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单词 own
释义 Word family  noun owner ownership verb own disown  own1 /əʊn $ oʊn/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective, pronoun [always after a possessive]  1  OWNused to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing and not any other 自己的,属于自己的 Bring your own equipment. 带上你自己的装备。 Every dance has its own rhythm. 每一种舞蹈都有自己的节奏。 The yacht was intended for the King’s own personal use. 这艘游艇是专供国王私用的。 His face was only a few inches from her own. 他的脸离她自己的脸非常近。of your own We have problems of our own. 我们也有自己的困难。 I’d like to have a place of my own (=my own home). 我想有个属于自己的地方。your very own (=used to add more emphasis) 完全属于自己的〔用于强调〕 One day I want to have a horse of my very own. 总有一天我要有一匹完全属于我自己的马。something to call your own/which you can call your own (=something that belongs to you) 属于自己的东西 She just wanted a place to call her own. 她只是想要个属于她自己的地方。2  INDEPENDENT PERSONHELPused to emphasize that someone did or made something without the help or involvement of anyone else 自己的〔强调没有别人的帮助或介入〕 She makes a lot of her own clothes. 她许多衣服都自己做。 We encourage students to develop their own ideas. 我们鼓励学生要有自己的想法。 It’s your own fault for leaving the window open. 是你自己不好,没把窗户关上。3  (all) on your own a) ALONEalone 单独地,独自地 I’ve been living on my own for four years now. 我已经独自生活了四年。 He didn’t want to be left on his own. 他不想被独自留下。 b) HELPwithout anyone’s help 无援地,独立地 You can’t expect him to do it all on his own. 你不能指望全部由他一个人来做。 I can manage on my own, thanks. 我自己能行,谢谢。4  for your own good/safety/benefit etc if you do something for someone’s own good etc, you do it to help them even though they might not like it or want it 为你自己的好处/安全/利益等 I’m only telling you this for your own good. 我是为了你好才告诉你这些的。 He was kept away from the other prisoners for his own safety. 把他和其他囚犯隔离开来是为了他的安全。5  too nice/clever etc for your own good used to say that someone has too much of a good quality so that it may be a disadvantage 过分好/聪明等对你没好处 Stephen can be too generous for his own good. 斯蒂芬有时慷慨过头,反而对自己不好。6  get your own back (on somebody) informalREVENGE to do something bad to someone who has harmed you, as a way of punishing them (对某人)报复,(向某人)复仇 → revenge She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party. 她要报复利兹毁了她的派对。7  be your own man/woman INDEPENDENT PERSONto have strong opinions and intentions that are not influenced by other people 有自己的主意,有主见 Hilary’s very much her own woman. 希拉丽是个非常有主见的女人。8  make something your own to change or deal with something in a way that makes it seem to belong to you 使某物变得像自己的 Great singers can take an old song and make it their own. 优秀的歌手能够把一首老歌唱得像是自己的歌一样。 → come into your own at come1(6), → hold your own at hold1(24)5 GRAMMAR 语法• Use own only after possessive words such as ‘my’, ‘John’s’, ‘the company’s’ etc. own仅用于my, John’s, the company’s等所有格形式之后Few of them got back to their own country (NOT 不说 the own country).他们中很少有人返回祖国。• Do not say ‘an own car/room/computer etc’. Say a car/room/computer etc of your own 不要说 ‘an own car/room/computer etc’. 而要说 a car/room/computer etc of your ownHe soon had enough money to buy a truck of his own.很快他就有钱买了一辆属于自己的卡车。n Grammar• You say my own, her own, their own etc: They miss their own country.The town has its own station. ✗Don’t say: They miss the own country. | The town has an own station. • You can also say of my own, of her own, of their own etc: I want to have a room of my own.Each house has a garden of its own.Examples from the Corpusof your own• Our neighbours let us use their garage, but we really need one of our own.• Yet on this tax cut issue Dole has little credibility of his own.• The charity provides accommodation for homeless people, and helps them find homes of their own.• But once set in motion, the enormous machinery of a traditional wedding had a life of its own.• One is killed, or lives as a cringing inferior who may never have cubs of her own.• He has three young daughters of his own, and loses no time in stamping his authority on the entire brood.• How does a bat keep track of its own echoes, and avoid being misled by the echoes of others?• They've got ideas of their own, go their own way.• She could use this capital to dictate the form of reconstruction and to extend the areas of her own influence.• The couple said they spent more than $ 2,000 of their own money to build a new home.own fault• Anyway, I was brought up to believe that whatever happens to people is their own fault.• But he knew that people thought otherwise, and that their false impression was his own fault.• He had misjudged the situation, and if he had added to his problems, it was his own fault.• The impression we got was that they thought it was pretty much his own fault.• These were groups in need of institutional care and whose need could not always be attributed to their own fault.• My customer did not like his loss, but it was just as much his own fault as mine.• And I know he's nasty to Auntie Lou sometimes but it's her own fault because she lets him be.• You could not mistake the absolute assumption that this mess was not only their own fault but something to be ashamed of.own2 ●●● S2 W2 verb [transitive]  1  OWNto have something which belongs to you, especially because you have bought it, been given it etc and it is legally yours 〔尤指通过购买、接受赠与等而合法地〕拥有〔某物〕 → possess The building is owned by the local council. 这幢大楼归地方议会所有。 You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land. 