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单词 Healthier
1. Don't you think Japanese people are healthier?
2. Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.
3. We want them to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
4. It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.
5. Generous spacing gives healthier trees and better crops.
6. Maria looks much healthier than she did.
7. The population as a whole is getting healthier.
8. It's much healthier to direct your emotions outwards than to bottle them up inside you.
9. Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.
10. Consumer groups were urging school cafeterias to serve healthier food.
11. There is a trend towards healthier eating among all sectors of the population.
12. On average, people who don't smoke are healthier than people who do.
13. They are healthier, happier, safer, better educated and richer.
14. I've been much healthier since I stopped smoking.
15. Exercise can help people live longer, healthier lives.
16. I think it's a healthier, more gentle decade.
17. Smiling people are mentally, psychologically and physically healthier. Dr T.P.Chia 
18. Adjust cooking methods for healthier eating.
19. We need to work toward a healthier environment.
20. I've lost weight by eating healthier meals.
21. Today, people are living longer and healthier lives.
22. This country's people are wealthier, healthier, and better educated than ever before.
23. A cycling population would be fitter, healthier and more egalitarian than one reliant on privileged personal access to a car.
24. Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are any healthier.
25. Carob is sometimes used in sweet foods as a healthier alternative to chocolate.
26. The message is crystal clear—if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.
27. Don't worry about cutting the rose bushes severely,they always grow back,stronger and healthier than ever.
28. If you love sweet or fatty foods, it is difficult to switch to healthier alternatives.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. Corporations and nonprofits all around the country have figured out that humor helps people to work more effectively and keeps them healthier.
30. In Denmark, regular health visiting promotes wellness by developing healthier children.
1. Don't you think Japanese people are healthier?
2. Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are any healthier.
31. It has been forced to reveal itself due to strict new regulations for healthier office environments and appears quite harmless!
32. As a result he gets more exercise and is generally fitter and healthier.
33. I'm trying to eat a healthier diet now, with less fat and sugar.
34. To say that people are healthier than they used to be is a broad generalization -- the reality is a little more complex.
35. The many routes to a healthier diet will be described later in the book.
36. Compulsory retirement for all at a fixed age is no longer appropriate as people live longer and healthier lives.
37. It is up to us to take advantage of this opportunity and make it a new start for a healthier future.
38. Why should popular opinion hold that brown bread or brown sugar are so much healthier than the refined, white versions?
39. Through their own efforts they have created a happier, healthier environment for their children.
40. She advocates the idea of creating gardens that feed themselves, an organic process she believes produces healthier food and flowers.
41. As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it.
42. Educated women had lower fertility rates, and the children they did have were significantly healthier.
43. A Healthier Prescription Not all physicians who treat fat people encourage them to diet, take pills, or have surgery.
44. Once you start eating in a healthier way, good weight control should become much easier.
45. It seems to be a feature almost peculiar to this country, and nothing could be healthier for scholarship.
46. If you are the right weight already you could very probably still be healthier if you reduced your intake of saturated fats.
47. But do we need it, will it make our lives better, will we be healthier people as a result.
48. Those on triple combination also had half as many incidents of cancers or opportunistic infections and were generally healthier.
49. It's all looking much healthier now but time is still a major factor.
50. Self-disciplined people are more successful, healthier and happier in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
51. They're both getting fatter and healthier, and they really enjoy their food now.
52. And they are also likely to be healthier in old age, and have better access to good diet and medical assistance.
53. Natural fruit juices are a healthier alternative to fruit squashes and fizzy drinks.
54. You need to have detailed information to help you plan your goals for healthier eating and weight control.
55. In some places they even say that small amounts of radiation make you healthier.
56. They were healthier, more productive, more innovative than workers who were consumed by jobs.
57. Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated.
58. He suffered from malaria and consumption and needed to move from low-lying Cambridge to a healthier climate./healthier.html
59. Educated women have healthier children and enjoy better health themselves.
60. You will already be feeling fitter, healthier, and be starting to shed the first few pounds of excess weight.
61. Britain's people: healthier, safer and better housed Liberal Democrats will invest in local services to enable communities to thrive.
