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单词 repeal
释义  Related topics: Government, Lawre·peal /rɪˈpiːl/ verb [transitive]  PGSCLif a government repeals a law, it officially ends that law 废除〔法律〕 —repeal noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrepeal• The United States Conference of Mayors issued a statement denouncing the move to repeal.• In fact, the Act does not repeal all of them.• The draconian Special Powers Act was never repealed despite the election promises.• This was repealed in 1971 and chargeable assets in a deceased's estate pass to the heirs at probate value.• He has championed the popular ban on assault-style weapons, defending it with gusto as Republicans try to repeal it.• No special procedures are required for amending or repealing such laws.• If Congress were to repeal the amendment this year, GUPS-type investigations would be easier to initiate.• Congress repealed the ban on women flying Naval combat missions.• The House bill repeals the current housing law, while the Senate bill repeals only parts of it and rewrites others.From Longman Business Dictionaryrepealre‧peal /rɪˈpiːl/ verb [transitive]LAW to officially end a law, rule, restriction etcThe bill would repeal a 10% luxury tax on yachts and private planes. —repeal noun [countable, uncountable]its campaign for the repeal of the new labour legislation→ See Verb tableOrigin repeal (1300-1400) Old French repeler, from apeler; → APPEAL2re·peal verbChineseSyllable  it Corpus government Business if a repeals a law,




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