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单词 Earnest
1. In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 
2. Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow.
3. He was a very earnest young man.
4. Life is real, life is earnest.
5. Matthews was in earnest conversation with a young girl.
6. The girl's earnest effort counterbalanced her slowness at learning.
7. Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.
8. When I looked over, he was in earnest conversation with his father.
9. On life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.
10. It is my earnest wish that you use this money to continue you study of music.
11. Her earnest manner arrested me.
12. That was when our troubles started in earnest.
13. He was in deadly earnest .
14. On December 8 the media blitz began in earnest.
15. On Monday your training begins in earnest !
16. He is earnest in his endeavors.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest.
18. Ella was a pious, earnest woman.
19. Life is real and earnest.
20. The election campaign has begun in earnest.
21. I could tell she spoke in earnest.
22. As an earnest of my good intentions I will reconsider your request.
23. I'm sure he was in earnest when he said he wanted to marry her.
24. Robert is a very earnest young man; you can trust him.
25. He was in earnest when he said he was leaving Beijing.
26. As an earnest of my good intentions I will work overtime this week.
27. His job as England manager begins in earnest now his World Cup campaign is in motion.
28. Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest
29. When she threatened to report us, she was in dead earnest.
30. I thought he was joking - I didn't realize he was in earnest.
1. Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow.
2. He was a very earnest young man.
3. Life is real, life is earnest.
4. Matthews was in earnest conversation with a young girl.
5. Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.
6. When I looked over, he was in earnest conversation with his father.
7. It is my earnest wish that you use this money to continue you study of music.
31. These fanatics are in deadly earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.
32. Although he smiled, Ashley knew he was in deadly earnest.
33. The work on the house will begin in earnest on Monday.
34. No one could tell whether he was in earnest or in jest.
35. She wasn't sure whether he was in earnest or not.
36. I'm in deadly earnest.
37. Make a few test recordings before you start the session in earnest.
38. The race for the White House begins in earnest today.
39. The other night we had quite an earnest talk.
40. Art thou in earnest, or in jest?
41. An earnest attempt at the Wilde life.
42. Now the process begins in earnest.
43. His work begins in earnest this week.
44. Baking begins in earnest weeks ahead.
45. Friends described Jackson as an earnest, hard-working young man.
46. The countdown begins in earnest as early as October.
47. The debate was prolonged and earnest.
48. Bobby sighed and turned to the chairman but he was in earnest conversation with a ponderous constable.
49. Now Alvin set about creating in earnest his groundbreaking modern dance repertory company.
50. Her large eyes had an earnest expression which frequently gave way to laughter.
51. In jest or earnest,[http:///earnest.html] such a man would not wish to leave this human and more than human mystery unresolved.
52. And yet, despite our earnest desire for happiness, we persist in disregarding the spiritual depths of ourselves.
53. A belief in criticism was an affirmation to be made in earnest assemblies of like minds.
54. I believe he was in earnest when he said he was leaving.
55. Her personality was drab, earnest and humourless and her appearance calculatedly unattractive.
56. He had a freckled face, pale and pointed, rather earnest, still schoolboyish.
57. The November campaign was, if anything, a bit too earnest, with education the main issue.
58. They had not long to wait to discover whether Edward was in earnest or not.
59. This version did receive approval and the weekly cycle of episode recording commenced in earnest.
60. Binyomin and Tsila had not only kissed but were on the verge of becoming man and wife in earnest.
61. Although her plan to import earnest and intelligent women failed, she did learn how to work the land.
62. But she would have fallen off anyway once the hunt started out in earnest.
63. There was some earnest grunting and scraping, but no upward progress.
64. Not some earnest, eager and ignorant lady running a slimming clinic in Slough.
65. Gore came across as an earnest, deliberately spoken politician, often gesturing with his hands.
66. The show hinges on this excruciating balance, hanging on Pennington's earnest performance.
67. She had always loved to sew, and when she had started to design in earnest wedding dresses had proved irresistible.
68. One earnest young man asked De Mille about the philosophical meaning of his films.
69. After the war, Kempton began his acting career in earnest.
70. Two men, seated in a pew in earnest conclave, looked round at her approach.
71. The old Herald, moral and earnest, was metamorphosed, with supreme irony, into the unspeakable Sun.
72. These businessmen are crusty, rough-edged fellows trying to survive in deadly earnest competition with companies much bigger than theirs.
