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单词 Red giant
1 These red giants were probably close neighbours of the infant sun and the ejected matter fell into the solar nebula.
2 He had taken his sonnet to Rodge at Red Giant and turned it into an ode.
3 The red giants also may be useful in calibrating cosmic distances and estimating the age of the universe.
4 The sun will swell into a red giant.
5 Having consumed all the hydrogen fuel in its core, it expanded massively into a "red giant" and might have eaten up smaller rocky planets like our own Earth in the process, before contracting.
6 The sun will then become what's called a red giant, and its radius will reach just past the orbit of Venus.
7 First, it's really old — past the Red Giant phase, when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits.
8 Does a red giant wake up one morning and suddenly just decide to go supernova?
9 Red giant stars on the outskirts of the cluster are easy to pick out as yellowish stars in this sharp telescopic portrait.
10 Because a red giant is so large, its heat spreads out and the surface temperatures are predominantly cool, but its core remains red-hot.
11 This star is a red giant with a visual magnitude of 17.
12 If a red giant is big enough (has sufficient mass), once it runs out helium it will move on to fusing other elements.
13 Robert Smith, emeritus reader in astronomy at the University of Sussex, southern England, previously calculated that as the Sun runs out of fuel, it will expand into a dangerous "red giant".
14 At this stage, the star becomes a large red giant.
15 Every 20 years or so, the red giant star dumps enough hydrogen gas onto its companion white dwarf star to set off a brilliant thermonuclear explosion on the white dwarf's surface.
16 About 200 light-years distant, Mirach is a red giant star, cooler than the Sun but much larger and so intrinsically much brighter than our parent star.
17 It is only 93 light-years away, closer than most of the red giants.
18 Different kinds of reactions start, and the star swells out to become a Red Giant, as Betelgeux is today.
19 An artist's rendering shows a Jupiter-like planet being engulfed by an expanding red giant star.
20 In another paper in the same issue, a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars,[] which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs.
21 Right before a star dies, it explodes into its red giant phase, rapidly ballooning in size and brightness, blasting planet-warming solar radiation far and wide.
22 Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star , its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.
23 You can literally see the shock coming through the undisturbed atmosphere of the red giant star and then the subsequent expansion of that star, " Nugent said."
24 One explanation is that HIP 13044 swallowed its inner planets during the red giant phase, which would make the star spin more quickly.
25 Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration.
26 However, GD 362 started out as a star like the sun in our solar system. But when the star used up its fuel, it swelled up into a red giant and then ejected its outer shell.
27 When a star similar to the sun fuses most of its hydrogen into helium, then the helium into carbon, the star becomes unstable and puffs out into a red giant.
28 In 2005, an international team of astronomers discovered that dying red giant stars could act like a defibrillator and bring icy planets back from the dead.
29 Even though this would help Earth to survive the sun's red giant phase, its ultimate fate is probably sealed.
30 In another 5 billion years it will swell into a red giant and either consume our planet or bake its surface to concrete.
31 At 3 o'clock in the morning on that date, Mars will rise in the eastern sky alongside the red giant star Aldebaran .
32 Convection within the red giant dredges the new proto-dust atoms from the core up to the surface.
33 This causes the star's outer layers to expand enormously and to cool and glow red as they do so, rendering the star a red giant.




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