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单词 Contract law
1. Simmons specialized in contract law.
2. Contract law has been of major importance in underpinning the market, although other areas of law have also had a bearing.
3. Investors are worried about contract law.
4. Rescission is an important basic system of Contract law.
5. If the donative contract doesn′t depend on the law condition, and look it as practical contract factitious, then it will influence "contract law" of the No. 189 in China.
6. Special areas of contract law such as labor law and insurance law have been partially codified.
7. The bulk of American contract law is judge - made case law.
8. The Contract Law of China distinguishes sublet as approved and unapproved sublet.
9. The contract law of our country regards the creditor's right of cancellation as one of the means that the contract saves from damage.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. China's Contract Law has clearly regulated the Right of Withdrawal system.
11. Standard Form Contract has been stipulated in the Contract Law of China, but it is imperfect.
12. It is stipulated in Article 39 of Contract Law of China that the fair principle should be used to regulate generally the effect of adhesion contracts.
13. The latter are intended to offer a set of principles providing the best solutions to typical problems in contract law.
14. The social ideology of the United States and of Great Britain has been built on contract law.
15. Chapter 8 analyses the essential elements of an expert clause, applying the rules of contract law.
16. Nor is the law as self-contained as social security law; many employment cases require a command of principles of contract law.
17. It is also a new type of standard contract at Internet times. The rise of the shrink-wrap contract challenges the traditional contract law.
18. The article shows that it is necessary to distinguish the different sport types, and not to deny all the legal effect of "assumption of risk" by using the exculpatory clauses in contract law.
19. Such as establishing a contract for the sale of goods is inseparable from contract law.
20. In Anglo-Amercian law, As the appearance of assumpsit, Source of validity of the contracts was became the most important question in the contract law of Anglo-American law contouries.
21. In 1999, Article 402 and Article 403 in China Contract Law drew lessons from Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods, redesigning the foreign trade agency.
22. The institution of rescission of contracts is an important institution in modern contract law.
23. Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability, the court respecting the patient's right of choice agrees with the contract law.
24. We can find that the law-maker also has this opinion from the stipulation of the Chinese Contract Law.
25. It covers Basic Theories of Economic Law, Enterprise Law, Contract Law, Industry Property Right Law, Security Law, Competition Law, Protection of Consumer's Rights and Interests Law and so on.
26. Impossibility of performance, an important concept in the law of obligation in the Continent Law System, is one of core questions in contract law.
27. The problem of rescission of contract is one of the most important problems on the study area of contract law, playing an unparalleled role in modern people"s life, economical and social contract."
28. The introduction of collateral obligation is a reformation of traditional contract law.
29. Chapter Four deals with the related stipulations of fundamental breach of contract under Chinese Contract Law.
30. This thesis points out the limitations on the legislation of The New Contract Law anticipatory breach system. It also analyses the cause of these limitations and answers of solution.
31. Contract law shows to what extent the society allows people to make contracts that are enforceable.
32. The primary goal of the American Contract Law and the Remedies for Breach of Contract is to protect the "expectation interest" of the promisee.
33. Legal duty of breach of contract: In conformity to "Contract Law of P. R."
34. None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism.
35. "Doctrine of privity of contract" has been the unshakable credendum of the classical contract law and has been treated as the corner stone of contract rule and system.
36. In the electronic deal, the fixation of efficacy of the contract, which is signed by incompetent person and person limited in disposing capacity, is ture of No 47 item of contract law.
37. The regulation of the anticipatory breach of contract is one of the highlights in the Contract Law.
38. The contractual liability is one of the most critical system of the contract law , as well as the important composition of the Chinese civil liability.
39. At last, with the comprehension of the Precontract Institution, the author draft five legislative articles to perfect our country's contract law.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. Recognizing the logical relations in the system of the donative contract in the Contract Law, we can put to use well.
41. As an important system in employment contract law, dismissal wage by nature should be obligatory or legal help given by employer to employee passively unemployed.
42. Adjustment of the contract is the law of contract law.
43. Freedom of contract is the core and essence of modern contract law.
44. As the time charter party is an untypical contract, the rules of similar typical contract together with the general principles of contract law are applied.
45. Precontract is based on the theory of the Relational Contract Law and Life of Contract, which reflect the parties' intention to control the process to make a forward contract.
46. The lawful rescission of contract is an important institution in Contract Law.
47. At last, it designs articles of clausula rebus sic stantibus for the Contract Law of China .
48. A pre-contract, is an especially kind of the contract in the Contract Law Classification System.
49. Its status in the contract law is positioned according to comparing it with the principle of relativity of contract.
50. "Labor Contract Law of PRC"and its enforcement regulation make a significant change in dismissal wage system under"Labor Law of PRC".
51. The creation of Labor Contract Law is the resh of comprehensive operation of multiple factors, and has legal significance.