73. On the other, a dismissal would show that we were in earnest about stopping pilferage.
74. It is my earnest wish that rugby continues to fulfil this role.
75. The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest. Henry David Thoreau 
76. And the hunt is in earnest for good old George.
77. Have you noticed that whatever sport you're trying to learn, some earnest person is always telling you to keep your knees bent? Dave Barry 
78. He began to cry in earnest, abandoning himself to a storm of weeping, sobbing against his folded arms.
79. He is young and earnest, and, like the other angels, has a job to do.
80. So he was not half as earnest and solemn as she had thought him.
81. The organiser was an earnest man in his late twenties, prematurely balding with a hissing laugh.
82. As can be imagined, they were very easily degenerated into hot-tempered battles fought in deadly earnest.
83. Many wise words are spoken in jest, but they don't compare with the number of stupid words spoken in earnest. Sam Levenson 
84. But, hey, the show is so earnest and eager to please that such things are almost easy to overlook.
85. They belonged to that earnest minority among the privileged, devoted to plain-living and high-thinking.
86. He never was in earnest, Cadfael reflected with certainty, and it would spoil his sport to use contrivance.
87. Under duress, it regularly exercises this will to sabotage the earnest efforts of its well-intentioned host.
88. If they hesitated, he could show them his revolver and his stick to convince them that he was in earnest.
89. Men huddled together in groups, deep in earnest conversations; it was here the real trading was done.
90. In an undergraduate photograph, his darkly handsome face has an air of earnest innocence.
91. We do not have the right to find retreat in earnest indecision.
92. Typically, presidential campaigns do not begin in earnest until Labor Day, after both parties' nominating conventions.
93. She spoke lightly, but it was obvious that she was very much in earnest.
94. The moan of a sax, earnest voices, the rumble of laughter.
95. When the breezes started in earnest around 11, reports of the wind chill factor had us at minus-17.
96. The meal in front of them is the topic of their most earnest conversation.
97. Any struggle rooted in politicized and grass-roots mobilization is bound to overshadow even the most earnest efforts of politically inhibited endeavors.
98. In an-other, thirty earnest, brightly dressed grade-schoolers work out math problems on tiny handheld blackboards.
99. She talked about the language for some time, seemingly against her better judgment, drawn by his earnest desire to learn.
100. I looked round and saw my master in earnest conversation with the monk.
101. This provides a firm basis for the new interest in evaluation and an earnest desire for its continued growth.
102. One is a social activist with a high moral tone, an earnest do-gooder and role model to millions.
103. The indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; boldness as genius, power and magic in it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
104. Earnest questions were asked by the news anchor, and earnest answers were given by the consultants.
105. Then the insidious eating away of energy and self-esteem begins in earnest.
106. Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as passive resistance.
107. The world needs the felt hat,[http://] our earnest produce.
108. When shall we pay earnest money?
109. Susceptive on data, carefulness , earnest, preciseness and active.
110. He has that phrase, / "Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak / to the earnest love that laid the swale in rows.
111. You should pay earnest money to guarantee your participation till the end of the tender. If you fail to furnish a bid bond before the opening of tender, your bids will not be considered.
112. Possessing proper working attitude, earnest, preciseness, ambition and passion, able to work under pressure.
113. An excited person appears earnest, and it's exert to be critical of someone who's earnest.
114. The payment method is: When dealer ordering must pay 40% deposits (20% for earnest money), the spare money in receive in ten thousand prosperous advice of arrival latter five days to pay in full .
115. The model earnest has reflected the reality on the spot with the direct-viewing mathematical symbol.
116. In this mood, I went to diplomatic circles, earnest but only sketchily informed.
117. With an ardor for work and an active energy also pure - hearted walks, withal a very earnest.
118. His in sad earnest says: " Legionary soldier should work 25 hours one day. "
119. Short-dated yields may stay low: Barclays Capital notes they just start to rise in earnest about six months before the first rate increase, which may only come in the second half of 2010.
