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单词 own brand
释义  Related topics: Tradeˌown ˈbrand adjective British English  BBTown brand goods are specially produced and sold by particular shops and have the name of the shop on them 自有品牌的〔指产品由店家自产自销并标有店家名称的〕 SYN American English store brand Tesco’s own brand tomato sauce 乐购的自有品牌番茄酱From Longman Business Dictionaryown-brandˌown-ˈbrand adjective [only before a noun] British EnglishMARKETINGCOMMERCE own-brand products have on them the name of the shop that is selling them, rather than the producer’s nameSYN AmE own-labelWe indicate the recyclability of the packaging on our own-brand products. → compare genericˌown ˈbrand adjectiveChineseSyllable  specially Business and own goods produced brand are




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