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单词 Analogue
1. No conversion from analogue to digital data is needed.
2. A slide - rule is a simple analogue computer.
3. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
4. No model can ever be a perfect analogue of nature itself.
5. The information on an ordinary gramophone record is analogue.
6. Last fling for the analogue gramophone?
7. Analogue computing will come back in force.
8. The need for analogue computers will grow with the realization that whole new fields will be opened up by evolutionary computing.
9. An old-fashioned analogue watch and a chunky bracelet on the right wrist might be observed through half-closed lids.
10. Instead,[sentencedict .com] it allows the analogue and digital information to co-exist.
11. This problem is the humanistic analogue of the problem of the stoker on the electric train.
12. Many issues in multimedia involve the interplay between analogue and digital information.
13. The signal is converted back into an analogue waveform just before it is fed to the picture tube and loudspeakers.
14. Our present system is analogue and the requirement for computer system links and data transmission may justify changing to a digital system.
15. Rather than using analogue voltages the servos operate with digital pulses of varying width to form a pulse width locked loop.
16. It could be video from any other analogue source such as video tape or videodisc.
17. To further contrast analogue and digital information, we can return to our wristwatch parallel.
18. If we translate analogue information into a digital form, we can suddenly manipulate it freely in almost any way we wish.
19. Pelevin has chosen the fantastic as a suitable analogue, and become a cult literary bad-boy.
20. Analogue computing also allows the direct representation of nonlinear problems.
21. Lehman said the shift from analogue to digital technology is increasing costs but without yet causing an increase in revenues.
22. An early form of analogue computer, the astrolabe was primarily designed to solve problems of spherical trigonometry to shorten astronomical calculations.
23. Quantum, optical, chemical, analogue and evolutionary computers all offer opportunities to rethink completely the way we do computing.
24. Designed to explode from rave speakers at highly-paid PAs, full of hooks and analogue noise.
25. It is a key prediction of this chapter that in the future analogue computers will outnumber digital ones.
26. Which all goes to show what can actually be achieved when an analogue master tape is lovingly transferred to compact disc.
27. This technique provides a constantly changing voltage which can be fed to the computer through a suitable analogue input.
28. The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.controlled oscillator with the controlling voltage generated by an analogue circuit.
29. It is as if the information processed by the senses becomes integrated to form an analogue of the energy patterns impinging upon them.
30. As yet, there is no agreed international standard for analogue videotelephony.
1. No conversion from analogue to digital data is needed.
2. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
31. In the transmitter, infra-red is modulated to carry the analogue sound information which then fills the room.
32. When lock is achieved, the digital detector is switched out of circuit to avoid noise denigration in the analogue circuit.
33. The combat unit had sprayed napalm or some napalm analogue into the Silver Shuriken, and he was clothed in fire.
34. Analogue design remains important because it accommodates and defines the basic building blocks of electronics.
35. I would prefer an analogue contents display because it is more eye-catching and less likely to be misread.
36. Analogue telecommunications networks and devices will become a thing of the past - eventually.
37. Where more than one channel is provided for, the device is question will incorporate some form of analogue multiplexer.
38. These are no doubt spiritual matters, but they have their analogue in the material world.
39. The simple branching rule for drawing trees, then, looks like a promising analogue for embryonic development.
40. The analogue signal was stored in digitised form on a computer hard drive.
41. A paper map represents geographical information in analogue fashion, using lines and symbols.
42. In the analogue world, the reshaping of a page of information or a physical object requires some exercise of brute force.
43. Provided that post-storage image processing is not a major priority, analogue technology is effective.
44. But, overall, Rescalc V2 will prove invaluable for analogue designers and equipment manufacturers.
45. For analogue transmission, the light output must vary in linear fashion with the electrical inputs.
46. Despite being recorded in analogue, the sound-quality is still remarkably good.
47. A striking feature of all these initiatives is their use of analogue technology.
48. At the time, the only technology available to store large numbers of high quality images was the analogue videodisc.
49. Ordinary analogue telephone lines used for voice communication have a low band width and can not transmit much data per second.
50. This experiment illustrates how, in practice, a simple analogue system can provide good results over relatively short distances.
