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单词 Tongue
1. Let not your tongue cut your throat. 
2. The tongue breaks bone, though itself has none. 
3. Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. 
4. A good tongue is a good weapon. 
5. Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. 
6. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. 
7. The tongue of idle persons is never idle. 
8. The head is recognized by the tongue
9. The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts. 
10. When the heart is full, the tongue will speak. 
11. The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth. 
12. False tongue will hardly speak truth. 
13. The effect speaks, the tongue needs not. 
14. He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue
15. A false tongue will hardly speak truth. 
16. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. 
17. A still tongue makes a wise head. 
18. His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. 
19. Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. 
20. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 
21. A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth. 
22. The tongue is not made of steel, yet it cuts. 
23. He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk. 
24. The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high. 
25. The fool has his heart on his tongue, the wise man keeps his tongue in his heart. 
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. It is a good tongue that says no ill, and a better heart that thinks none. 
27. The wise man has long ears and a short tongue
28. An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue
29. He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue
30. Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak. 
1. A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
2. Remember to hold your tongue in the.
3. I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.
4. She ran her tongue over her lips.
5. Everyone knows now, thanks to Ken's loose tongue .
6. Edith clucked her tongue impatiently.
7. Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips.
8. He scalded his tongue with hot coffee.
9. It was a slip of the tongue.
10. He put his tongue out.
11. He clicked his tongue to attract their attention.
12. Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance.
13. His tongue flicked across his lips.
14. They are willing to give tongue in my defence.
15. She shakes her head, smiles, and clucks her tongue.
16. It's on the tip of my tongue.
17. Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
18. The stranger's question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.
19. Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue.
20. She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.
21. Despite her sharp tongue, she inspires loyalty from her friends.
22. He protruded his tongue.
23. I find it hard to get my tongue round these Polish names.
24. 'No doubt he'll give me the chance to fight him again,' he jibed, tongue in cheek.
25. . She could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. The horse rasped my hand with his tongue as I fed him the apple.
27. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of an educated man or woman.
28. It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people.
29. The chilli bites the tongue.
30. The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
31. A long tongue is a sign of a short hand. 
32. Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear twice as much as you speak. 
33. It is better to play with the ears than the tongue
34. The wise man's tongue is a shield, not a sword. 
35. A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
36. the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.
37. Remember to hold your tongue in the.
38. I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.
39. She ran her tongue over her lips.
40. Everyone knows now, thanks to Ken's loose tongue .
41. Edith clucked her tongue impatiently.
42. He speaks English, but his native tongue is German.
43. Love's tongue is in the eyes.
44. Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips.
45. He scalded his tongue with hot coffee.
46. It was a slip of the tongue.
47. He put his tongue out.
48. He clicked his tongue to attract their attention.
49. He burned his tongue with red pepper.
50. Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance.
51. His tongue flicked across his lips.
52. They are willing to give tongue in my defence.
53. She shakes her head, smiles,() and clucks her tongue.
54. It's on the tip of my tongue.
55. Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
55. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
56. The stranger's question surprised me so that I temporarily lost my tongue.
57. Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue.
58. She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.
59. Despite her sharp tongue, she inspires loyalty from her friends.
60. He protruded his tongue.
31. The tongue is a vocal organ.
32. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.
33. Don't be fooled by all his complimentary remarks — they were all said with tongue in cheek.
61. I find it hard to get my tongue round these Polish names.
62. His name's on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't think of it.
63. 'No doubt he'll give me the chance to fight him again,' he jibed, tongue in cheek.
64. . She could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue.
65. The horse rasped my hand with his tongue as I fed him the apple.
66. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of an educated man or woman.
