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单词 Spencer
1. Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture .
2. James Spencer, prosecuting, claimed that the witness was lying.
3. Katherine Hepburn co-starred with Spencer Tracy in many films.
4. Lady Diana Spencer became Princess Diana when she married Prince Charles.
5. Spencer scuttled away from Young to shoot wide when he should have scored.
6. Spencer refused to proffer an apology.
7. Earl Spencer was not expected to survive the night.
8. Jack Spencer was a high school teacher and a coach.
9. Corporal Spencer will be held in jail until his court-martial in 90 days.
10. Spencer may play against the Nuggets, pending the results of X-rays and an MRI....
11. Spencer began his speech with a quotation from Karl Marx.
12. Generations of Spencer men and women have fulfilled the functions of Lord Chamberlain, equerry, lady-in-waiting and other positions at Court.
13. Unless Spencer is traded, the latter seems to be the odd man out despite showing improvement in the preseason.
14. The brief seizures described by During and Spencer would not, however, be expected to give rise to nerve cell death.
15. Jack and Magee Spencer wanted to see a better return on the investment of their time and energy.
16. Spencer insisted that free enterprise was the key to social progress.
17. Earl Spencer loved the carriage ride, waving enthusiastically to the crowds.
18. I don't think the Stanley Spencer is right over the fireplace.
19. "You haven't heard the last of this!'' shouted Spencer, retreating up the stairs.
20. Stanley Spencer said that when you paint a face, it's like crawling across the landscape of that face.
21. When the heir to the Spencer earldom got married three years ago, Guppy was his best man.Sentence dictionary
22. In the early 1970s, Spencer Stuart himself considered selling out to a general consulting business.
23. His paintings are in the tradition of those of Bacon and Spencer.
24. Before she married Charles, her title was Lady Diana Spencer.
25. It was about a young honeymoon couple, Frank and Betty Spencer.
26. Himself a traditional artist, he recommended a variety of colleagues of widely differing styles, including Epstein and Stanley Spencer.
27. All this results in a rare phenomenon: Marks and Spencer is a company people are fond of.
28. With more emphasis on household products, does this mean that Marks and Spencer is turning itself into a supermarket?
29. She says that Siobhan will not stop asking after her Marks and Spencer coat, which was abandoned in the wreck.
30. After a lucky thirteen episodes, Crawford decided that Frank Spencer should bow out.
1. Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture .
31. As he expected, he found nothing incriminating, Spencer would be far too careful for that.
32. Spencer was kind, courteous, sometimes hot-tempered, cleverer than most people thought and very funny.
33. He was dressed in the garb of a Catholic priest and he bore an uncanny resemblance to the now legendary Spencer Tracy.
34. He goes beyond Spencer and Comte although they are important sources for him.
35. It is, of course, less honest than Spencer and denies that anyone will starve to death.
36. The accident-prone Frank Spencer was just a step away from Runnicles, the witless bank clerk.
37. Spencer hoped that therapy would free her from her inner demons.
38. In past years, Diana knew that Earl Spencer would be a shoulder to cry on and a loving counsellor.
39. And he showed he means to make goals a top priority with the £400,000 move for Rangers livewire front man Spencer.
40. Spencer immediately got into a raging argument with her teammates.
41. Spencer waved vigorously to avert a second major accident and was eventually spotted and taken on board.
42. A group of senior Spencer Stuart consultants raised with him the possibility of a sale to the consulting staff instead.
43. Yet this view implied, or rather was explicitly based in Comte and Spencer, on a historical view of evolutionary progress.
44. There was much about the Spencer children that I would never understand, especially their relationship with Raine.
45. The union reacted bitterly to a toughly worded edict from Darlington area delivery services manager Spencer Hindmarsh to keep costs down.
46. Certainly in his bachelor days Johnnie Spencer was the catch of the county.
47. Spencer hurried after him and as Craig flung wide the doors, he felt himself being grasped from behind.
48. Marks and Spencer have made a name for themselves as a producer of high quality goods at reasonable prices.
49. A particular coup for the firm was the contract to supply the rapidly expanding Marks and Spencer chain.
50. In spite of her success, Spencer continues to get depressed.
51. It was Betty Spencer, and Frank was the idiot husband who said very little, just following her around.
52. He is also very close to Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, and has attended other shooting parties on the estate.
53. Stanley Spencer had been through the war; he had experienced the horror, the vulgarity, of war.
54. The princess had arrived at Althorp, the Spencer family seat earlier in the day.
55. Offensive lineman Chris Spencer may make the largest impact in the Southeastern Conference by a freshman.
56. Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture and Emily felt physically sick at the mere thought of marrying him.
57. Spencer and Gillen photographed and detailed aborigines dressed as animals, emitting animal cries to promote fertility.
