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单词 Sexist
1. His sexist attitude infuriates me.
2. She was offended at [ by ] his sexist remarks.
3. Some people think that 'fireman' is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term 'firefighter'.
4. Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common.
5. Sexist language is insulting to women.
6. He told some really offensive sexist jokes.
7. My father was a complete sexist. He thought a woman's place was in the kitchen.
8. Sexist language is all of a piece with the way some men treat women.
9. She was so angry at his sexist remarks that she called him a male chauvinist pig.
10. It is sexist to say that women are less intelligent than men.
11. She refused to rise to his sexist remarks.
12. A new female editor found it sexist.
13. We had to endure racist and sexist taunts.
14. Sexist language is very insulting to women.
15. Feminism's objections to sexist language have been much parodied.
16. Come on, Jack, don't be sexist.
17. And, of course, he was a sexist.
18. Sexist behavior may occur among students, among faculty members, or between a faculty member and a student.
19. As feminists resist sexist language,() so many speakers have resisted the alternative.
20. She was trapped with a sexist employer who exploited a sexist legal system.
21. The club deny they're being sexist, but regret the political implications.
22. He objects to the sexist label - he doesn't think he's sexist at all.
23. The stupid sexist comments of the blokes with whom and for whom she worked merely provided an entertaining soap opera wallpaper.
24. My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all.
25. He found himself in the firing line for his sexist remarks.
26. The singer deliberately courts controversy with his racist and sexist lyrics.
27. 'Man', as a blanket term for both men and women, is now considered sexist.
28. She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation.http:///sexist.html
29. Ministers will also propose stricter implementation of laws against racist and sexist remarks at matches.
30. Firstly, I understand that you must edit letters, but the crucial point on avoiding sexist language was omitted.
1. His sexist attitude infuriates me.
2. Some people think that 'fireman' is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term 'firefighter'.
31. Is sexist language just an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women, as nonentities and scapegoats?
32. Once again we see here that contradictoriness is no barrier to the maintenance of sexist stereotypes.
33. That beer swilling, tattooed, sexist monstrosity which is fast heading into extinction anyway.
34. I had made some silly sexist remark, and Caroline convinced them I was dangerous.
35. A particularly important division is between those who regard sexist language as a symptom and those who regard it as a cause.
36. We need not dwell on the sexist nature of such myths.
37. For them, the major problem with sexist language is that it is outdated.
38. Do they have sexist, ageist or racist attitudes that might emerge at a critical point in your work together?
39. Before anybody complains that all this is very sexist and demeaning - I entirely agree.
40. In fact they follow the logic feminists identify as sexist because it assumes women's subordinate position.
41. The programme consists of an hour of sexist banter and innuendo.
42. Even if women are legally entitled to equality, sexist language still activates and re-circulates deeply held beliefs about female inequality.
43. These studies concentrated on images of women, a type of criticism which views films as cultural forms imbued with sexist ideology.
44. Controversy surrounds the TV show, which many consider to be racist, sexist, and homophobic.
45. And there were those men who encouraged us to reprimand them for sexist thoughts and deeds.
46. Farrakhan has long been controversial for remarks that many consider anti-Semitic, racist and sexist.
47. But after they take off a stewardess appears. Cabin crew, John reminds himself: stewardess is sexist.
48. It is there-fore not surprising that during this time the Carleton community was particularly sensitive to sexist behavior.
49. What have I got to say to a man whose idea of manhood is the same old sexist patriarchy?
50. But there is no excuse for modern hymns to contain gender-based or sexist language.
51. Sexist language distorts the truth: realising this, right-thinking people will proceed to self-criticism and reform.
52. Most prefer to swallow their anger or hurt when professors make sexist or racist remarks.
53. Of course they're going to find in Scripture the sexist views which conform to their own narrow-minded view of the world.
54. Very sexist of you to assume otherwise, if I may say so.
55. Most liberals, like other feminists, believe that schools are partly responsible for instilling sexist attitudes into children.
56. Despite the breakneck advancement of women on one level, traditionally sexist assumptions and time-honored bigotry remain enshrined on another.
57. I also don't mean to be sexist because the same scenario works when the sexes are reversed.
58. I know it is a terribly sexist remark but I do think of the machines in our first workshop as old ladies.
58. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
59. Are modern games more sexist?
60. Please sexist in eagerr resume dawn eagerr appliunusualion retard.
61. I am not being sexist.
62. At a deeper lever, it has a sexist component.
63. the sexist implications of Saint John's treatment of virginity.
64. It can never be sexist or humiliating.
65. I have a personal theory , though : the more sexist the country, the lower the birthrate.
66. I was admonished for tackling "sensationalist and sexist" topics that apparently have no place in a forum such as Psychology Today.
67. "Gender jihad is the struggle against male chauvinistic , homophobic or sexist readings of the Islamic sacred texts, " said Abdennur Prado, one of the meeting's Spanish organisers.
68. Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist.
69. We are opposed to all forms of misogynist behavior and sexist attitudes; we respect all women.
70. Perkins went to extraordinary lengths to succeed in the sexist world in which she operated.
71. Chauvinist : She was so angry at his sexist remarks that she called him a chauvinist pig.
71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72. I have rarely read anything so insultingly sexist as this article.
73. Femininity explained and justified everything for his sexist generation, but not for mine.
74. We may put up a good front -- here a sexist comment, there a war cry -- but secretly, we like being househusbands.
75. This sexist plague began with Scene Queens: Young, punk girls on social networks who put up titillating pictures of themselves for free.
76. Sexist: What does a person thinks of after he becomes a deportee?
77. The notion that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists, pooh-poohed as unscientific, sexist or both.
78. Teachers reported they heard sexist comments more often than homophobic ones, and they also saw more harassment based on appearance and weight than on sexual orientation.
79. Sexist language is the external symptom of long - rooted gender inequality.
80. So you only act like a bigot and a sexist pig around me?
81. Hello. Tinstant is an emergency . Can eager please sexist ambulance?
82. Sexist: One who , when he have the choice of two evils, chooses two of them.
83. Criminalisation of soliciting is a sexist law and it's one that concerns all women, because any woman who goes out at night without being accompanied by a man can be suspected of soliciting.
84. To understand the real meaning of that you have to understand how the generally male-dominated and sexist yakuza define "a man.
85. I think the whole thing is very unfair and if I may say so I think it's very sexist.




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