67. It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people.
68. The little boy has a rough tongue.
69. Symptoms include dry lips and a furred tongue.
70. She moistened her lips with her tongue.
71. He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils.
72. The French feel passionately about their native tongue.
73. The chilli bites the tongue.
74. He nervously moistened his lips with his tongue.
75. When roused[], he has a cruel tongue.
76. She could hear men whispering in a foreign tongue.
77. What's the matter? Has the cat got your tongue?
78. The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect.
79. She felt more comfortable talking in her native tongue.
80. The dog lolled its tongue out in hot weather.
81. Their names trip off the tongue very easily.
82. The wine had loosened his tongue.
83. I wouldn't give tongue to such gossip.
84. The hunting dog lolled its tongue out.
85. Emma has a sharp tongue .Sentencedict
86. It was just a slip of the tongue.
87. She ran her tongue around her lips.
88. None of the tribes speak the same tongue.
89. The calf lilled out its tongue.
90. The rascal was frightened into holding his tongue.
91. The shoelace caught on the tongue of his shoe.
92. She had a waspish tongue which could hurt.
93. The dog's tongue hangs out for cooling.
94. She should have bitten her tongue.
95. His annoyance had unbridled his tongue.
96. The lizard flicked out its tongue at a fly.
97. She put the thermometer under my tongue.
98. She clicked her tongue and shook her head.
99. I know that his tongue wags.
100. A bottle of wine had loosened Harry's tongue.
101. The wine had certainly loosened her tongue.
102. Keep a civil tongue in your head!
103. He had the furred tongue of a sick man.
104. French is his native tongue.
105. Don't you dare stick your tongue out at me!
106. French is not my native tongue.
107. His tongue flicked nervously across dry lips.
108. She stuck her tongue out at me.
109. Jane has rather a sharp tongue, I'm afraid.
110. Prevent the tongue falling back and obstructing the airway.
111. The dog's tongue was hanging out.
112. Her tongue stammered and faulted with rage.
113. You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.
114. The snake's tongue flicked out.
115. He ran his tongue round his lips.
116. Her native language/tongue is German.
117. The snake's tongue shot out.
118. Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth.
119. His tongue was stung by hot food.
120. I tried speaking to her in her native tongue.
121. Her name is on the tip of my tongue.
122. The tip of her tongue was protruding slightly.
123. Mother clicked her tongue and sighed.
124. A few whiskies should loosen his tongue.
125. He was given a severe tongue lashing .
126. He ran his tongue nervously over his lips.
127. He has been squared to hold his tongue.
128. She had a nasty tongue, but I liked her.
129. The tongue of the snake flickered at us.
130. The snake darted out its tongue.
131. Don't stick your tongue out , it's rude!
132. She has a facile tongue.
133. Don't put your tongue out - it's rude.
134. The tongue is a vocal organ.
135. A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards.
136. The snake's tongue flicked out of its mouth.
137. It's not a name that exactly trips off the tongue(), is it?
138. Did I say $100? It must have been a slip of the tongue.
139. He was having trouble getting his tongue around my name.
140. The trilled ` r'is produced by vibrating the tongue against the upper teeth.
141. Her pupils often got the rough edge of her tongue when they disobeyed her.
142. Tongue lolling, the dog came lolloping back from the forest.
143. The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.
144. She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent.
145. The girl scowled at me(http://), then stuck out her tongue .
146. She passed her tongue over her cracked lips and tried to speak.
147. Your ears, eyes, tongue, nose and skin are your sense organs.
148. Our tongue helps us to talk and to taste things.
149. An old man was staring at her so she stuck her tongue out at him.
150. The boy is crude enough to stick his tongue to his own sister.
151. I didn't mean to say that?it was just a slip of the tongue.
152. I reckon you've just got to learn to hold your tongue.
153. A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.
154. It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse.
155. Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
156. I didn't believe her explanation but I bit my tongue.
157. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.
158. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
159. The taste of the chocolate was still on her tongue.
160. Did I call you Richard? Sorry, Robert, just a slip of the tongue.
161. I was so thirsty my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth.
162. Monofluorophosphate! It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?
163. She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.
164. Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.
165. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.
166. 'She sells seashells on the seashore' is a well-known tongue twister.
167. The tip of the tongue is sensitive to salt and sweet stimuli and the back of the tongue is sensitive to bitter stimuli.
168. Gina's sharp tongue will get her into trouble one day.
169. I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head .
170. Polly found her tongue at last and told them about the attack.
171. She speaks English and Danish, though her native tongue is German.
172. Tell me what you think or have you lost your tongue?
173. He said that he was America's greatest lover, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek.
174. Sam looked hurt and Maria could have bitten her tongue off.
175. The shoe has padding around the collar, heel and tongue for added comfort.
176. Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.
