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单词 Coarse
1. My clothes were made of coarse cloth.
2. His coarse habits have gradually fined away.
3. The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.
4. The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.
5. The coarse language on TV was bleeped out.
6. The man was brutish and coarse.
7. Mechanical filters draw air through flat, coarse fibres.
8. She never wears clothes made of coarse material.
9. She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar.
10. The coarse sand was hot and rough under her feet.
11. There were only a few clumps of coarse grass for the animals to eat.
12. Also coarse fishing and craft workshops.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. Inside the elegant woman he saw a coarse one.
14. Another type of coarse fishing is pike fishing.
15. A coarse cloth was made from the local wool.
16. Add coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.
17. The coarse fibers of the rope pricked her fingers.
18. Several comedians have been criticized for their coarse humor.
19. Coarse and shy and cynical and vain and rude and insecure to the point of self-hatred.
20. Another video weakness to guard against is the coarse and grainy look of plain surfaces in bright primary colours, especially reds.
21. His fingers began to scrabble at the coarse edge of the steel plate.
22. Bombay Coarse and raw on the nose with sweet rubbery notes but little perceptible juniper.
23. Therefore a mixture of clay or loam and coarse river sand is needed.
24. He never forgot to spice up the talks with coarse jokes.
25. Using a pestle and mortar, pulverise the bran to a coarse powder.
26. She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkably coarse expressions.
27. Furthermore, the scales at which population estimates are often required means that even EDs are too coarse for risk assessments.
28. He wanted to idle along the embankments and see the flowers growing in the coarse grass.
29. She was emptying the contents of a stone mortar, a tobacco-colored crush of leaves, on to a scrap of coarse paper.
30. Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.
1. My clothes were made of coarse cloth.
2. His coarse habits have gradually fined away.
3. The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.
4. The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.
5. She never wears clothes made of coarse material.
31. It has somewhat toughened and dark flesh, coarse skin, and a somewhat hardened breastbone cartilage. 6.
32. The fisherman's skin was dark and coarse, his hands big and strong.
33. In goes the coarse strainer, and the charcoal pad with the white side facing the foam. 4.
34. He wore a shapeless gray cap, coarse work clothes, and heavy clodhopper shoes.
35. Large breakers thundered in through a line of rocks, running ashore on to a beach of coarse shingle.
36. Using a dull knife, whisk or potato masher, cut in butter and grated rinds until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
37. It will grow well in plain aquarium coarse sand or fine gravel.
38. Coarse sand or gravel with peat or loam is suitable.
39. Neither Lees nor Pichette makes him quite as coarse, paranoid or cunning as the situation would seem to warrant though.
40. The former are usually coarse grained; the latter, fine grained or glassy.
41. The monkey was enveloped by the musty darkness of a coarse woollen bag.
42. Folkweave A loosely-woven cotton fabric, using coarse yarn[http://], often with stripes.
43. She was tall, big-boned and well-covered, with grey hair as coarse as a horse's tail straying from her mob-cap.
44. She tried to ignore his coarse jokes and crude innuendoes -- he was obviously drunk.
45. Admission is free and advice will also be given on coarse fisheries and brown trout fishing.
46. The only sound now was their feet rustling through the shore grass, coarse and hard from countless tides of salt water.
47. Sea salt is usually available in coarse or fine grades and is best used from a salt mill as a condiment.
48. By convention the geologist plots coarse grains to the left of the abscissa and fine to the right.
49. Fettered and chained, with a mat of coarse brown hair, with sly, utterly mad eyes, but Human.
50. He did this for money, and because he was too coarse and stupid to survive in the world of legitimate business.
51. On the 36in. and 32in. screens the zoomed format made the pictures look very coarse.
52. Conversion to grassland also explains much of the loss of healthy shrubs, coarse grasses, cotton grass and rushes.
53. Even freshly shaved, he had a coarse, swarthy look that embarrassed the Monsignor.
54. Their hair is black and coarse, and their cheek bones are high.
55. Neither could she approve his striped pyjamas, coarse and unpleasing in contrast to Maman's ribboned cambric nightdress.