51. Evolutionary computing needs analogue computers with a digital storage of genetic material and noise to demonstrate its true effectiveness.
52. It is a continuous analogue of the discreteKronecker delta.
53. An analogue to mineral chronometry is O isotope geothermometry.
54. The analogue components would cause signal distortion and noise.
55. An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale.
56. It also attempts to establish a model of mental processing for learning and thinking in the hope of the application in analogue computer and artificial intelligence.
57. Experimental water includes analogue dye wastewater and practical printing and dyeing wastewater.
58. Methods: A total of 17 cases of phantom limb pain after amputation were treated with neurotropin. The visual analogue scales(VAS) were measured before and after the treatment.
59. In this paper, the realization of adaptive noise cancellation using an analogue neural network is discussed. The network is used to compute the coefficients of a linear transversal filter.
60. Terphenyllin is the dominant analogue of a family of polyphenyl fungal metabolites produced by Aspergillus candidus.
61. The incidence of the waist - back pain and visual analogue scale ( VAS ) were recorded after operation.
62. The application of Process Device Manager software and corresponding analogue input unit, the attachment of HART Agreement transmater to the PLC system.
63. The invention discloses the new use of alkyl isourea compound and analogue of the alkyl isourea compound.
64. The design consideration, main structure, working principle and techniques of analogue water level device are introduced.
65. Ochratoxin B is the non-chlorinated analogue of the much more extensively studied ochratoxin A.
66. The proposition for consumers of digital TV is completely transformative compared to analogue TV. The same cannot be said of digital radio.
67. With the advent of dental materials and technology, we can replace a broken tooth root with a titanium root analogue, that is, dental implant.
68. This Paper introduces a effective method of improving the analogue magnetic tape recorder MCD-3 and the demodulator CBY-2.
68. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
69. At a time when so many artists have shifted their planning onto computers, Mr Orozco prefers analogue tools.
70. Test rolling table is an analogue equipment, which simulates the motions of a ship disturbed by the wave force, and it serves as the simulating bench for performance testing of the anti-rolling tank.
71. Analogue meters and potentiometers can be replaced by digital meters and non-inductive resistors in the classical ballistic method, so it makes wiring and operating more easier.
72. A novel receiver system for non-cooperative passive detection is proposed and the analogue cancellation of the radio frequency is used.
73. With respect to analogue data ; to place it in digital form.
74. CAE is to use computers as tool to complete modeling, digital analogue, result display and processing in engineering design.
75. Additionally, Dragon Runner SUGV, gives operators field-changeable frequency capabilities, using analogue or digital radio options.
76. The design consideration, main structure, working principle and techniques of analogue level device are introduced.
77. Chemistry of actinides in natural aquifers, migration behaviour of radionuclides and natural analogue study are mainly discussed.
78. Changing of alarm and control levels on analogue signals and controllers.
79. FLD is usually measured with swell test in rigid die. The tested FLD is good fit that one measured by analogue computer in ASAME(Automated Strain Analysis and Measure Environment).
80. Analogue computation and experiments show that employing compound oil film damper in antifriction bearing spindle system will raise significantly the dynamic behavior of machine tool.
81. The recent failures of financial institutions suggests an organisational analogue.
82. They were be evaluated by visual analogue scoring system (VAS) score and JOA score system for low back pain score.
83. AIM: To investigate the effects of MK-447 on platelet shape change, aggregation, and ATP release by collagen (Col), ADP, and stable analogue of thromboxane A2 ( STA2 ) in rabbits.
84. Biff: The sound on Lionheart is a hybrid of analogue and digital recording.
85. It is analogue device corporate ADF 4116 series chip to adoptive.
86. The phonic information memorized in analogue has high fidelity effect and is very easy to modify.
87. In this article an audio controller, which uses digital circuit technology instead of original analogue components to control channel selection and volume adjustment, is proposed.
88. Di Ventra speculates that the viscosities of the sol and gel components of the slime mould make for a mechanical analogue of memristance.
89. Lenalidomide, a novel analogue of thalidomide, belongs to the immunomodulatory drug (IMiD) for the treatment of multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome.
