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单词 newsroom
释义  news·room /ˈnjuːzrʊm, -ruːm $ ˈnuːz-/ noun [countable]  the office in a newspaper or broadcasting company where news is received and news reports are written 〔报社或广播公司的〕新闻编辑室Examples from the Corpusnewsroom• The one lesson I had learned over many years of working in metropolitan newsrooms was how insulated editors were.• The man was visibly disappointed by the newsroom.• I often felt more inspired writing in a tearoom than in the newsroom.• In the newsroom, Bernstein and Woodward waited for the first edition of the afternoon Washington Star-News to arrive.• The newsroom was minuscule, not much more than a cubbyhole, next door to Monty's cluttered little·room nounChineseSyllable  a in or Corpus broadcasting the newspaper office




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