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单词 Pulling
1. Mom! Davey's pulling my hair!
2. The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.
3. You naughty boy, stop pulling the cat's tail.
4. The horse on the left side isn't pulling.
5. Sam and John are pulling the rope.
6. Pulling at his tunic, Omoro bared his left hip.
7. They were pulling hard for the small island.
8. Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.
9. Stop pulling her hair!
10. The car was pulling a trailer, which carried a boat.
11. Stop pulling our legs.
12. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
13. The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism.
14. You're pulling my leg.
15. Stop pulling my leg.
16. What are you pulling a face at now?
17. He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty.
18. She's always pulling me up for/over my bad spelling.
19. Pulling himself upright, he squared his shoulders.
20. There are different considerations, often pulling in different directions.
21. Erica was solemn, pulling at her blonde curls.
22. The boat is pulling away,back up there!
23. He's pulling some sort of trick.
24. I arrived as the last train was pulling out.
25. The car seems to be pulling to the left.
26. Madonna's pulling power filled the Arena for 10 nights.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. He teased the dog by pulling its tail.
28. The child was pulling the toy along behind her.
29. He leapt onto the train just as it was pulling away.
30. Although she hasn't made a movie for four years, her pulling power is as great as ever.
1. Mom! Davey's pulling my hair!
2. The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.
3. You naughty boy, stop pulling the cat's tail.
4. The horse on the left side isn't pulling.
5. Sam and John are pulling the rope.
6. Pulling at his tunic, Omoro bared his left hip.
7. They were pulling hard for the small island.
8. Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.
9. Stop pulling her hair!
10. The car was pulling a trailer, which carried a boat.
11. Stop pulling our legs.
12. He leapt onto the train just as it was pulling away.
13. Although she hasn't made a movie for four years, her pulling power is as great as ever.
14. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
15. The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism.
16. You're pulling my leg.
17. Stop pulling my leg.
18. He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.
19. You can open the can by pulling the tab.
20. He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.
21. The old man sat in the corner, pulling at his pipe.
22. Pulling his rifle to his shoulder he squinted along the barrel.
23. The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision.
24. Stop pulling him about like that; he's a child after all.
25. The man had a difficult time pulling those fighting dogs apart.
31. He accused me of not pulling my weight.
32. Many banks are pulling back from international markets.
33. The crowd were pulling for me to do well.
34. He kept pulling at the rope until it broke.
35. He accused the team of not pulling their weight.
36. They have just been pulling our legs.
37. He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.
38. The car was pulling a caravan.
39. Stop pulling my hair, you wretch!
40. Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.
41. You sometimes see oxen pulling carts in southern Europe.
42. Mary was pulling nervously at her hair.
43. The horse was pulling a heavy cart .
44. He's pulling some sort of trick on you.
45. Our armies are pulling back on all fronts.
46. The new show is certainly pulling in the crowds.
47. The country is pulling out of inflation.
48. He's pulling in 50000 a year.
49. Data exists but it needs pulling together.
50. I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg.
51. You can open the can by pulling the tab.
52. The red car was pulling out ready to overtake.
53. Nkoku is pulling away from the other runners.
54. He slipped out, pulling the door to.
55. She spent the afternoon pulling weeds in the garden.
56. The wheel is pulling to the left.
57. The car in front was pulling a horsebox.
58. Father enjoys pulling off a miracle.
59. The pupils are pulling up the weeds.
60. I reckon she's pulling in over $100 000.
61. If there's any trouble, raise/sound the alarm by pulling the emergency cord.
62. The car was pulling a trailer with motorcycle on it.
63. Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.
64. They got to the station too late; the coach was pulling out.
65. I spent the morning pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds.
66. Always check your rear-view mirror before pulling out to overtake.
67. She spent the afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds.
68. He hastily stripped off his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.
69. These, at least, were their professed reasons for pulling out of the deal.
70. "This tastes horrible, " said Tom, pulling a face at his glass.
71. Pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond.
72. He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job.
73. The old man sat in the corner, pulling at his pipe.
74. A child was pulling along a little dog on wheels.
75. Pulling his rifle to his shoulder he squinted along the barrel.
76. Circuses don't seem to have much pulling power these days.
77. I want to know who's pulling the strings around here.
78. She has a reputation for getting at the guts of a subject and never pulling her punches.
79. Between them they must be pulling down over $100 000 a year.
80. The pilot seemed to be having difficulty in pulling out of the dive.
81. They passed an old horse pulling a cart full of apples.
82. The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision.
83. Several political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves.
84. The leader is pulling away now, and is sure to win.
85. Most of the men waiting were pulling nervously on cigarettes.
86. We got to the station just as the train was pulling out.
87. He's been pulling down US $20 000 a year dealing in property.
88. The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.
89. Rifles should be regularly cleaned by pulling a piece of flannelette through.
90. She retired from the competition after pulling a leg muscle.
91. I'm sure we owe part of our victory to the number of supporters who were there, pulling for our side.
92. What do you hope to gain by pulling a stunt like that?
93. Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth.
94. The ice-cool driver has built a reputation for pulling out his best performances under pressure.
95. John stood down during the competition for pulling his muscle.
96. There's little sign that the much-vaunted IT investment is pulling France out of recession.
97. They all wanted to help me; I could feel their eagerness pulling at me.
98. She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man.
99. Stop pulling him about like that; he's a child after all.
100. Allow for greater braking distances when pulling a loaded trailer.
101. They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone.
102. He was dropped from the committee because he wasn't pulling his weight.
103. Just as I was pulling away from the parking place, another car crashed into mine.
104. I don't know what's the matter with her, but she's been pulling a long face for two days.
105. He was pulling the rope for all he was worth.
106. I was pulling silly faces to make the baby laugh.
107. She is still beautiful, and still pulling them in at sixty.
108. He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine.
109. The man had a difficult time pulling those fighting dogs apart.
110. The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations.
111. It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
112. Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?
113. Another job was a drawer, pulling carts of coal.
114. A figure emerged, pulling a cloak about him.
115. She shivered, pulling the coat closer round herself.
116. Robert's friend stooped over the boot, pulling out suitcases.
116. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
117. Would you mind pulling down the blinds?
118. One new poll showed him pulling ahead of Sen.
119. She came with him, pulling on her anorak.
120. Maybe he responds by pulling his car away Victory!
121. Miss Vicki was twisted around pulling at her diaper.
122. I came close to pulling the communication cord.
123. Others chimed in, saying those who have it made are pulling up the ladder on those less fortunate.
124. The pulling down of the right sheath, the ripping sound always convinced her it hurt.
125. Pulling on the soft, baggy shirt she slept in, she sat on the bed and massaged her legs.
126. Within minutes, Tamika, squeaky clean for the first time in days, is proudly pulling the clothing on.
127. He begins without ceremony by pulling off the blouse and flinging it in the gully.
128. But she just couldn't take it when I started pulling ahead.
129. There is no new evidence that entitles us to start pulling ffeatherstonehaugh's apart.
130. Every day refugees pulling carts passed the gates of the Institution.
131. In the tipping, he saw the headlights of a car pulling up under the canopy out front.
132. If I had some weight near to the crust I could mend the line without pulling it off course.
133. The Empire is always shot through with a certain amount of politics and with different men pulling this way and that.
134. Another layer of guilt was added for brighter children who acclimatised sufficiently to start pulling ahead of their classmates.
135. He had to devote all his attention to the routine task of driving, finally pulling over to recover.
136. He walked with a lilting gait, his left Achilles tendon apparently shortened, pulling his left heel up.
137. All credit to manager Trevor Francis who boldly selected an attacking side and came so close to pulling off a famous victory.