56. With a pastry blender, cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
57. The narrow land drain is his favourite fishery and where better to begin the new coarse fishing season?
58. The gneisses are coarse grained and show much broader and less distinct foliation.
59. In the brewery the malt is ground into a coarse powder called grist.
60. Gradually stir in melted margarine and mix until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
61. Woodlands Pool which is a general coarse fishery; and two rainbow trout pools where fishing is restricted to fly-only.
62. The more tenured civil servants doodled on coarse notepads; the senior staff dozed.
63. The hook type do not work in the soft silt of most coarse fish waters.
64. The addition of finely-sifted compost or leaf-mould to the bottom layer with gravel or unwashed coarse sand is ideal.
65. The statements quoted above were for the most part not coarse or vulgar, but just loaded with bigotry.
66. Mutton carcasses have spool joints at the foreleg, dark and coarse flesh.
67. But such coarse mutilation would not have fitted in with the polite way in which Perrault wished to retell his story.
68. Possible developments Sand Ideally, children should be offered regular experience of both wet and dry, coarse and silver sand.
69. Cultivation: A medium of coarse sand or fine gravel on its own, or with some loam is sufficient.
70. At Wroxeter, as early as 1912, Bushe-Fox clearly appreciated the need to arrange coarse pottery in a dated sequence.
71. Her straight hair, once dark brown, was becoming grey and coarse.
72. Apply coarse nose down trim with each attitude change and as the speed increases. 4.
73. It isn't worth wasting butter or work on coarse dark tunny.
74. Nevertheless a mixture containing coarse sand and bulb fibre or peat moss should be quite satisfactory.
75. The former is bristly, of medium length, coarse,[/coarse.html] dense and lying close.
76. But of all the coarse assaults, by far the most ferocious came from the fundamentalists.
77. Another method reverses the direction of flow, with the water moving upwards through coarse and then fine material.
78. Disappointing; sweet, rubbery bouquet and a dominating, coarse, fiery spirit with a nasty aftertaste to it.
79. Since they have very coarse fur and stout claws, badger hygiene tends to be an extremely noisy affair.
80. Opposite her was a small washstand with a coarse crockery toilet set on a fake marble top.
81. For this purpose it is ground into a coarse meal.
82. His long bushy eyebrows, mingling with his coarse black hairline, made him appear to have no forehead at all.
83. The plates of the ventral interradial areas are not as coarse as those on the dorsal surface.
84. Puree the strips in a blender with the oil until creamy and emulsified. Add coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.
85. Coat Outer coat is straight, coarse, dense, of medium length and lying flat.
86. Likewise, further groupings such as percentage of coarse sand or of very fine sand may also be calculated.
87. The nystagmus consists of coarse oscillations that remain in the horizontal plane, even on upward and downward movements of the eyes.
88. She might think he was a little coarse doing that after saying he despised her, but so what?
89. The only vegetation was scrubby trees and patches of coarse grass.
90. We lay beneath them in coarse sisal hammocks worn smooth by decades of use.
91. Cultivation: A layer of peat and gravel, or leaf-mould and coarse sand or loam should provide a good medium.
92. The coarse cloth of his trousers, tucked into polished leather boots, is too thick.
93. They came out of the wood into a bare field where coarse grass lapped limply around their ankles.
94. Some clay with coarse sand or gravel can be provided in the tank.
95. The jokes are coarse and laboured, the blokes have pulped copies of Loaded for brains.
96. June 16: Opening day for coarse fishing on all rivers.
97. Reduce speed to low and add flour and salt, mixing just until dough is consistency of coarse cornmeal.
98. The resolution of these pictures is still relatively coarse and they produce only a stationary image at a single moment in time.
