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单词 paella
释义  Related topics: Food, dishpa·el·la /paɪˈelə $ pɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  DFFa Spanish dish made with rice, pieces of meat, fish, and vegetables 〔用肉、鱼和蔬菜烹制的〕西班牙大锅饭,西班牙什锦饭Examples from the Corpuspaella• It can be used in all sorts of recipes from paella or salmon and broccoli quiche to lemon layer-pudding.• There was only a very slight frown on her brow when Fernando went inside to bring out the paella.Origin paella (1800-1900) Catalan “pot, pan”, from Latin patella; → PATELLApa·el·la nounChineseSyllable  rice, of dish with pieces Corpus Spanish a made




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