62. In recent years this has been brought into sharp focus with growing public concern for a healthier and safer environment.
63. That's partly because the company is much healthier and more robust now.
64. As the New Year came and went, so did millions of resolutions to turn over a healthier leaf.
65. They've been given a better education, a longer and healthier life and higher expectations, but no future.
66. You really need to think about leading a healthier lifestyle.
67. For others, the Nutrition Facts are a lifeline for building a healthier eating style.
68. Expert groups in many Western countries have already decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results.
69. Whether you're shopping, going to work or travelling for pleasure, it's a lot cheaper and much healthier!
70. We also explain how you can revolutionise your eating habits and lead a healthier lifestyle.
71. Their evidence suggests that sports participants are healthier and lead healthier lifestyles than non-participants.
72. Sue looks much healthier now and her face has started to fill out.
73. Now one has a healthier order book while the other finds its delivery times and its storage needs slashed.
74. Some can also help to strengthen thin and weak hair whilst others help hair look fuller and healthier.
75. It seemed that those who augmented inadequate incomes by poaching or stealing food raised physically healthier families than the more law-abiding.
76. But we can combat germs and bacteria and provide a healthier environment for our loved ones with the help of Dettol.
77. And now, healthier than he has been in nearly three years, he wants a chance to prove it.
78. These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it.
79. No, there are plenty of healthier and more socially acceptable options.
80. Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat.
81. Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before.
82. Please castrate me, I can be healthier like this.
83. Decaffeinated coffee is healthier than regular.
84. Their labor makes our cities healthier and more livable.
85. Fidel Castro looks like he is getting healthier.
86. For starters, the global economy of the early 2000s, has been far healthier than the stagflationary 1970s.
87. In the past, Japan's policy makers have prodded healthier companies to lead the way in accepting state aid, to remove the stigma that might keep others from doing so.
88. Any piece of fresh fruit is a wiser health choice than a fruit drink that comes in a paper or plastic container, and drinking plain tea or water is a much healthier way to quench one's thirst .
89. It is a sad fact of socioeconomics that the wealthy tend to lead healthier, longer lives than do the poor.
90. For its part, McDonald's has added healthier items to its menu in recent years, like apple slices, low-fat milk.
91. And flank steak is a lean, healthier cut of meat that will save you from extra saturated fat.
92. For those who prefer a good meaty pizza, leaner choices such as chicken, shrimp, or Canadian bacon will be healthier choices than pepperoni, sausage, and even beef.
93. It's not negotiable. more connected are, the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally.
94. The life line represents health, and the longer it is, the healthier someone is.
95. And it's human natural too that parents want their children to be healthier and smatter then other people's.
96. Two healthier - looking eggs were fertilized and implanted into her womb last autumn.
97. There are some heart - healthier oils, called monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils - such as olive, canola or soybean oils.
98. We could supposedly emerge as a smaller but healthier company.
99. That, in turn, helped the firm to reduce its leverage ratio (the level of indebtedness on its balance sheet), avoid a rating downgrade and appear healthier than it actually was.
100. Women of the future are likely to be slightly shorter and plumper, have healthier hearts and longer reproductive windows.
101. Uropathy, was written to help sick people recover their health and to help healthy people live healthier lives and function happily.
102. Oct. 16, 2006 issue - Salt-codfish cakes with tapenade and fried oregano may be one of the healthier items on the lunch menu at the United Nations delegates' dining room in New York.
103. Bread can be replaced by other complex carbohydrates, like rice or pasta, but whole wheat bread is the healthier option.
104. Whole wheat flour. Flour is the powder we use to make bread. Whole wheat bread is brown and it is healthier than white bread.
105. The researchers involved in the experiments say that taken daily from middle-age, the "elixir of life" powder could help millions enjoy a healthier old age.
106. Also new is the stick figure walking up the left side of the pyramid to match the guide's slogan: "Steps to a healthier you."
