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单词 In-house
1. We have an in-house training unit.
2. A lot of companies do in-house training.
3. All our advertising material is designed in-house.
4. The software was developed in-house.
5. The keyboarding is done in-house.
6. The second tier of the programme is in-house training.
7. The magazine is still produced in-house.
8. Much can be done in-house to boost morale.
9. However, some in-house lawyers are already gearing up.
10. Many companies run in-house management courses for their staff.
11. All of our product design is done in-house.
12. The sessions were generally taught by in-house trainers.
13. Surveys of in-house library use are described below.
14. Any new in-house benefits an employer provides should be computed on a marginal cost basis.
15. By having an in-house legal department, there is better control of legal costs which makes for a more profitable business.
16. Teddy's girlfriend, in-house chambermaid, she is about four foot ten, with a face like a petite fox.
17. This might consist of: special in-house courses, attendance at outside professional courses,() plus evening college lectures and private study.
18. The in-house system is an integrated personnel and payroll system and contains current as well as historical absence and employment information.
19. Langenscheidt's in-house staff have developed the product ideas and functionalities and handle marketing.
20. Being the only in-house solicitor in such a company, responsible for all legal matters can give great satisfaction.
21. She was in-house counsel and vice president for a medical company in Concord when she decided to give up her day job.
22. Some local authorities continued to engage outside contractors but others that had done so reverted to in-house provision.
23. What then is the cost to the employer of providing the in-house benefit for the employee?
24. People put together their bids only to find that the work invariably stays with the in-house team.
25. Another aspect which should be considered is the input of clients' in-house departments in the design process.
26. Warner Digital Studios is one of a handful of studio in-house operations that have entered the increasingly competitive visual effects business.
27. HMOs and modern medical centers are powerful institutions with an army of in-house lawyers, risk managers and numerous administrators.
28. Why do companies use headhunters instead of their own in-house recruiting facilities and personnel function?
29. On its merits Donald Wilson asked, in 1957, if Whitaker would do a three month trial as an in-house writer.
30. Once the system is fully operational, then one may consider moving to an in-house installation if the economies are worthwhile.
1. We have an in-house training unit.
2. A lot of companies do in-house training.
31. They also run conferences and seminars and provide in-house training and consultancy services on a range of specialist topics.
32. Delco, Hydra-matic, and other such component divisions continued to serve as the privileged in-house vendors.
33. During this period the system will have to be backed-up either by your previous in-house production methods or by external agencies.
34. First, those firms with in-house architects, which insist on a standard formula without consideration of local conditions.
35. If a company has an in-house mainframe, there may well be attractions in using it.
36. Innovations are an unusual and energetic company with considerable in-house technical know-how.
37. These can either run off the public-telephone network, or off the smaller PABXs that control businesses' own in-house telephone systems.
38. The first step was to check the cost of the in-house services against that which could be provided by private contractors.
39. It has been designed to complement the in-house training programme already provided by Greene King.
40. If it is for the modification of an in-house process only those parts up to the pilot plant stage are relevant.
41. Those who have little in-house capability make least use of consultancy services in all fields.
42. We hope that all the publications will treat our in-house staff as a regular advertising agency.
43. This offer is an exclusive - Pendle normally run in-house training sessions for businesses only.
44. Methods of studying in-house use are described both by Ford and by Lancaster, in an informative article.
45. In his view, it was true that the in-house collection manager was generally dedicated, well-trained, well-paid, well-motivated.
46. The software, which was developed in-house, is marketed internationally on Hewlett-Packard Co workstations.
47. Where such activities are undertaken in-house, they appear in this report in Scotch Whisky industry direct employment figures.
48. All bedrooms are of a high standard offering private facilities, satellite colour television, in-house movies and hospitality tray.
49. All our artwork is done by in-house designers; we don't normally use freelance people.
50. Neither issue statistics nor the study of date labels in the books record in-house use, which may often be substantial.
51. Others may be offered a place on an in-house training course by one of the Compact firms.
52. How is it decided whether to buy an item or to make it in-house?
53. In-house video programs provide an excellent source of education and can be individualized to the needs of a specific work group.
54. An update facility means that users have access to a system which is continuously available as an in-house, interactive consultancy service.
55. The firms have taken over many of the financial and information management jobs that companies used to do in-house.
56. It can be carried out by: in-house staff or an international marketing research organisation.
57. Video is a relatively new medium for in-house communications and is used by some companies to great effect.
58. His firm is renewing efforts to provide in-house computer training.
59. Research leaves no doubt that a considerable amount of in-house use takes place.
60. In-house information technology people began to shift from building customized applications to helping their companies choose wisely among open systems vendors.
