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单词 Smack
1 Don't you dare smack my children!
2 I think it's wrong to smack children.
3 I never smack my children.
4 Don't do that or you'll get a smack.
5 I'll give him a smack in the chops if he doesn't shut up.
6 He longed to land her a good smack in the face.
7 He hit me smack in the face.
8 He hit me smack in the mouth.
9 She gave him a smart smack on the bottom.
10 She kissed me smack on the lips.
11 You're going to get a smack in a minute!
12 I gave him a smack on the jaw.
13 There was a smack of malice in her reply.
14 How long has she been on smack?
15 I'll smack your bottom if you don't behave yourself.
16 It landed smack in the middle of the carpet.
17 She lives smack in the middle of London.
18 The book landed with a smack.
19 She closed the ledger with a smack.
20 The car ran smack into a wall.
21 I'll smack your bottom if you do that again!
22 The car drove smack into a brick wall.
23 In part that's because industry is smack in the middle of the city.
24 The car ran smack into the side of the bus.
25 You're going to get a smack on the bottom if you don't stop being such a naughty boy.
26 is a good smack!
27 He was being cheeky,[] so I gave him a smack on the jaw.
28 I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends,I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.
29 She brought her hand down on the water with a smack.
30 Sometimes he just doesn't listen and I end up shouting at him or giving him a smack.
1 I think it's wrong to smack children.
2 I never smack my children.
3 Don't do that or you'll get a smack.
4 I'll give him a smack in the chops if he doesn't shut up.
5 He was being cheeky, so I gave him a smack on the jaw.
6 He longed to land her a good smack in the face.
31 She slammed her case down on the desk with a smack.
32 It's smack dab in the middle of an earthquake zone.
33 Don't make me come over there and smack you up.
34 The hacker came smack up against the company's policy of keeping its records in code.
35 There it was , smack in the middle of the room.
36 I wasn't looking where I was going and walked smack into a lamppost.
37 You'll get a smack on your backside if you're not careful.
38 Talk like that and I'll give you a smack in the mouth.
39 There was a hole smack in the middle of the floor.
40 I'd a good mind to smack him for being so rude!
41 I'll smack you very hard if you do that again!
42 Their comments smack of racism.
43 Some were smack in the middle of neighborhoods.
44 It was the same when we got into smack.
45 I use smack to blot things out.
46 She gave Danny's hand a smack.
47 Parents don't need the right to smack their children.
48 That was Ecstasy crossed with smack.
49 He decided to smack her for this.
50 I ran smack into it on Thursday.
51 You get smack cut with all kinds of shit.
52 Most parents smack their children sometimes.
53 Then, with a resounding smack(),[http:///smack.html] she slapped Claudia's face.
54 I drove smack into the side of the garage.
55 Is it because Nancy has been hospitalized or are smack and crack no longer regarded as social evils numbers one and two?
56 Also we can be talking crack, smack and Carling Black Label if we are so inclined.
57 Critics say food vouchers, health services and company warehouse-style housing with accompanying bedtime curfews smack of sharecropping days.
58 All you see in the papers now is smack, like.
59 For the purposes of this piece, I have confirmed that there are no smack addicts in Derry.
60 I discovered that it was a slippery reptile that came at high speed to smack me in my face without notice.
61 Smack. 2 Primo hears the phone ringing as he climbs the last flight of stairs.
62 Authoritarians do not apologize for the smack of firm government.
63 He hugs women and gives them a good smack on the lips.
64 One remains unassuming with a smack of humility, the other aggressive with a raw animal power.
65 Rose Tsai and Julie Lee and their like-minded neighbors on the west side are pushing issues that smack of conservative economic self-interest.
66 No wonder this Government is so despised - Major's double standards smack of deviousness.
67 Once again,[] she hadn't seen it coming; another smack in the face from an unexpected source.
68 Furthermore, the excuses he makes smack of the old trickery.
69 It is an opportunity to pack it in, to make our leap from smack to medication, from medication to cleanliness.
70 It came to rest smack against the mountain two miles west of Morrisonville.
71 I've been doing smack on and off for about five years.
72 If the horse jumps the first fence stickily, a smack on landing will sharpen him up.
73 You got ta feel a smack on the cheek, to make you draw back your teeth and react.
74 White men continued to smack his face and strike his body.
75 The occasional smack meted out in a happy, secure home is not going to scar a child's psyche.
76 He was lifted out of the water and dumped with a smack on hard wood.
77 So far, she'd just flushed the smack down the loo and shoved the syringes in the bin.
78 The particular stretch of road we want to follow is smack dab in the middle of four topographical maps.
79 Now and again there was a tiny puff of smoke and the smack of a hand-grenade or a burst of machine-gun fire.
80 Anything with even a modest smack of hops dries the palate ready for the next one.
81 The little girl gets pulled again, falls with a loud smack.
82 Smack in the middle of this pragmatic place, the legendary Antonio Gaudi built several dozen of the strangest buildings on Earth.
