) It was furthermore an exercise in gaining experience in measurements with grass samples, to assist in spotting unforeseen problems.
28) Since decisions are quicker, they are also more adaptable, and easier to change in the light of unforeseen circumstances which may arise.
29) The Prince is rather easier to keep tabs on, but there is always the unforeseen to disrupt even the best-laid plans.
30) Agnew was later forced to resign over a little unforeseen matter of bribes and tax evasion stemming from his years in Maryland.
1) This was a sudden and unforeseen blow.
2) For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car.
3) Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent.
4) Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.
5) This was an unforeseen complication.
6) He made no provision against the unforeseen expenses.
31) The law does not expect a teacher to prevent an unforeseen injury that could happen quickly without warning.
32) Such projects require a creative environment and flexible plans with ample room for unforeseen delays.
33) In particular, it is recognised that agents may use some assets as a buffer-stock against unforeseen changes in net receipts.
34) This would allow us to make any changes we felt were appropriate and would highlight any unforeseen problems.
35) In the hours you allocate for work, sort out your priorities[sentence dictionary], reordering them when unforeseen circumstances arise.
36) An interest-free loan fund is also available to students who find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulty.
37) I had met Hugo at a party and unforeseen and overwhelming emotions had consumed me.
38) Similarly, there may be no control over the consequences of changing the different variables and there may be unforeseen consequences.
39) And like a faithful friend, she had carried out these instructions to the letter; with one unforeseen eventuality.
40) Our clients reserve the right to alter this timetable in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
41) But I was slow to get started on this project and before I could something unforeseen happened.
42) When uninterrupted by unforeseen or unrecognized obstacles, parents will go to great lengths to provide these advantages for their children.
43) It became more difficult for devout persons to explain why unforeseen disaster should overtake a religious group.
44) That would be excluded, they say, as force majeure-a superior power, or unforeseen circumstance.
45) The risk that payments might exceed existing money holdings for some unforeseen reason could prove very embarrassing.
46) Evidence introduced to bolster orthodoxy in one field frequently carried unforeseen implications for conventional wisdom in another.
47) Officials have shown ignorance of the fact that locking their countries into trade rules can have unforeseen consequences.
48) These energies often lie dormant till triggered by some unforeseen event or response.
49) A market would be a relatively costly way of adjusting the uses made of specific assets in response to unforeseen changes revealed over time.
50) Planned maintenance minimises unforeseen breakdowns, reduces machine running costs and ensures optimum machine availability.
51) We had to cancel our visit to Egypt because of unforeseen problems.
52) Once you have started the training you will not be allowed to leave, unless unforeseen circumstances arise.
53) Many enduring results could be noted and a number of unforeseen benefits were derived.
54) Another unforeseen dilemma which now surfaced was how to satisfy the demands of the new customers for winter-weight, or seasonal clothes.
55) Just when everything seems to be going well, some unforeseen change of mood or some unexpected symptom plunges you down again.
56) Constraints Inevitably, unforeseen difficulties will arise to inhibit progress towards some targets.
57) Some firms may have grown in an unplanned, unforeseen manner, others may have expanded in order to acquire greater prestige and so on.
58) The culture will not work as planned, and unforeseen consequences may be catastrophic.
59) It was an interesting move pregnant with unforeseen circumstances, not least the concern and misunderstanding to which it gave rise locally.
60) That way we may avoid the con-sequences of too-hasty action: global warming, unforeseen pollution, imbalances of supply and demand.
61) We overcame many unforeseen difficulties.
62) Perhaps something unforeseen has happened.
63) This is an escape hatch for any unforeseen requirements.
64) They stood aghast at this unforeseen disaster.
65) Instead[http:///unforeseen.html], she awoke from surgery with an unforeseen problem.
66) Something quite unforeseen has happened.
67) I am confident that China will quickly overcome the cosequences of the tragic event and help restore its people 's confidence and resoluteness in facing such unforeseen disaster .
68) Wasn't it true that sometimes the greatest misfortunes brought unforeseen rewards?
69) Ring regularly to check that no unforeseen problems have arisen.
70) Philby was there to monitor any unforeseen developments on a daily basis.
71) However, low inventories will also bring risks. Any unforeseen circumstances will cause materials shortage, and increase fees and costs.
72) Another 43.2 billion yuan was paid as reparations in property and unforeseen accident insurance programs.
73) It reminded him that unforeseen factors operate in the evolution of immortality.
74) PEO reserves the right to interpret and amend or cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances.
75) The ecosystem of value-added and exploitive businesses making a living off of Wikipedia will expand dramatically, which is bound to create plenty of unforeseen issues and controversies.
76) His parents'hopes and plans left no room for any unforeseen circumstances.
77) When arranging our work, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.
78) There is, unforeseen by the writer, some lack of understanding on the part of the reader or some fear, bias, eccentricity or perverseness on his part of which the writer is not aware.
79) Do you feel anxious when unforeseen incidents intrude on your day?
80) The phrase "Butterfly Effect" refers to the possibility that minor, seemingly insignificant changes (such as a butterfly flapping its wings) might produce large, unforeseen events elsewhere.
81) Followmission reserves the right to interpret and amend or cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances.
82) An unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence.
83) The process still can't be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations.
84) Risk management is essential for reducing the probability that corporate objectives will be jeopardised by unforeseen events.
85) I was in a quandary, for this situation was totally unforeseen.
86) Russia today has a glass-like quality to it: rigid and fragile at the same time, and liable to develop cracks in unforeseen places.
87) As you can see, its modular architecture gives Eclipse enormous flexibility and makes for a platform that can support a variety of applications unforeseen by the original authors.
88) Controls should remain workable in the face of changed plans, unforeseen circumstances, or outright failures.
89) We will go on with the experiment unless something unforeseen happens.
90) Giving formal notice to the Contractor that for unforeseen reasons, due to economic dislocation, it is impossible for him to continue to meet his contractual obligations.
91) A bearish market that was unforeseen by the trader will be disastrous, as they haven't prepared enough cash flow to pay for the caring of properties for the long-term.




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