61. Short-term study of in-house use can not safely predict long-term patterns.
62. Those responsible for in-house training programmes should recognise that older workers can still acquire and retain new knowledge and skills.
63. Within large companies the need for in-house, highly specialized computer expertise is waning.
64. Once in the terminal, consider seeking help at the in-house first-aid or medical clinic.
65. It is desirable that the systems we develop in-house should be compatible with those in use elsewhere.
66. Today, few restaurant companies generate ideas in-house, relying instead on acquisitions or joint ventures with entrepreneurs.
67. This team is responsible for all text and graphic material as received from contributors or written in-house.
68. This foundation course is followed by the three-tier concept comprising shelf-help, in-house training and external courses.
69. There are three restaurants, each on a different floor, all supplied by a central in-house production unit.
70. Those provisions covered in-house benefits as well as external benefits.
71. Use whatever techniques and in-house resources you have available for staff training and development.
72. This consists of in-house seminars on the theory and practice of using multi- and parallel processor machines.
73. Large corporations, to the extent that they innovated at all, tried to do it all in-house.
74. You can work for large multi-national corporations' in-house counsel or in the branch office of your firm abroad.
75. Hitachi has 15 subsidiaries providing software services, in addition to its large in-house data-processing contingent.
76. Dennis Pinnegar of Thornaby-based Panda Supplies will explain how he uses both for in-house training.
77. We were told that after 1948 the revenue sought to tax at least two categories of employees in receipt of in-house benefits.
78. Some companies use environmental consultants to carry out their audits, while others use in-house staff.
79. Only those manufacturing steps that involve trade secrets are kept in-house.
80. The machine, which comes in seven standard configurations, was originally developed for in-house scientific research.
81. Items with high added value would only be subcontracted if there were insurmountable problems of some sort in making it in-house.
82. The data feeds can also be integrated with in-house applications.
83. In short, in-house solicitors are at the heart of our profession.
84. One of my favorite exercises is in-house training for partners on how to talk more effectively with associates regarding performance appraisal.
85. As an in-house solicitor here, you could find yourself dealing with every legal matter arising in each of those areas.
86. Create lever-arch files with in-house material on subjects such as costs, structured settlements and fatal cases.
87. We have seen that less than 1 percent of in-house training programs run by corporations are addressed to basic literacy needs.
88. Many companies have developed technical skills in-house, and no longer rely on dealer backup.
89. The bedrooms all have facilities, T.V. with in-house films, telephone, mini bar and hospitality tray.
90. A large electronic price board displays current in-house information in the Exchange, which is relayed to outside agencies.
91. Bureaux and micros are not suitable, so a choice must be made between using an in-house mainframe and buying a mini.
92. In-house lawyers increasingly regard the efficient and cost effective outsourcing and managing of external resources as a key discipline.
93. After qualifying, Jacqui went into a completely new role - as an in-house solicitor.
94. Television, Satellite television, In-house movie, Radio, Direct dial phone.
95. An Active Substance Starting Material can be an article of commerce, a material purchased from one or more suppliers under contract or commercial agreement, or produced in-house.
96. Learn how the relationship between the Service Bureau manager and the managers of other departments within their client company differs from what an in-house center manager experience.
97. Steve Jobs, theking of splashy product launches and in-house development, announced astrategic acquisition.
98. Most often the Genco has an in-house price forecast tool based on available forecasting methods such as the conventional linear regression analysis technique, to cater to the need of a price forecast.
99. Once those steps are completed, an in-house business rules inference engine calculates the loan risk.
100. Visit the retro-chic IXL Long Bar and sign up for the Friday-evening art tour if you're not staying in-house.
101. Our in-house capabilities include an arm fabrication shop with a dedicated seam welder, two arm radius-bending machines and welding stations.
102. Is the BGI's undertaking a sign of things to come, where in-house industrial training becomes more suitable than post graduate study?
103. This also is Mei Dewei Jeff signs this one in-house jussive real reason.
104. The in-house systems did not make full use of the available point of sales data, and required heavy manual maintenance .
105. In their complete, full service facility, retrofitting and modification of customer's existing machines is an in-house specialty.
106. Air conditioning, Television, Satellite television, In-house movie, Direct dial phone, Mini bar, Hairdryer , Automatic wake-up call.
107. An in-house phototypesetting system would have several distinct advantages over our existing production process.
108. Instead, they are likely to step up pressure on the operators, who have large in-house teams of staff to monitor, block and remove sensitive content.
109. It's the perfect core cutter for creating quality cores in-house, on demand, without wasting a second of production time or unnecessary floor space inventorying precut cores.
110. Can one take this and bring it in-house if the compliance/sensitivity of the data make it more suitable for a private cloud deployment?
111. Was installed on the network server as a result of this company " postern program " , and this program must go out to drill to undertake in company in-house server.
