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单词 battle cry
释义  Related topics: Military, Colours & soundsˈbattle cry noun [countable usually singular]  1  PPGPMa phrase used to encourage people, especially members of a political organization 〔尤指政治组织成员的〕口号,战斗口号 ‘Socialism Now!’ was their battle cry. “现在就要社会主义!”是他们的口号。2. CPMa loud shout used in war to encourage your side and frighten the enemy 〔战场上的〕吶喊,吶喊声Examples from the Corpusbattle cry• Her parting gesture, almost a battle cry.• They let off a battle cry.• His battle cry was echoed by Baal and Set, as they hurtled forward in his wake.• The new battle cry was: Year-Round Casual.• She heard his cry, perhaps the battle cry of his northern forefathers when they prepared to attack.• We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.• And we bear the glorious stars for the Union and the right, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom!• "Power to the people!" was their battle cry.• Their battle cry at the moment is: To know synchronized swimming is to love synchronized swimming.ˈbattle cry nounChineseSyllable  used a members encourage especially people, of Corpus phrase to




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