120. After the term begins, the earnest money will be one part of the whole deposit automatically.
121. Earnest and sincere cooperation, conspire together the development, create the brilliancy together!
122. Nightly news features on - site interviews with sooty firefighters or earnest local officials.
123. Each stone in the square yard will instruct people in esteem and earnest.
124. Since you do not pay earnest money in time, you can not take part in the tender.
125. The next settled earnest study, diligently will make up, will completely the time this research is completer.
126. On our first or second date, Dave asked me so many earnest questions about my award-winning background in ballroom dance that I finally confessed I knew only the jitterbug.
127. Military Shipwright allows the construction of war ships to be undertaken in earnest.
128. Week after week, she and her child had submitted themselves to the director's appraising, professional eye, and, for all their earnest effort, they had still been found wanting.
129. " woman with joy the look back on is worn the employee of insurance company, next the in sad earnest says, "If use 200 thousand fund, can make the husband comes alive, that is much better!
130. There are three methods of construction guarantee:guarantee, hypothecate, earnest money, the bank guarantee will become the leading mode.
131. Schoolmates the wainscot is stiff, two arms overlap complete, earnest listens to teacher to teach.
132. I find that I go up it when I am light-footed and earnest.
133. I realize, also knowing you this earnest to literalness, to the enthusiasm of the net friend and sincerity.
134. She laughs in real earnest, opening her mouth as wide as it can go.
135. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is insincerely, self - servingly, or smugly agreeable or earnest ""
136. The meeting of world leaders in Korea kicked off in earnest Thursday evening with a dinner and closed-door meetings focused in part on disputes over currency valuations and trade imbalances.
137. Though the work was dull and strew[/earnest.html], they plodded away at it in earnest.
138. Earnest works full time as a woodworker and art teacher, but when he is home or on break, we paint across from one another.
139. He was a man of a good and kindly nature, a little vain and self-important, but earnest and upright, and possessed of very fair abilities.
140. The largest, IceCube, sits deep underneath the South Pole in a cubic kilometre of perfectly clear, bubble-free ancient ice and is set to start working in earnest early next year.
141. It is emphasized that the development and import of new equipment should be paid great attention to , and the popularization of new technology should be attend to in earnest as well.
142. Narcissa began to cry in earnest, gazing beseechingly all the while at Snape.
143. I was raised among earnest hard-working Appalachians whose prime directive was not to put other people to any trouble.
144. The tax authority shall refund the tax based on the VAT statutory tax rate after earnest examination.
145. In order to ensure the realization of the debt to establish five kinds of guarantee ways: guarantee, mortgage, hypothecate , lien and earnest.
146. The inaugural events conclude with a prayer service the morning of January 21 at the Washington National Cathedral. After that, the work of the new administration begins in earnest.
147. He is too earnest in a political culture that is pervasively cynical.
148. Ambition is like choler, which isa humor that makes men active, earnest, full of alacrity, if it be not stopped.
149. After his lightshow ends, more sound and light emerges from the town's bars, which pump out either treacly Chinese pop or thumping Western-style music performed by earnest cover-bands.
150. In the freight bill work most main main point is earnest, careful.
151. Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.
152. Tom -- honest injun, now -- is it fun, or earnest?
153. If the tender documents require the winning bidder to provide an earnest for performance of contract, the winning bidder shall provide it.
154. I watched him as he carefully laid his map flat on the floor, his earnest face puckered in thought, meticulously studying every hill and valley, mentally preparing for the next military campaign.
155. There was something ludicrous as well as painful in the little Parisienne 's earnest and innate devotion to matters of dress.
156. But, if want to take these 1 yuan of money, must pay times doubler earnest money first.
157. Perfume and incense bring joy and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel.
158. I now went into an earnest expostulation with him upon the extravagant length of his report.
159. I would like the commercial cabin . Is there need pay earnest money ? No , thank you.
160. My advantage is an earnest dry run at home, review lessons.
161. In editing operation, he treated words, design and printed circuit with earnest and particularity and daintily.
162. And so, like, when I started acting in earnest at 12 years old, I really embraced it because, in a safe and contained and controlled environment, it allowed me to emote.
163. The basis of management is earnest protection for the Fanjinshan's coppice.
164. We shall fervidly cooperate with our honored customers with the most earnest attitude to development splendid business altogether.
165. It has since begun negotiations in earnest to give the post to Mr Melton.
166. I am sorry, earnest tell you, this is a little malapropos.




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