58. Her dad, Earl Spencer, gave Di a present of £1 million.
59. The first Melbourne station, at Spencer Street, was a somewhat larger three-span shed with a side building.
60. When it comes to shops, the most adventurous he gets is a visit to Marks and Spencer.
61. It begins with scenes of Frank Spencer in his latest, shortlived job as the skipper of a pleasure boat.
62. If a Spencer never quite reached the commanding heights, they certainly walked confidently along the corridors of power.
63. We are very fortunate that Peggy Spencer has agreed to take the afternoon herself.
64. Spencer and his bandmates never give the sense that they look down on the pop styles they play with.
65. So that was where Spencer wasted some of his ill-gotten gains, was it?
66. Gable lost his cool with his pal Spencer Tracy who often tested the patience of his peers.
67. So he set the play in a hotel room, and Frank and Betty Spencer were the honeymoon couple who booked in.
68. Douglas's place at scrum half will go to either Robin Spencer or Dave Walker.
69. INSIGHT : Spencer was an alternate this season.
70. Plato, Locke, Hegel, Spencer, are such temperamental thinkers.
71. You're wrong about me. Spencer. I'm not a killer!
72. Spencer Tracy was married to another woman.
73. But Spencer Tracy remained the love of her life.
74. For to evaluate the various control algorithm, Spencer, et al. present a AMD benchmark model.
75. In 1600 , Anne Marbury the descendant of Sir John Spencer moved to Massachusetts, America from Lincolnshire.
76. But, Spencer told his friend Humphrey Bogart, he didn't think he could go through with it.
77. And when Louise died in 1983, the recipient of numerous awards for her tireless charity work, she had been, and forever remained, the one and only Mrs Spencer Tracy.
78. Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the "Balance Theory" in the field of philosophy, also called "Equilibrium Theory.
79. In truth, Spencer had begun an affair with the actress Loretta Young, a fellow Catholic, then just 20, with whom he had even spoken of marriage.
80. It contrasted markedly from her older husband, who is aged in his 60s, who was more conservatively-dressed in a simple navy suit, a sky-blue shirt and Marks and Spencer tie.
81. Cary Grant, Spencer Tracy, Jimmy Stewart, all the greats,(http:///spencer.html) used the newspaper to demonstrate cool.
82. Herbert Spencer developed this principle, which holds that a person has the right to freedom of action unless that action deprives another person of a proper freedom.
83. The first period witnessed the influence from Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists.
84. The thrice married Young had a high - profile romance with Spencer Tracy.
85. Spencer: Doris, do you want to come to the mall with me?
86. So long Spencer, it was short but hopefully it quenched your Survivor thirst.
87. Marx and Engels were swiftly replaced by Marks and Spencer.
88. She was the daughter of Edward John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and Frances Ruth Burke Roche, Viscountess Althorp (later known as the Honorable Frances Shand Kydd).
89. Movie stars like Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and James Mason gave distinguished performances in character parts as well as leading roles.
90. Ten years later Spencer patents a "radar range" that cooks with high-frequency radio waves; that same year, the Tappan Stove Co. introduces the first home microwave model.
91. But as anthropologist Herbert Spencer describes in his theory of the social organism, society is a system of interrelated parts that operate interdependently.
92. Percy LeBaron Spencer is the man who invented the microwave oven.
93. Spencer Tracy as the father of the would-be bride is pressing Mr. Poitier on whether he has considered the sufferings their mixed-race children might have to endure in America.
94. Spencer: I can hold my own. Okay, name it and I'll make it – any mixed drink or cocktail.
95. Marks & Spencer will be unveiling its latest fashions for autumn and winter.
96. Marks & Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range.
97. Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off ( Herbert Spencer ).
98. The ethnographer and anthropologist , Baldwin Spencer wrote about these ceremonies when he visited the islands during 1911 and 1912.
99. Theodora Dudley, a retired carer, was leaving empty-handed from Woolworths but she already had a Marks and Spencer carrier bag containing shopping.
100. British philosopher and sociologist, Herbert Spencer was a major figure in the intellectual life of the Victorian era.
101. The work of Herbert Spencer, for example, was sponsored by Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller and Thomas Edison.
102. But the one most people remember is the 1925 Scopes trial, in Dayton, Tennessee, partly because Spencer Tracy played Darrow in a 1960 film about it, "Inherit the Wind."
103. Spencer Wellesley Percy, Queen City Hoops: When talking about "most promising," I look to the age category.
104. But the ruddy , rotund and absurdly miscast Spencer Tracy , who had bought the rights and was co-producer , got the part.
105. The expression often used by Mr. Herbert Spencer of theSurvival of the Fittest is more accurate.
106. Other than classical, do you have a favorite musical genre? —Spencer J. Gordon Chesteron[], Ind.
107. The marriage of her parents has been attended by the Queen. Her father, Earl Spencer, was an equerry to King George VI.