138. The night that Johnson announced he was pulling out, there were joyous parades in Ann Arbor and around the country.
139. The line of limos pulling up to the curb will be longer than a night out with the Dallas Cowboys.
140. There were a number of factors for pulling out of Los Angeles.
141. But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me - pulling pulling pulling.
142. His departure will, of course, be a serious blow to our hopes of pulling away from the foot of the table.
143. It seemed to her that if she thought about pulling out even for a minute, she would be done for.
144. In the Brut Rose category, California is clearly pulling ahead.
145. A large black Cadillac stops in the road to let me cross before pulling in.
146. Nutty arrived on time,[http:///pulling.html] thudding out of the dusk and pulling to an abrupt halt.
147. My first job was pulling away colder, and carting chaff.
148. Chops responds, without pausing in his frantic pulling on the starter cord.
149. Jinju quickly moved away from the window and lay down on the kang, pulling the covers up over her head.
150. They've developed a method to help putt by pulling back the club every inch for every foot.
151. She lost her balance and fell back on the old iron bedstead, pulling the old woman off her feet.
152. Consider the following brief passage: Mary heard the alarm and groaned inwardly, pulling the covers over her head.
153. He slammed the milk bottle down on top of the bedside cabinet, pulling the drawer open.
154. They carry your luggage and your provisions; they will even keep you amused along the way by pulling faces.
155. Pulling no punches, he asked Vincent what on earth had possessed him to behave so grotesquely.
156. In fact, breaking one of the bonds, by pulling an electron out of it, requires a lot of energy.
157. He had put on his overcoat and was pulling the collar up about his ears.
158. Ever since I was a teenager, I have had the bad habit of pulling and twisting my hair.
159. Piers lay down flat on his towel, pulling an old cap over his eyes.
160. Sometimes, staying put is a greater act of courage than pulling up stakes and starting anew.
161. John gets down under the bed, awkwardly pulling himself forward with his elbows.
162. I lifted the brass fender and got to work pulling the crude green tiles away by hand.
163. Tilting the head back, aiming accurately and pulling down the lower lid were other areas of difficulty.
164. He started wailing and crying and pulling at the corpses and had to be dragged away.
165. Of most concern is getting the best sound out of the instrument without the strings pulling it apart and needing returning too often.
166. Doctors reasoned that limbs left untreated would draw into deformity by strong muscles pulling against weakened ones.
167. A girl pulling swedes in a field senses the shadow of parachutes and gapes up, knees braced and hair tangling.
168. Nine-stone Deirdre, 39, halted the driverless car by pulling on the door handle.
169. The blue train is pulling away from me in the drizzle, gathering speed, effortlessly accelerating along its elevated track.
170. The effort of pulling back the curtain brought a renewed stab of pain.
171. He showed outstanding bravery, pulling his legs up until the very last minute.
172. The tannoy interrupts again, pulling me out of my reverie and making my heart pound; it's my call.
173. Timmy says much the same thing but with less diplomacy, writing that harsh criticism and negativity are pulling the team apart.
174. Some one was pulling at her clothes, a hand shook her shoulder, and then a thumb rolled back her eyelid.
175. But they're not steel now, they're snakes, and they're coiling round my ankles, still relentlessly pulling.
176. He lifted it and red ants scurried and bustled,[] pulling and pushing their torpedo-shaped eggs to safety.
177. She got up, pulling back the bedclothes and releasing the blinds on both windows.
178. Hold for a count of 10, pulling up a little higher with each count.
179. Despite pulling the elevator back and the aeroplane changing attitude, it carried on, sinking fast.
180. Some members of this class haven't been pulling their weight.
181. The lead horse will accept nothing less than pulling the wagon, and that is where the first breakdown in communication came.
182. The Doctor ran for cover, grabbing the poet's sleeve and pulling him to the side.
183. They have the clout to offer the integrated service that cities increasingly want, pulling together collection, disposal and recycling.