90. Surface Acoustic Wave Filter (SAWF) is a sort of analogue device for signal processing.
91. With the analysis for the characteristics of analogue simulator and digital real-time simulator, the principle and application of hybrid real-time simulators are presented.
92. In order to improve the performance of the domestic ventilator a single-chip microprocessor system substituting original analogue circuits is suggested by the authors.
93. Three features parameters derived from the instantaneous amplitude, instantaneous phase, instantaneous frequency and power spectrum of analogue modulated signals are presented in this article.
94. The disturbance resistant of LH coil and the circuit structure of analogue electronic switching matrix, integrator, direct current detector are especially studied.
95. A frequency translation circuit (172-188) abuts the multiple channel bandpass filtered analogue signals in the frequency domain without any guard bands between adjacent channel signals.
96. After that the approach of automatically generating the fault dictionary is discussed, and a general diagnosis program for analogue circuits has been written to implement these techniques.
97. A purine analogue, C5H4N4S, that acts as an antimetabolite by interfering with purine synthesis, used primarily in the treatment of acute leukemia.
98. Based on the similarity criterion, small lead test sample is used to carry on physical analogue experiment,[http:///analogue.html] confirmed the theory achievement's reliability to carry on the finite element analog.
99. Application of spectrophotometric methods and dynamic spectroscopy methods in studies on functional enzymology and micelle enzymology especially about peroxidase analogue have been discussed.
100. It also manes a brief introduction of the principle of the simple charge amplifier and the analogue scanner.
101. For comparison, its analogue linear polymer ( 5 ) was also synthesized.
102. An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
103. The preparation human proinsulin C-peptide of analogue using of PAM resin was also reported.
104. However, analogue controller is dominant in electric propulsion system for underwater ship.
105. Visual analogue pain scale ( VAS ) and Bruggman comfort score ( BCS ) were observed at 1、2、4、24、48 h after operation.
106. Among the modulars, input modular is used for accepting analogue signal, sampling holding and D/A converter.
107. The analogue control signals and parameter retransmissions are applied to the driver board user terminal blocks.
108. The variable impedance scaling method for design of SCN has been improved in the Paper, the resulting is that the analogue filter can be realized by Passive SCN.
109. Vascular endothelial dysfunction has close relation ship with the development of pulmonary hypertension and prostacyclin analogue, endothelin receptor antagonists are new drug for the treatment.
110. Flexible output mixing options support single-ended and differential configurations with outputs derived from the digital audio paths or from analogue bypass paths.
111. These characteristics can be used for future structure elucidation in studies of fluroquinolones and analogue compounds.
112. A semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin used especially in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections.
113. The methods overcome the shortcoming that time constant is greater and filtering result is affected by frequency variation for a analogue positive sequence voltage filter.
114. Feasibility of extension and modification proposal of quinoline refining system is obtained by computer analogue calculation.
115. Bucket brigade device (BBD) is usually used as analogue shift register with MOS structure, which can provide an accurate delay fur the analogue signal.
116. A crystalline compound, C6H 12N 3PS, a sulfur-containing analogue of tepa, used to treat certain malignant tumors.
117. In these tests , the novel α - MSH analogue is a MC 1 R and MC 5 R selective agonist.
118. Every analogue wireless system has background noise to a certain extent.
119. Their new Analogue servos come in 6kg and 9kg versions and are both metal geared with coreless motors and come with a blue anodized heat sink as part of the casing.
120. Far from merely retreading the past, mercifully, the fiercely analogue results take on a sophisticated dimension of their own.
121. In Chapter 4, we discuss a fast prefiltering method for environment maps based on spherical harmonics, which is the analogue on the sphere to the Fourier basis on the line or circle.
122. Analogue bandwidth is measured in Hertz Hz, cycles per second.
123. Modem means ( modula tor ) and ( demodula tor ), it can change digital signal to analogue signal and vice versa.
124. The second paper elaborates the application of tape recording to earthquake observations, mainly describing the analogue and digital tape recording and the corresponding time service systems.
125. The modification suggestions feasibleare offered, based on the further more analogue computing.
126. Cleudine is a pyrimidine analogue with potent and sustained antiviral activity against HB.
127. In order to dispel the message distortion, we must correctly arrange the sampling order of multiple analogue computer system after the sampling frequence is done.