99. What makes fly fishing different from coarse and sea fishing is the way you cast.
100. I felt its coarse hairs prickle my neck ... Smell of wet earth ... My belly writhed.
101. It is coarse and irregular, involves the face, head, and extremities, and is accentuated by movements.
102. Before the coarse brown fabric hung an austere gibbet,[] constructed of two weathered wooden beams.
103. It was sewn with coarse grass and carefully mended with leather patches stitched on with the same coarse grass.
104. Any coarse greenstuff such as cabbage roots, hedge trimmings, etc. should be chopped up to avoid large air pockets.
105. Slice off the coarse top and the bottom tip of the carrot with a paring knife and discard.
106. In Breckland there is coarse sand which is very porous and poor for crops.
107. Crumble butter with fingertips to coarse cornmeal-like consistency, keeping butter well-coated with flour to prevent it from becoming greasy.
108. Cut in shortening with pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture is consistency of coarse oatmeal or tiny peas.
109. She touched it; it was dry and coarse to her touch.
110. The lad intrigued him, with his curiously flattened nose, like a cat's, and his extremely coarse straight hair.
111. There was no food but coarse grass and even the grass was mixed with bitter rushes and docks.
112. There was no garden; the harsh fen grasses ended in a coarse frill flapping against the walls of the gaunt house.
113. If leather is involved, rough the area to be stuck with coarse abrasive paper.
114. It was caught in the coarse fish closed season and did not qualify for record status.
115. When he did utter a word or two, rarely, his voice was coarse and stern.
116. The mixture should consist of a layer of coarse sand, with a thin layer of peat and clay immediately below it.
117. The monks wore coarse linen habits which surely blended harmoniously with the surrounding natural tones.
118. The sooty eyes, the olive skin, the coarse black mop of the moustache gave little clue as to his origins.
119. The texture is mainly determined by the proportion of coarse grains-the clastics-as well as their size and shape.
120. Constance had thick, coarse black hair and wore an orange scarf somehow knitted into it.
121. Do not use breadmaking flour for pastry as it is far too coarse.
122. However, if cracks do appear, you should try brushing a mixture of peat or compost and coarse sand into them.
123. The lean of cuts from older animals is darker in color and coarse in texture.
124. The coarse, chewy hard tack became my dinner for more than six months.
125. A tear splashed on to one of the coarse red hands.
126. Don't warm wine by placing it next to a radiator or open fire, as this will cause it to taste coarse.
127. All the hospital beds were covered with coarse cotton sheets.
128. Inland, the hills were fixed now under their carpet of coarse heath grass, gorse and small flowers.
129. She snuggled down again beneath the coarse blankets.
130. Ribs is well ribbedand never cloddy or coarse.
131. Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with coarse pubescence.
132. Serious mischcrystal and extremely coarse austenite grains lead to the production of this kind abnormal structure.
132. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
133. Pegmatite is a coarse type of granite that can be found in dikes or veins.
134. A relict fauna and anomalously coarse grains are common in the upper few feet of some shelf sands.
135. You know, he almost-sighed, his voice soft and coarse, childlike and come-hither all at the same time, theres enough room here for another, if you want.
136. Applicable skin type: Suitable for daytime use of water-lacking, coarse, dry, dim and lusterless mature skin.
137. He wore blue trousers, a blue frock coat and a broad-brimmed hat,which always appeared to be new, a black cravat, a quaker shirt,that is to say, it was dazzlingly white, but of coarse linen.
138. This was an adaptation to the steppes of the Central Asia, which largely consisted of a hard, rocky ground, covered with coarse sand, more like fine gravel and of stiff, parched vegetation.
139. It is found that microalloys have higher efficiency in direct rolling, but coarse initial grain size and lower reduction ratio are its shortcomings.
140. This paper compared the differences between the Marshall and Gyratory method while designing and preparing mixture by coarse aggregates crush value and combustion test.
141. Results Coarse and twist intermittently grained barium spots of mucous membrane folds in the disease area.
142. We exploit the cavity-model theory as the coarse model and electric magnetic simulation software HFSS as the fine model, they are aligned through Aggressive Space Mapping Algorithm.
143. The experimental results show that the bonding mechanics properties of lightweight concrete, whose coarse aggregate is made of haydite produced in Guangxi region is better than common concrete.