184. A chariot moves at the speed of the creatures pulling it.
185. He succeeded in pulling apart my clenched arms and started on my legs.
186. Uncle Fate said, pulling his huge frame into the high cab, all his knuckles pale under the strain.
187. Forster slithered to Delaney and got a grip, pulling him back to comparative safety.
188. She stopped strangers pulling handmade carts and demanded that they admit they had seen her brother.
189. At one point Ronald was chasing me and I was pulling out all my modern dance technique.
190. After pulling up the curtain to the desired width, tie the cords neatly but do not cut them off.
191. He became a convert after pulling an extraordinary stunt with his Swissmade Kuhn-Rikon pressure cooker.
192. Thousands of blacks swarmed into the streets, attacking policemen, pulling fire alarms, smashing windows, and looting stores.
193. There was too much information to absorb all at once; too many forces were pulling me in different directions.
194. She rolled up her pyjamas and stuffed them under her pillow, before quickly pulling the bedclothes to.
195. Keep as busy as possible today and remember to hold yourself up, tucking your bottom under and pulling your tummy in.
196. Hold that stretch, pulling and elongating the spine from the very base out of the hips, chin to chest.
197. Besides, they were pulling to a stop, outside a chain-link fence.
198. No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
199. Alice came to the doorway pulling curlers from her hair.
200. Then, pulling a large white ashtray towards him so it would be within easy reach, he lit a cigarette.
201. You walk quickly through, see the kitchen and go in there, pulling down the Venetian blinds.
202. Miguel leaned across and opened the glove compartment, pulling out his fat plastic bag of weed.
203. Jeane Russell brought his arm down as easily as a barmaid pulling a pint and dropped his hand into a burning ashtray.
204. Hugh called from the loo to tell her that pulling the chain produced a cascade of silence.
205. Donna hurried through into the kitchen and sat down at the wooden table, pulling the envelopes from her handbag.
206. He goes to getting ready for bed,[ ] pulling off his clothes.
207. I always buckled my safety belt and drove below the speed limit, stopping for school buses, pulling over for sirens.
208. Around the corner, their classmates practiced pulling small-fry violin bows across squeaky strings.
209. Duvall was already pulling open one of the main doors when Rohmer and the others rushed down the corridor towards them.
210. She tried to regroup her scattered brain tissue, pulling back pieces of her mind before they were lost for ever.
211. Radical restructuring could work only if Sam had people on his side, pulling together instead of pulling the company apart.
212. There have been several cases of two-seaters being overstressed by pilots pulling back hard to recover from steep dives after spin recoveries.
213. Harley would have them jump ship just as it's pulling into the dock.
214. In August, sow early carrots in a cold frame or greenhouse and keep covered during winter for pulling as needed.
215. Will development ever again be the beast of burden pulling the region out of economic malady?
216. In the West small countries that refuse to spend big on defence technology are frequently criticised for not pulling their weight.
217. The little boy had lost interest and started pulling open the drawers of the dressing-table.
218. Jenna crept down the stairs, pulling her dressing-gown closely round her, stumbling across the room to the door.
219. So Taylor's explanation for pulling out Carlton Palmer only loaded the ammunition for critics of both manager and player.
220. Once on the ground again she tried pulling the horse, but still it would not budge an inch.
221. In the last two decades world production of electricity has roughly doubled, with the developing nations pulling towards overtaking the developed.
222. After she seated herself at our table, other writers came by and, pulling chairs over, sat down.
223. As Seawitch rolled heavily Polly's foot slipped on the wet deck and she stumbled backwards, pulling Nathan with her.
224. The two Davises were seated in a carriage pulling their cart, which contained photographic equipment.
225. This is how I like things - me pulling the strings, getting them to dance to my tune.
226. The rich, and white, citizens are pulling up the cultural drawbridge to the sound of classical music.
227. Kirov dipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out the freshly stamped papers and looking at them in amazement.
228. She jumped out of bed and, pulling on her shirt, darted next door into the head.
229. The driver was already pulling away in the Rolls, and Edouard already striding towards the house.
230. Lee was pulling bits of twig through the camouflage net and going to the entrance all the time to look at Caspar.
231. He tried to make Oliver cry by hitting him, pulling his hair, and calling him names.
232. Missed it, old bean; he's pulling your leg.
233. Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.
234. To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up.




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