83 This type of groove should be played very tight, smack on the beat at all times, but with a little bounce.
84 The plastic went off with a smack of solid air that stabbed pain into his ears and moved the container next to him.
85 It was another smack in the eye for the establishment.
86 Because he thinks a woman is not gon na get up and smack him in the face.
87 The first task is to smack the ball up the ramp and enter the rollercoaster ride.
88 I was smack in the middle of this interesting war.
89 Fell from a second-floor window smack down on the flagstones not a yard from where you're standing.
90 Again, I hear the smack of collusion between Johnson and Boswell in their separate accounts of their Highland jaunt.
91 Every time your puppy snaps at someone, give him a smack on the butt with a rolled up newspaper.
92 A geezer down in Catford once mixed smack with flour.
93 The Pro Q really gives some interesting tonal variations to the sounds generated by the preamp but it does smack of overkill.
94 Because of cancer, you say, and five cars smack up on the East RIver Drive because of her.
95 There was also a huge paddling pool smack in the middle of the playground.
96 Of course,[sentence dictionary] she would have to get off smack in the long run.
97 We were too far out now to risk heading in: we were bound to be caught smack in the impact zone.
98 Then she raised one foot and brought it down with a smack on the water, splashing him, and laughed.
99 A smack terminates the child's naughty behaviour, thus bringing relief to the harassed parent.
100 There is a smack of truth in his joke.
101 I'll smack that smirk off your face, punk!
102 The other frail said he was a wet smack.
103 I gave the fly a smack with the magazine.
104 Put that down or else I'll smack you.
105 She gave him a smack on the face.
106 There was a smack of exaggeration in his story.
107 I can't smack Randall: he is too big.
108 The meat had a smack of garlic.
109 The topic of China versus India in the worldwide software smack down comes up all the time.
110 There are countless ways for the beach ball to pop up and smack us back into reality.
111 Such hopes for housing would smack of an effort to reanimate a corpse, had the bust not so far outpaced the boom.
112 Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
113 There is the arrival into Freetown, with the city's endlessly chaotic roads, traffic, and noise. Everything you imagine about urban Africa hits you smack in the face when you head downtown.
114 Once again, this seemed to me to smack more of James Bond than of real life.
115 Timothy Keating, the head of U. S. Pacific Command, said there was a " high probability" U. S. forces could smack down a North Korean missile.
116 TheOldie :Now there was a cunt you just wanted to reach out and smack that smarmy look off her face !
117 It landed smack ( - dab ) in the middle of the carpet.
118 If you're using a variable named loader() you're just asking for a Javascript smack down.
119 His partisans have introduced piles of pork that smack of the Suharto era.
120 You would want to smack anyone who offers you the next donut.
121 Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.
122 Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."
123 All this frivolousness could not come at a better time, smack in the middle of our it's-not-really-that-bad recession.
124 Amidst all the recent talk of boom vs. bubble, there is a hue and cry that the current environment may smack of 1999.
125 The car slid off the road smack dab into a telephone pole.
126 I'm not sure I'll ever get over you making me kiss your great-aunt smack on the mustache!
127 A typewriter is also appealing in its transparency — whack a key,[] and watch the typebar smack a letter onto a piece of paper.
128 Every time I lobbed a suggestion, she'd smack it back at me like a tennis pro.
129 Plagued by on-set accidents, Aeon Flux fizzled commercially, but at least the filmmakers took a stab at casting an A-list actress smack in the middle of the action.
130 The flagon shattered underneath him as the floor came up to smack him in the head.
131 Now and then he spits out oft he window(), big healthy gobs of brown juice which resound with a smack on the pavement below. He seems content now.
132 There is a small risk that this rubbish will smack into human beings when minor amounts of it re-enter the earth's atmosphere.
133 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A dead 6-ton satellite is getting closer and closer, and is expected to smack down on Earth on Friday.
134 Smack in the middle of the blazing Chihuahuan Desert, a snorkeler scans the bottom of a spring-fed pool for aquatic life.
135 Avowal. Sonnez. I could . Rebound of garter . Not leave thee. Smack.
136 Any negotiation - whether for personal or business reasons - would more resemble a smack down than a cordial handshake.
137 Seat of Loving County, the least populated county in the lower 48 states, Mentone sits smack in the middle of furnace-hot desert with oceans of oil belowground and not much to speak of above.
138 Lay some side-splitting smack down in the game that is sure to leave a mark.
139 No matter how hard he tried to skitter out of the way, he always ran smack into Bei.
140 He saluted Jeanie with a hearty smack, and bade her welcome to Argyle's country.




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