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单词 Catch up on
1. I have to catch up on my sleep.
2. He loves to catch up on the news after a trip abroad.
3. I need to catch up on my office work.
4. I used Saturday to catch up on my sleep.
5. He'll catch up on lost time by working harder.
6. I want to catch up on all your news.
7. I have some work to catch up on.
8. I need to catch up on some sleep .
9. Come over for a chat so we can catch up on each other's news.
10. I have to catch up on my work so I can't come out.
11. Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.
12. It was good to see Patsy and catch up on all the gossip.
13. I have a lot of work to catch up on.
14. Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work.
15. I'm afraid I can't catch up on how things are in that region.
16. You ought to lie in tomorrow and catch up on your sleep.
17. To catch up on news and gossip.
18. I was all set to catch up on my correspondence.
19. You're in the right place to catch up on all the vital statistics in the competition so far.
20. This is a time to catch up on urgent paperwork and swap stories with colleagues about the events of the day.
21. Please write often while you're away, so we can catch up on each other's news.
22. No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to catch up on all the bills.
23. When she eventually returned to work, there was a tremendous backlog of paperwork to catch up on.
24. Don't be surprised if all these cigarettes you are smoking catch up on you one day.
25. During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.
26. Let's go for a coffee - I need to catch up on all the gossip.
27. The first thing I did when I got home was to phone up Jo and catch up on all the gossip.
28. It was then the moment for old colleagues to catch up on old times.
29. But he missed his chance,(sentence dictionary) and spent the next seven years trying to catch up on his lost opportunity.
30. We were rescued by Truc who had again been trying to catch up on his sleep farther down the open carriage.
1. I have to catch up on my sleep.
2. He loves to catch up on the news after a trip abroad.
31. But whatever age, Stow offers them the chance to meet up with old friends and catch up on the gossip.
32. If she needed extra time, she could catch up on her assignments on weekends.
33. I've got to catch up on the housework this weekend.
34. The market; always a place to catch up on the gossip as well as buy groceries, is still there.
35. No. 28 is always worth a trip, if only to catch up on the latest menu offerings.
36. Well Zoe Muir decided to catch up on the progress of our other volunteer, Katy Clark.
37. He had better catch up on Elinor's latest batch of instructions.
38. When that was too much like work there were all the domestic tasks to catch up on.
39. Although the commute takes 80 minutes by mass transit, he uses the time to catch up on his reading.
40. The opportunity for Mass and the chance to meet friends and catch up on the news is much appreciated.
41. I have got much work to catch up on.
42. Fine, i can catch up on my paperwork.
43. Use travel time to rest, reflect or catch up on work.
44. I still have a lot of work to catch up on.
45. Between projects I like to catch up on UX blogs and papers.
46. Call siblings or old friends to catch up on recent news.
47. After the exams, I need to catch up on my sleep.
48. Tonight I have to work overtime to catch up on my work.
49. Jason: Well, a lunch will give us a chance to catch up on things, just a lot going on around here, such as leaky roof.
50. Some students can use their vacations to catch up on their studies.
51. After he retired, Bob regularly stopped by his old office to visit his buddies and catch up on the latest scuttlebutt.
52. You know, I have some work to catch up on.




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