你要得到拥有这块土地的农场主同意。 Many more people now own their own homes. 现在更多的人拥有了自己的住房。 the cost of owning a car 养车的开销publicly/privately owned British English (=belonging to the government or a private organization) 公有的/私有的 a privately owned company 私营公司2  as if/as though/like you own the place informalCONFIDENT to behave in a way that is too confident and upsets other people 就像是这里的主人似的〔指表现过于大模大样而令他人不快〕 She acts like she owns the place! 她表现得就好像这里是她的! They walked in as if they owned the place. 他们走进来就跟他们是这里的主人似的。3  old-fashionedTRUE to admit that something is true 承认own (that) I own that I judged her harshly at first. 我承认原先我对她的评价很苛刻。own to I must own to a feeling of anxiety. 我得承认我有焦虑感。n4  informal to defeat someone very easily or by a large amount Our team totally owned them!5 own up phrasal verb ADMITto admit that you have done something wrong, especially something that is not serious 承认〔犯错误,尤指小错〕 Come on, own up. Who broke it? 快点,说出来,是谁把它打碎的?own up to (doing) something No one owned up to breaking the window. 没人承认打破了窗子。 He was too frightened to own up to his mistake. 他吓得不敢认错。 He still wouldn’t own up to the fact that he’d lied. 他还是不肯承认自己说谎了。n GRAMMAR: Using the progressiveOwn is not used in the progressive. You say: They own several cars. ✗Don’t say: They are owning several cars. THESAURUSown if you own something, it legally belongs to you 〔合法地〕拥有They live in a flat but they don’t own it. 他们住在一套公寓里,但不是业主。The land is owned by farmers. 这片土地归农场主所有。a privately owned plane 私人飞机have [not in passive] to own something – used when focussing on the fact that someone has the use of something, rather than the fact that they legally own it 拥有〔侧重于使用权而非拥有权〕How many students have a cell phone? 多少学生有手机?I wish I had a sports car. 真希望我有一辆跑车。possess [not in passive] formal to own something 拥有It is illegal to possess a firearm in Britain. 在英国拥有枪支是非法的。I don’t even possess a smart suit! 我连一身漂亮套装都没有!belong to somebody/something [not in passive] if something belongs to you, you own it 属于某人/某物The ring belonged to my grandmother. 这枚戒指是我祖母的。hold to own shares in a company 拥有〔公司股份〕One man holds a third of the company’s shares. 有个人拥有公司三分之一的股份。be the property of somebody/something formal to be owned by someone – written on signs, labels etc 为某人/某物所有〔书写于指示牌、标签上等〕This camera is the property of the BBC. 这台摄影机为英国广播公司所有。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusown• I don't even own a car.• We don't own a picnic hamper.• They own a small electronics company.• Andy and his wife own a vacation home near the beach.• Clark owns about 40 companies in northern Europe.• It is an actual spacecraft from the Soviet space shuttle program, owned and operated by former cosmonauts and space program employees.• The horse is owned by a Saudi businessman.• Tasika Angus, owned by D. Judah.• She was owned by Peter Phillips.• The company was previously owned by the French government.• American newspapers in different cities are often owned by the same company.• They stayed in a villa once owned by the writer, Somerset Maugham.• The property was purchased for investment purposes, and is still owned only because of the current property slump. 3.• We don't own the apartment, we're just renting it.• In fact, it was the ogre who owned the land that the king had just driven through.• In National Parks, although the land is privately owned, there are strict controls on the use of the land.• Also, my uncle owns this ship!publicly/privately owned• Fujisankei, itself privately owned and independent, seems the ideal partner.• Because fraternities are privately owned and run, they are for the most part beyond the jurisdiction of academic institutions.• The dead stock was usually sold in one or other of the privately owned auction marts.• His name would be linked for ever with the principle of publicly owned hydroelectric power in Ontario.• Though privately owned, it is open to the public for bird watching.• The privately owned land is a steep, rugged parcel of 171 acres near Highway 92.• This is not entirely the result of political control, since the privately owned press shows no greater inclination towards investigative journalism.• The 27-mile autoroute, intended to relieve congestion on the M6, is the first of several proposed privately owned toll roads.own (that)• No one can pretend that his stooping, kneeling, and digging figures are beautiful, either by contemporary standards or our own.• A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.• State governments developed extensive programs to help the elderly stay in their own homes rather than go into nursing homes.• Besides, his own party's do-or-die tendency will now be vigilant against any hint of gradualism.• Nor is it self evident that the profession could reasonably be expected to fund such a massive activity out of its own pocket.• And Sethe would oblige her with anything from fabric to her own tongue.• She was sharp, Mrs Wright, in her own way.From Longman Business Dictionaryownown /əʊnoʊn/ verb [transitive] to have or possess something that is legally yoursHe still owns shares in the company.The company is owned by a foreign consortium.→ See Verb tableOrigin own2 Old English agnian, from agen “own”own1 adjective →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2own2 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to Business emphasize that to belongs something Corpus used




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