108. And I also say something about Herbert Spencer and Karl Groose, who analyze play and art in a biological way.
109. My favourite is Marks and Spencer jacket potato with cheese.
110. Trent Spencer, 27, of Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, was charged with the misdemeanour crime of filing a false report, said police spokeswoman Glynda Chu.
111. Spencer quickly realized the microwaves had melted the candy bar.
111. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
112. Jack London's ideology is complicated. However, the ideas guiding his literary creation are deeply influenced by Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Superman of Friedrieh Nietzsche.
113. Sean May got an unexpected start over Spencer Hawes a preseason game this week.
114. The British philosopher Herbert Spencer described this struggle as "survival of the fittest." But biologists use the term "natural selection" to describe the evolutionary process.
115. Ms. Taylor became part of a team with Richard Burton, but unlike Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn, they did not produce an enduring pairing or great pictures.
116. From Plato to Comenius, then to Spencer, it signifies 'three steps' in the development of western pleasure education thoughts.
117. Trace back to 17 th century, they joined in the same ancestor, Robert Spencer , second Earl of Sunderland, Knight.
118. In nineteen sixty-seven she starred in her last movie with Spencer Tracy.
119. I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley.
120. One of them featured a famous photograph of a gauzy Laura Ashley skirt barely concealing the sunshine-silhouetted thighs of a kindergarten aide named Diana Spencer.
121. Spencer Wellesley Percy, Queen City Hoops: Wilt has the better numbers, but when Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain went against each other head-to-head, it was Russell's court.
122. Spencer gives a bravuraperformance week after week, and he is totally believable in the role.
123. Could these be the Spencer Kimball and the Gene Kan from the GIMP project?
124. Herbert Spencer had already incorporated Lamarckism into his popular philosophy of progressive free market human society.
125. Spencer Keith is a local radio presenter and Beatles historian.
126. According to police, Spencer, a high school teacher, paid two students $100 each to break into his house and try to make off with a stereo.
127. About 18,000 people posed nude on May 6 for US photographer Spencer Tunick in Mexico City's Zocalo Square, a new record for the American artist known for snapping his subjects in the buff.
128. "Here's fresh meat for your axe, Kreis, " he said; "a rose-white youth with the ardor of a lover for Herbert Spencer.
129. A letter from Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy to Audrey and George Cukor, congratulating them on My Fair Lady.
130. Herbert Spencer said that we could find the inclination towards balance in everything.
131. "Education has for its object the formation of character" (Herbert Spencer).
132. Spencer Tracy is the only other actor to have done that.
133. Spencer started his career in retail banking with a local leading Chinese bank.
134. The studio said it was canceling the film because star Spencer Tracy was in failing health, and if anything happened to him, they would lose their investment.
135. Now in his 58 th year, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill is a figure in political eclipse.
136. Endorsements ( past and present ): Pepsi, Gillette , adidas , Police sunglasses , Vodaphone , Marks and Spencer, Brylcreem.
137. Gas has been produced along the entire Gay - Spencer - Richardson trend which intersected by north - south trending fold structures.
138. Spencer Wellesley Percy, Queen City Hoops: Without a question, Dwight Howard.
139. On the morning of Spencer Tracy's funeral, a slender woman with striking, angular cheekbones drove up to the mortuary where the body of the great screen actor lay.
140. Siebel has recruited a blue chip board, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former energy secretary Spencer Abraham.
141. On May 13, 1940, in his first statement as Prime Minister to the British House of Commons, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill declared: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.http://
142. Spencer, C. "Urban Renewal: Its Effects on the Physical Form and Thinking of Downtown Schenectady. " 2001.
143. Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong met in the Great Hall of the People with Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer on November 18, 2004.
144. Spencer . Our scans show a lot of BioReign activity in that area Tread lightly.
145. SPENCER ECCLES , Salt Lake City Banker: During the '30s here, it was a complete and utter collapse from the people's point of view.
146. To play billiards well was a sign of an ill - spent youth. --- Herbert Spencer.
147. Herbert Spencer, in the decade after Darwin, summarised natural selection as "survival of the fittest" – a slogan -Darwin only later adopted.
148. Spencer waded through the debris of broken chairs and beer bottles.
149. Top retailer Marks & Spencer has romped in with another set of sparkling results.
150. Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions.
151. Spencer Wellesley Percy, Queen City Hoops: For a guy valued as highly as Kendrick Perkins is, and someone brought in to be OKC's big man of the future, I think this one is easy.
152. "There is no god but the Unknowable, and Herbert Spencer is its prophet, " Judge Blount was saying at that moment.
153. "You know Berkeley has never been answered," he said, looking directly at Martin. "Herbert Spencer came the nearest, which was not very near.




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