112. WE prefers to fabricate multilayer piezoelectric ceramics in-house for ultrasonic motor application. The corresponding material technology and fabrication process will be investigated.
113. Since teaming up with Capstone, DGI has also created its own in-house advertising department as well as in-store boutiques to better showcase its products.
114. Internet via television, Connection for laptop, Air conditioning, Television, Satellite television, In-house movie, Radio, Direct dial phone, Mini bar, Hairdryer , Voltage 110v.
115. In some fraud cases, the promoters never drill at all; in others, they devote a disproportionate amount to sales commissions and other in-house expenses not related to production.
116. Internet via television, Air conditioning, Television, Satellite television, In-house movie, Radio, Mini bar, Trouser press, Automatic wake-up call.
117. Cashable funds transfer allows the casino to offer an in-house player debit card account, providing another way for the player to easily move funds from one machine to another.
118. If there is no in-house experience in conducting a migration, or if the relevant tools and techniques are not at hand,[http:///in-house.html] find someone who has done this before and outsource the job.
119. Since you are in-house guest, we only charge you for the drinks. Singing is free.
120. The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in-house, instead of farming it out to law firms.
121. Designed in-house at Apple, the P2 was to be a portable tablet-like device that was easily taken with a user, like a folio bag.
122. We believe in doing the work for all our customers in-house, which will guarantee effciency and service to customers at competitive charges.
123. Nearly 22,000 copies all together are printed in-house on a secondhand 1950s litho-plate printing press each week.
124. Getting rid of all those in-house servers is supposed to save scads of money.
125. Inconceivably, the highest rate came from the hotel's in-house reservations department at $229.
126. In fact once the ecosystem matures the inside-out model will become as obsolete as it is building in-house applications from the ground up today.
127. Even at the wealthiest sites, managers are having to sub-let the in-house massage facilities to insolvency specialists just to fund a few more fancy graphics.
128. However, last year's purchase of UK asset manager Threadneedle underlines Mr Chenault's determination to build the business by giving it more in-house products to sell.
129. Gaisler has made significant in-roads into European markets and has in-house design facilities for microprocessor, ASIC and field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based designs.
130. Now Symonds is exposed as a cheat and Renault's own in-house investigation has unearthed a further witness to the worst case of cheating in F1 history.
131. For weeks, Mr. Carbone and Mr. Torrisi worked with Aaron Israel, their in-house Chinese food expert and sous-chef, on getting the pork and the glaze just right.
132. We think, IT tycoon must hour is vigilant all sorts of competitors and epigone , avoid in-house error at the same time.
133. "I did not plan to undertake in-house public relations, in that way word, the relation of I and employee can become only more flooey " .
134. Or if, by bringing a tax person in-house, will lead to a net cost reduction.
135. An API starting material can be an article of commerce, a material purchased from one or more suppliers under contract or commercial agreement,() or produced in-house.
136. Compliance testing and auditing by a third party may be more beneficial than performing them in-house.
137. In-house phototypesetting would benefit the company by enabling all work to be doe on the premises, giving us more control over time and expenses involved in producing documents for customers.
138. If you're in the SEO business professionally - either as an in-house marketer helping your team with SEO or as an SEO consultant (solo or agency), this knowledge should be second-nature.
139. Blackpool is a British television musical drama serial, produced in-house by the BBC.
140. A retailer might keep its ordering system in-house and then rent extra computers during the holiday season to handle the shopping rush.
141. Connection for laptop, Air conditioning, Television, In-house movie, Radio, Direct dial phone, Mini bar, Hairdryer, Trouser press.
142. So, no matter what you hear from in-house gurus or code wizards, stay clear of writing this type of code -- and hold your ground!
143. Perform monitoring, inspection and quality control at in-house and sub-contractor steel fabrication and welding section .
144. The rate of penetration of the negative pulse jet assisted drilling can increase from 0.7 to 3.0 in in-house simulation drilling compared to conventional drilling.
145. Connection for laptop, Air conditioning, Television, In-house movie, Radio, Direct dial phone, Hairdryer, Trouser press, Automatic wake-up call, Voltage 120v.
146. First, there will always be a need to associate with local counsel in jurisdictions where the responsible in-house litigator is not licensed.
147. The component models used in CAD are mainly classified into two categories: standard component model and in-house component model.
148. Their suggestions are then refined by a panel of in-house travel experts, based on scores for topicality, excitement[ ], value for money and that special X-factor.
149. The addition of in-house phototypesetting equipment would improve document turnaround time because documents would be keyboarded only once and proofread only once.
150. In any action there shall be available injunctive relief or damages, with the prevailing party being awarded costs and attorneys' fees (including in-house counsel).




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