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单词 repellent
释义  re·pel·lent1 /rɪˈpelənt/ adjective  UNPLEASANTvery unpleasant 令人厌恶的,让人反感的 → repulsive She found him physically repellent. 她觉得他的长相很讨厌。repellent to The sight of blood is repellent to some people. 有些人看到血会不舒服。Examples from the Corpusrepellent• The embalmers' perfume filled the room, tinged with a slight sourness which smelt repellent.• Can he find me as repellent as I find him?• Lloyd George, in particular, was an unfailing source of repellent fascination to him.• All of which leaves many observers wondering what on earth is the appeal of such violent, repellent music.• I flip through more repellent photos.• The well at her monastery was said to have repellent properties against rodents.• So what do you do if you wish people to work harder, faster, under conditions repellent to them?• The steps were repellent to Tom, but Marge thought them very romantic.repellent2, repellant noun [countable, uncountable]  MDHBIa substance that keeps insects away 驱虫剂insect/mosquito/bug etc repellent 驱虫剂/驱蚊剂等Examples from the Corpusrepellent• Sam has bug repellent all over him.• The writer was wearing a bulletproof vest and had brass knuckles and chemical repellent in other pockets.• Morton Salt is a great flea repellent.• Vic says not to worry - did I think Father Firmin had insect repellent all those years ago?• So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.• But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.• mosquito repellentinsect/mosquito/bug etc repellent• Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin, which also acts as an insect repellent.• Vic says not to worry - did I think Father Firmin had insect repellent all those years ago?• Sam has bug repellent all over him.• I never went out without my insect repellent and waterproof sunblock.• So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.• But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.• To protect people from being bitten they must be educated and persuaded to use insect repellents and mosquito nets.• I glued up the cat flap. 1 sprayed the letter box with insect·pel·lent1 adjectiverepellent2 nounChineseSyllable  very unpleasant Corpus




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