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单词 New Testament
释义  ˌNew ˈTestament noun  the New Testament RRCthe part of the Bible which describes the life of Jesus Christ and what he taught, and the life of the first Christians 〔《圣经》的〕《新约全书》 → Gospel, Old TestamentExamples from the CorpusNew Testament• This is clear from a number of New Testament passages: Mark 10.45.• The account appears in garbled form in the New Testament.• In the New Testament the pattern is repeated.• In the New Testament there are only four references to homosexuality.• He does get to keep a worn, pocket-size copy of the New Testament.• It must be remembered that no complete version of the New Testament survives which pre-dates the reign of Constantine.• They also point out that the New Testament is full of demon possession and exorcisms.ˌNew ˈTestament nounChineseSyllable  which the the describes the part Bible Corpus of




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