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单词 big time
释义  ˈbig time1 noun  the big time informalAPPG the position of being very famous or important, for example in the entertainment business or in politics 〔演艺界或政界等的〕头号地位,最高成就,大红大紫 The 46-year-old author has finally hit the big time. 这位46岁的作家终于走红了。 —big-time adjective [only before noun] big-time cocaine dealers 可卡因大毒枭Examples from the Corpusbig time• I know he talked to her about what it was like before Jett hit the big time.• So what's it like for young David to be in the big time.• It has taken him just five and a half years to make his mark in the big time.• Lennie knows he hasn't any time to play with if Boro are to stay in the big time.• We were both pretty excited about visiting Saigon, country boys coming in to see the big time.big time2 adverb spoken  to a very large degree 很大程度地 Morris messed up big time. 莫里斯把事情搞得一团糟。Examples from the Corpusbig time• I lost, big time, on that investment.ˈbig time1 nounbig time2 adverbChineseSyllable  the being for important, or Corpus famous of position very example




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