107. Study subjects were recruited from AARP members, a group that's healthier than other similarly aged Americans.
108. Study subjects were recruited from AARP a group that's healthier than other similarly aged Americans.
109. Wansink's team has shown that putting chocolate milk in the back of the cooler, behind healthier drinks, will cause more children to pick unflavored milk.
110. Viewing fortunetelling as an entertaining way to spend a few hours is much healthier than looking at it as a long-term investment.
111. Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource is published monthly to help women enjoy healthier, more productive lives. Revenue from subscriptions is used to support medical research at Mayo Clinic.
112. If you want to get healthier, there's only one way to do it, you have to become enticed by working-out and eating right.
113. The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5, 000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
114. Soul food, she notes, can also be prepared in healthier ways.
115. Fathers could be annoyed for being woken by their offspring in the early hours of the morning, but having children could mean they have healthier hearts.
116. If you stay off the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.
117. The sacroiliac joint remains healthier if it is not stretched too much.
118. Families whose children get well-balanced meals should know that vitamin supplements won't make their kids any healthier.
118. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
119. I'm not a big fan of "dieting" — a word that conjures up images of hunger and chewing on celery or doing some kind of fad diet — but I do believe in trying to eat a healthier diet.
120. Bianca : Me too. But we should try to lead a healthier life style.
121. Homemade food--prepared with fresh ingredients--is almost always better (and healthier) than store-bought items.
122. Packer stresses that "the soft drink industry needs to promote safe and moderate use of its products for all age groups, reduce serving sizes, and pay heed to the rising call for healthier drinks.
123. To promote "healthier" drink choices, the company made low-fat milk products available.
124. The theater chain Cinemark switched to the healthier canola oil, so their salty snack comes in slightly better at under 1, 000 calories for a medium popcorn.
125. What's more, the most productive time to intervene to create a healthier society is childhood, Marmot says.
126. Experts say, skip it all. None of these products are likely to make you any healthier.
127. Bark beetles in lodgepole pine used to be more selective, leaving the younger and healthier trees alone.
128. Such innovation initiatives and spirit may result in embedding China's industrial development in healthier and endogenously created institutions.
129. Because breast-fed babies are healthier, the AAP projects that a significant increase in the nation's breast-feeding rate could trim nearly $4 billion a year in health care costs.
130. You may wish to visualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.
131. With Sinus Dynamics aerosolized medication for sinuses, more patients can enjoy a healthier life.
132. NAHB chief economist David Crowe said tight access to credit, competition from short sales and foreclosures were major obstacles on the path to a healthier housing market.
133. grilled entrees, whole-grain pasta, brown rice, flatbread pizzas are just some of the healthier choices.
134. Healthier signs are expected for China's foreign trade judging by China's 106th Export and Import Trade Fair (Canton Fair), which kicked off Thursday in Guangzhou.
135. The Health Check program, including the nutrient criteria, will continue to evolve and encourage the food industry to offer healthier choices to Canadians.
136. By planting a vegetable garden, we can slash our food bill while eating healthier.
137. Healthier choices, such as taking short workday breaks, exercising and staying socially connected, "will help you manage things better.
138. I will never give up doing sports because I hope I will be healthier.
139. “I’ve waited for so long to have a baby of my own, ” Rajo Devi said. “The doctors said I was healthier than many women half my age.
140. Physiologists have shown that minuscule doses of poison may actually make organisms (including humans) healthier[], a phenomenon called hormesis.
141. Effective killing pet's body's fungoid, eliminate stinking as bacterial, so that make our pet lovely, healthier. Rich formula can further soften the skin, silk the hair.
142. Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest, making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science.
143. It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.
144. Suddenly, the much-vaunted Choosing Health strategy, with its high hopes of a healthier nation, was dead in the water.
145. The shocking fresh red of an amaryllis changes an entire room and makes it feel cleaner and healthier.
146. In fact, it's adaptive, Lerner says, and it's a healthier response than fear.
147. Spay and Neuter: Rabbits will live healthier and longer lives when altered and won't contribute to the overpopulation problem.
148. Opening the attached document, I found an article discussing why sleeping in an unmade bed was healthier than sleeping in a made one.




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更新时间:2025/3/11 18:22:22