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单词 Muscovite
释义  Mus·co·vite /ˈmʌskəvaɪt/ noun [countable]  SANsomeone from the city of Moscow in Russia 莫斯科人 —Muscovite adjectiveExamples from the CorpusMuscovite• A letter signed by former cosmonauts and rocket scientists and 16,000 Muscovites has been handed to Putin.• In an informal survey of 167 Muscovites more than 70 percent had watched some of the Olympic telecasts.• In August 1991 Muscovites chose to defy the tanks of the old regime.• Surrounded by Muscovites, strap-hanging on a fast train that slid to its halts and was away again.• For the health-conscious Muscovite, another Soviet legacy is potentially more nerve-wracking still.• Temperance, in short, is not a word that figures prominently in the vocabulary of most Muscovites.• Two groups of wealthy Muscovite teenagers, on their way home from London, were on board.• They had brought Holly by car from the Lefortovo gaol to the train while Muscovites still slept.Origin Muscovite (1500-1600) Medieval Latin Muscovia “Moscow”Mus·co·vite nounChineseSyllable  Russia Corpus from the in someone Moscow city of




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