52. Construction companies signed contracts with the listed company in 1995, the judges of the "Contract Law, " No. 286 did not have retroactive effect, there is controversy.
53. In this thesis, the foreseeability rule of the contract law is discussed.
54. Only when we link Contract Law and China Maritime Code with practice together, can we make legal system of towage contract on sea more perfect and regular.
55. The law consequences led to by the nullification of insurance contract may be applied to the correlation provision of contract law by analogy.
56. Article 286 of contract law; priority of compensation; preemption; Construction work cost.
57. What does the new labour contract law mean for migrant workers?
58. The anther issue is that whether the freight under voyage charter party may be deducted or set-off according to the stipulation in respect of set-off provided by Contract Law.
59. However, the range of this legal system is only restricted to insurance clauses, and its jurisprudence basis should be the restrictive principle of contract law for standard form contract.
60. II. SOURCES OF CONTRACT LAW Contracts are mainly governed by state statutory and common ( judge-made ) law and private law.
61. As the basic principle of the contract law, the principle of relativity of contract still plays important role in the exceptional rule system, with differences in the...
62. The new contract law common law countries, drawing on the contract system, the system provides for anticipatory breach of contract .
63. It is of challenge and opportunity for the corporate to implement Labour Contract Law.
64. Creditor's subrogation is one of the key items in Contract law. ".
65. The lawful rescission of contract is an important institution Contract Law.
66. Through this course, so that students can master contract legal system, in particular China's legal system contract, the system of contract law to understand the basic theory and basic knowledge.
67. The author takes measures of seeking new changes, discerning new problems and solving old problems to compare the provisions of "Contract Law" with the problems lying in voyage charter party.
68. Our country adopts restrictionism in General Rules of the Civil Law, the original Economic Contract Law and Urban Real Estate Management Law.
69. The promulgation of some important laws such as Labor Contract Law and Mediation and Arbitration Law on Labor Disputes caused a certain impact on judicial practice of labor law area.
70. After the adoption of contract law of China, it will, I think,( ) deeply influence Contract of carriage of goods by sea of China.
71. Contract law prescribes it as an undecisive efficiency contract that contradicts with the civil system of bona fide gains privity of contract.
72. The passing of risk system is a key problem in contract law.
73. The new contract Law of China adopted it to a certain degree.
74. In the category of the liability for breach of contract, on the basis of theoretical knowledge of contract law, we make clear that the nature of family fit-up contract is the contract for work.
75. Know well of China Labor Contract Law and Human Resource Management.
76. China contract law, On base of learning from the counterargument right for security system, trend to draw close gradually to anticipating breach of contract in common-law legal family.
77. Business cultures that are relatively devoid of commercial contract law use socialization as a way to evaluate and cement relationships.
78. And then from the " Contract Law", sub-contract on the loan, the advance payment is a proper law.
79. Any dispute over the contents shall be settled according to Article 18 the Employment Contract Law.
80. In order to develop the socialist market economy, China has instigated Corporation Law, Guarantee Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Securities Law, Contract Law and Sole Proprietor Enterprise Law.
81. The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law.
82. The relevant provisions in the Law of Invitation to Bid and Bidding and Contract Law have severe deficiency which should be revised and perfected.
83. Because of the common law tradition, the bulk of American contract law is judge-made case law and is, for the most part, uncodified.
84. China is drafting its own civil code, which is the opportunity of building up the rules of rebus sic stantibus after the issuing of Contract Law.
85. In China's Contract Law, we establish the system of liability for fault contracting, but it hat some weakness and needs improvement.
86. The contract in the international private law refers to transnational contract, or international contract, also known as contract law concerning foreign affairs to a country.
87. The contract law is adjusts the congruent relationship the legal standard sum total.
88. To solve the problem, the project arrears frequently arising in the construction sections, The Article 286 of Contract Law endows project fund with preferential right of payment.
89. At present, china still does not have a specialized logistics regulations, we can't find famous contract that corresponds to TPL contract in sub-contract of"Contract Law".
90. Just as some researchers said, performance of contract is the home or the stretch of all other contract law system.
91. The Contract Law aims to realize contracting parties' expectation interests by effectuate the parties' intentions in the contract.
92. The deficiency of protection by Contract Law and Consumer Protection Law in our country are mainly analyzed.
93. The establishment of the subrogation right system Contract Law has gained close attention of correlative fields.
94. The doctrine of the privity of contract, as an important principle of classical contract law, ensured the development of economy and progress of social civilization.
95. Pacta sunt servanda is one of the basic principias in contract law.
96. Liability for fault in concluding contract is a brand - new system in Contract Law of PRC.
97. Contract law has its sources in both common law and statute.
98. In 2008, Beijing enacted the labour contract law, stipulating that workers be given written contracts.
99. Anticipatory breach is one of the important systems in the modern Anglo-American contract law based on the case law.
100. The labor contract law is a special contract that has both free will and state interpose.




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