144. Finally, the flow resistance and mechanism of transporting coarse sand are discussed and commentedthe future study.
145. Shaking is the result of a coarse time gradient ( time slice ).
146. His face was coarse - slack from illness, suffering, and absurdity.
147. The radish was old and coarse and so peppery that tears started in her eyes.
148. This paper expounds the adaptibility of coarse sand filter with simultaneous air and water backwash to tertiary filtration plant.
149. The esterase isozyme in leaf at acicula forming stage and the peroxidase isozyme in peanut leaf at pod producing stage was related to the formation of coarse protein and coarse fattiness of seed.
150. Their only garment was a long habit of coarse undyed sheep's wool, which led to their name of "White Monks".
151. Coarse, indigestible plant matter , consisting primarily of polysaccharides such as cellulose, that when eaten stimulates peristalsis.
152. Wan strain coarse wool Angora rabbit was the first coarse wool Angora rabbit in China.
153. The results show that the suitable solution treatment process can reduce the size and amount of coarse second phases effectively and then increase the super-saturation degree of alloy elements.
154. Settling column of fluidized bed and its applications in precipitation of high quality coarse diuranate are described.
155. "Special spring patent design"makes the fine or coarse adjustment of grinder easier.
156. Giving the same limit for the acquisition time, a larger acquisition probability is obtained with the raster scanning during the link foundation when the coarse pointing errors asymmetry is high.
157. Softsediment layer of load, ballandpillow involves the fine sand unit and the overlying coarse sand unit.
158. The only local coarse - grained sand - stones in the uppermost part are important for uranium.
159. Taper powder mill: it fits to the dry and wettest grind of wheat, coarse food grain and legume.
160. The coarse layers are commonly constituted by fine sand, coarse sand and gravels, which suggests a fast depositing.
161. Using histology methods, the effects of dietary administration of coarse LHRH-A on ovarian development in carassius auratus red Variety are studied.
162. The statistical fractal features of the original coarse terrain data set were determined through linear regression, based on which a denser terrain can be derived by means of bilinear interpolation.
162. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
163. Meanwhile, the results of calculation are compared with those obtained from the coarse model and submodel and the superiority of the approach is confirmed.
164. The Welsh Terrier is a sturdy, compact, rugged dog of medium size with a coarse wire-textured coat.
165. The old coarse cloth, locally named"handcrafted cloth" or " handwoven cloth", is woven by the diligent people with the use of wooden spinning wheel. It has a history of thousands years.
166. In this method, the multiresolution technology is used so that the image can be analyzed from coarse to fine.
167. The slow dissolution of coarse cementite in bainite retards the precipitation rate of carbides during tempering.
168. Performance of scale disease record presents a scale state for skin scurfy , the skin is dry, coarse.
169. By means of natural , coagulative and sand peak coagulative settling test , the flowing water test of high, sub, and low turbidity water containing most of coarse silt have been research .
170. Brick of coarse stone quality of a material, doorcase , candlestick, effectively cooperates woodiness table, apply colours to a drawing natural and rural atmosphere.
171. This abrasive tool is used to replace the traditional Magnesia Bonded Carborundum Abrasive Stone for the coarse and middle grinding of the surface of the ceramic tiles.
172. I am sitting at a table, and before me is a cake, fashioned ingeniously by my mother from coarse ration flour, a lump of lard, a single egg, and a precious cupful of sugar.
173. Coarse material entering the mill is crushed between the ring and rollers.
174. So-called wild rice (Zizania aquatica) is a coarse annual grass of the same family whose cereal grain, now often considered a delicacy, has long been an important food of North American Indians.
175. From its open mouth poured a yellow stream of coarse gold dust and nuggets.
176. A coarse, trailing vine ( Cucurbita pepo ) widely cultivated for its fruit.
177. Woven wire of any gauge from fine to coarse can meet the particular need of any open mesh requirement that may be presented to the fabricator.
178. The primary driving force of coarse grain formation in the critical deformation region is the energy difference of distortion between both sides of grain boundaries.
179. Also, Briticism is not coarse, contrarily, it has a gentle breath.
180. For coarse fiber and big stiffness of apocynum fiber, pretreatment should be done before spinning to reduce the fiber stiffness and enhance fiber spinnability.