177. He bit his tongue as he found himself on the point of saying 'follow that car'.
178. What is her name? It's on the tip of my tongue. Joan. Joan Simpson. That's it!
179. He tried to speak English all the day,but gradually he lapsed into his native tongue.
180. I dislike the man; he has such a sharp tongue.
181. It's one language that I have real difficulty getting my tongue round.
182. It was his silver tongue that got him the job.
183. Before she could find her tongue the door had closed behind him.
184. She is too free with her tongue and is rather impertinent to people.
185. A couple of glasses of champagne had loosened my tongue and I said things that perhaps I shouldn't have.
186. It was on the tip of Mahoney's tongue to say the boss was out.
187. The poet compares his lover's tongue to a razor blade.
188. I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.
189. Anton lapsed into his own tongue when he was excited.
190. The snake picked up its head and stuck out its tongue which gave everyone a fright.
191. The new company will need to have a name that trips off the tongue and is easy to remember.
192. I walked over to the mirror and stuck my tongue out.
193. I couldn't get my tongue around the names of the villages we'd visited.
194. He bit his tongue off when he heard what she had said.
195. Don't be fooled by all his complimentary remarks — they were all said with tongue in cheek.
196. It's not a name that exactly trips off the tongue .
197. I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my tongue.
198. I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name - it was just a slip of the tongue.
199. The man was so rude I had to bite my tongue to keep from getting into argument with him.
200. After a cruel tongue lashing, he threw the girl out of the group.
201. The dog lay in a patch of shade with its tongue hanging out.
202. He has a sharp tongue.
203. The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood. Buddha 
204. Why do some memories live only on your tongue or in your nose? Why do others always stay in your heart? Amy Tan 
205. Have you ever paused to be grateful? For eyes to see, nose to smell, ears to hear, tongue to taste, hands to feel, head to think and heart to love? RVM 
206. The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust. Josh Billings 
207. We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
208. A tongue is about the size of a bullet, but much more fierce and powerful. Anthony Liccione 
209. Show your intelligence by listening as twice as you can talk, simply because we have two ears and one tongue. Epictetus 
210. A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. Nelson Mandela 
211. Nature hath given men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak. Epictetus 
212. Next time don't loll out your tongue out.
213. And people don't choose their mother tongue, do they?
214. You musk speak italian as mother - tongue.
215. The dog let its tongue loll out.
216. I speak nothing but our mother tongue.
217. His tongue even strayed out to moisten them.
218. Then you lash out your tongue and catch it.
219. They are tongue, lips, pharynx, mandible, and velum.
220. Harry's mother gave him a tongue - lashing for telling family secrets.
221. After months of treatment he survived. Magically piece of tongue grew in his mouth!
222. You shouldn't have so many guests in front loll out tongue.
223. I want to talk with people are using their mother tongue.
224. When school is over , pupils revert to speaking their mother tongue.
225. D . For sublingual - administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue and allow it to dissolve completely.
226. Objective : To investigate tongue among cases with the nasopharyngeal tissue during carcinogenesis.
227. When he poked his tongue at the press it was just a young boy's natural naughtiness.
228. Besides Chinese, my mother tongue, I can also speak English and French.
229. Salvage procedure. Medical leech attached to the congested replanted tongue segment.
230. OK, let's stop here, switch the language to mother tongue.
231. Viewers across Taiwan saw the president quietly endure tongue - lashings from survivors and the bereaved.
232. Austria's mother tongue is German is not to say that?
233. Dog : My sweat gland is on my tongue. I must loll it out to lower the temperature.
234. It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes bright red tongue hung out, twitching.
235. The author translated the fairy tale into our mother tongue.
235. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
236. Three. Besides Chinese, my mother tongue, I can also speak English and French.
237. The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.
238. Children's acquiring of the mother tongue is a long process.
239. Tongue diagnosis is one of the essential methods of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis.
240. Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of interventional chemotherapy for carcinoma of tongue through lingual artery.
241. A man's tongue is his sward. He who stirs another's porridge often burn his own.
242. Including your mother tongue and your second foreign language tool.
243. It's a must for all those whose mother tongue is not English.
244. Madame de Stael a French writer of the Napoleonic period , was renowned for her cutting tongue.
245. An infected mucous membrane, especially of the tongue, nose and larynx, commonly becomes ulcerated.
246. Australian authorities also encourage immigrants to use their mother tongue.
247. The sweet taste of sucrose can be felt only by the tongue.




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