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单词 outrigger
释义  Related topics: Waterout·rig·ger /ˈaʊtˌrɪɡə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. TTWa long piece of wood that is attached to the side of a boat, especially a canoe, to prevent it from turning over in the water 〔尤指独木舟的〕舷外浮木〔固定在船侧以防船在水中倾覆〕2. TTWa boat with an outrigger 装有舷外浮木的小舟Examples from the Corpusoutrigger• People paddle kayaks and outriggers along the shore, and catamarans whizz by, leaning precariously on one hull.• There were banana gardens and pawpaw trees, and outriggers lazed on the lagoon.• The cross members and bulkhead outriggers are in the same places and it fits straight on.• Some went fishing from a small outrigger canoe they paddled out into the lagoon.• The complete design team photographed before modification to give greater dihedral on the outriggers.• The most serious of these is on the outriggers just forward of each rear wheel.• The rear suspension location arms bolt to these outriggers, and will simply tear free if rust is bad.• A soccer player and runner in high school, he had taken up outrigger canoeing before the accident.out·rig·ger nounChineseSyllable  wood that of to is a the attached long piece Corpus




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