128. This design is simple to microprogramming, which not only has faster computing, but also has high efficiency of analogue control.
128. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
129. The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.
130. The state - of - the - art of fault diagnosis for analogue circuits is introduced.
131. In order to predict the dust pollution caused by handling acinose ore on the bulk dock of Zhen Jiang Harbour, an analogue test is carried out in the wind tunnel.
132. This paper presents reversible digital field regulator with DSP and IGBT, which is substituted for current analogue field regulator with thyristors as power element.
133. This fibre can be used for analogue and for digital transmission.
134. OBJECTIVE To observe antiviral effect of tenofovir, a potential antiviral nucleoside analogue, against HBV replicon in vitro.
135. Insulin glargine, however, is a modified version of human insulin (an insulin analogue) that allows for the control of blood sugar for extended periods of time (a long-acting insulin).
136. Lau said the HKSAR government will carefully consider the question of analogue switch-off and will make proper arrangements to ensure a smooth migration from analogue to digital.
137. Purpose:The aim of the study was to quantitate analogue mitral regurgitant (MR)jet size with three dimensional(3D)reconstruction in vitro pulsatile flow model.
138. Clevudine is a pyrimidine analogue with potent and sustained antiviral activity against HBV.
139. Hong Kong has eight public mobile radiotelephone service operators operating one analogue and 11 digital networks.
140. The Danshensu derivative with a stable structure as above is obtained by combining Danshensu analogue and nitryl.
141. In order to optimize the washing and eluting solution, the adsorption of fisetin in different solutions was studied. It was found that the fisetin and analogue quercetin were separated primely.
142. Traditional methods of circuIt'simulation can be classified into analogue simulation and digital simulation.
143. Objeactive To research on TPO analogue peptide L203 to the thrombopoiesis effective and cultural megakaryocyte differentiation, the multiplication influence in myelosuppressive rats.
144. Sermorelin is a synthetic analogue of growth hormone releasing hormone, which is produced by the hypothalamus.
145. DCA, or dichloroacetic acid, is an analogue of acetic acid in which chlorine atoms replace two of the three hydrogen atoms on the methyl group.
146. Bucket brigade device(BBD) is usually used as analogue shift register with MOS structure, which can provide an accurate delay for the analogue signal.
147. In one phase, one of a first plurality (31) of analogue drive currents can be driven through EL display element.
148. And so this research apply very popular nervus network that proceed inflow floods analogue in the Panshitou reservoir in international.
149. The analogue modulation recognizer utilized the decision-theoretic approach that a set of decision criteria for identifying different types of modulations is developed.
150. Part of the problem is that the chip is just too intelligent - rather than a standard digital pulse it produces an analogue output that flummoxes the standard software used to test chips.
151. The electric machine analogue design is new method of rapid calculation in the similitude of cad.
152. Generally, electronic computers are classified into two groups; the digital computer and the analogue computer.
153. Results: The left and right ventricular pressure curves of each cardiac cycle from the analogue experiment are much close to the pressure curve in human physiological system.
154. Analogue frequency leading uses classic crystal filter group, it has many shorts, such as a great deal components, high cost and large bulk.
155. It is based on the widely used analogue "half-cycle peak ratio" technique, form which it differs by being entirely digital, no additional analogue signal processing or other hardware is required.
156. And over time, the economic analogue of natural selection operates as the market determines which firms are profitable and which are unprofitable, and tends to winnow out the latter.
157. This paper discusses the income model of bank's deposit and loan, makes use of the technology of analogue computer to simulate the best value of bank absorbing deposit and gives its results as well.
158. The industrial ecosystem would function as an analogue of biological ecosystems.
158. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
159. With no physical analogue I think the text loses its weight.
160. The gill of a fish is the analogue of the lung of a cat.
161. The paper also sets up dynamic analogue experiment system. It provides the basis for optimizing magneto-optic head and balancing network.
162. Lofexidine, a clonidine analogue, is a non opioid agent used to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of opiate dependence.
163. When you rotate the analogue stick the symbols up and scale up as you pass them.
164. The digital-to - analogue converter of 14 bit ( DAC ) resolution enlarged dynamic limits and improvement noise function.




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