181. This product applicable any skin, especially those skins defected as coarse, color difference or less moistened.
182. A pinpoint of light . Trousers made of a coarse, twilled cotton.
183. The echinoderm biomass in the fine sediments area in higher, the species diversity in the coarse sediments area is higher.
184. Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarse weave sock.
185. Some wines display a round , supple texture , while others, particularly tannic reds, may taste rough coarse.
186. This article summarized some aspects of libration feeder's design installation modification and application in Tongkeng coarse Tin ore separated project. It is a good reference to similarly design.
187. The results shown there were fiber zone, partially recrystallized zone, fine grain zone, coarse grain zone and unequilibrium microstructure zone in the as-welded joint.
188. The detrimental impact of coarse coal slime on jigging coal washing system can be effectively eliminated by putting technical renovation and enhanced production management into practice.
189. The states concerned by probabilistic predictions are to be understood in a coarse grained sense of ensembles of nearby pointwise states (as those featured in the deterministic approach).
190. Also a carrier coarse estimation algorithm was proposed, which improved the speed of the carrier coarse estimation in low symbol rate.
191. The chivalric cafeteria decorate inside hotel is very coarse, put in hall hall have armature.
192. Concretes of C30 and C60 were prepared with iron mine tailings as fine aggregate and coarse aggregate and with natural sand and common crushed stone separately.
193. Using an industry standard Size 15 modular mounting pattern,[http:///coarse.html] the index mark on the disc hub can be coarse aligned to the index sensor position on the housing.
194. But, having reached this point of conjecture, Mrs Poole's square, flat figure, and uncomely , dry, even coarse face, recurred so distinctly to my mind's eye, that I thought, 'No; impossible!
195. The results show that best permanent deformation resistance can be got when continuous dense gradation, which has even arrangement of coarse and fine aggregate is adopted.
196. The ants were given clay, coarse sand and fine sand, with scientists regularly changing the quantity of the material and pouring water over them to simulate rain, according to the BBC.
197. Select superior chestnuts. Put them in a pan with coarse sand and syrup in it.
198. Results show that, the roughness, factual dimension and surface parameter keep good concordance, and they can all characterize the angularity of coarse aggregates well.
199. Yanshanian acid is a mountain of granite, mostly coarse - grained granite and porphyritic granite.
200. This article summarized some aspects of libration feeder's design installation modification and application in Tongkeng coarse Tin ore separated project.
201. Through the study of packing and filling characteristics of aggregate, the dosages of coarse and fine aggregate and filling were calculated for aggregate of skeleton denseness asphalt mixture.
202. By this method which use both coarse and fine positioning, tool adjustment of non-circular gear hobbing can be automatic and repeated realized.
203. I pass my hands lovingly almost the flat peel of a silver birch, alternatively the coarse shaggy bark of a pine.
204. Gently massage wet skin circularly, focusing on coarse parts ( knee, elbow, heel, and shank ).
205. SEM analysis show that morphology of the residue was mostly anomalistic vitreous body that the surface was coarse, poriferous and of lax structure, and therefore it was different from fly ash.
206. Cao Hui is glutinous rice dumplings grass fern or grass burning ash, slag coarse sieve to use flowers and gray water to glutinous rice dyed black ash.
207. In late Eocene - Oligocene, that is red coarse sediment.
208. Large scale triaxial shear test on spherical particle coarse aggregate is carried out.
209. The secondary dendrites become coarse, and grow competitively during cooling.
210. Double-coated, with fairly long, thick coarse guard hair, with heavy soft undercoat in cold weather which becomes rather sparse in warmer months.
211. There is a basophil in the center of the field which has a lobed nucleus (like PMN's) and numerous coarse, dark blue granules in the cytoplasm.
212. Used for the test of the coarseness and evenness of coarse yarns.
213. It was a very indelicate thing to do in company. The sort of thing one might expect from a coarse fieldworker.
214. A coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric used especially for toweling.
215. Xiao Tinghai " thunder arrived " , or censure its page too too flowery, coarse.




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