单词 | Dependent on |
例句 | 1. The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism. 2. He is dependent on his wife. 3. He has a mother completely dependent on him. 4. Norway's economy is heavily dependent on natural resources. 5. They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how. 6. You can't be dependent on your parents all your life. 7. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction. 8. The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success. 9. Many families on a low income are dependent on state support. 10. Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands. 11. Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support. 12. The country's economy is dependent on tourism. 13. A child's development is dependent on many factors. 14. It is largely dependent on the weather. 15. The country is dependent on foreign aid. 16. Those not gainfully employed are dependent on their savings. 17. The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation. 18. Jan's mother was dependent on her for physical care. 19. She had grown ever more peevishly dependent on him. 20. It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills. 21. She is completely dependent on her daughter for money. 22. The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty. 23. Like most psychotics[], she was very dependent on others. 24. Success is dependent on how hard you work. 25. Your pay is dependent on how much you produce. 26. Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing. 27. She is still financially dependent on her parents. 28. The number of single-parent families dependent on the state has risen enormously in recent years. 29. Whether I go to university or not is dependent on what exam grades I get. 30. 34% of people in the survey were at least partially dependent on public transport. 1. The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism. 2. He is dependent on his wife. 3. He has a mother completely dependent on him. 4. Norway's economy is heavily dependent on natural resources. 5. They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how. 6. You can't be dependent on your parents all your life. 7. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction. 8. The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success. 9. Many families on a low income are dependent on state support. 10. Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands. 11. Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support. 12. She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity. 31. Nowadays with the help of modern instruments fishing is no longer entirely dependent on the weather. 32. The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports. 33. With a caravan, you can stop at your own convenience; you're not dependent on hotels. 34. The paintings were carefully stored in crates dependent on their size. 35. Most children remain dependent on their parents while at university. 36. As his political stature has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army. 37. I think that it comes down to the fact that people do feel very dependent on their automobile. 38. Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits. 39. The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay. 40. Your access to a good education is largely dependent on where you live. 41. The price is dependent on how many extras you choose. 42. My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband. 43. The amount of benefit you receive is entirely dependent on the amount you have paid in. 44. Everything that a computer does is dependent on the man who uses it. 45. Britain is heavily dependent on imports for its raw materials. 46. She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity. 47. As his political power has shrunk, he has grown correspondingly more dependent on the army. 48. Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy. 49. Many adults are able to drink in moderation, but others become dependent on alcohol. 50. The congressman can become too dependent on his staff. 51. To make the Ping Tiao less dependent on us. 52. Success is dependent on effort. Sophocles 53. You're not entirely dependent on your husband. 54. We are also still dependent on parental transport. 55. Your success is dependent on how hard you work. 56. It is, however,[] unsatisfactory to have the general content of policy dependent on the whims of the Secretary of State. 57. Although they worked through institutions, they had no regular sources of income and were entirely dependent on providence. 58. Such an economy was highly dependent on a vast mass of skilled labour and a greater horde of the lesser skilled. 59. Through incubation and fledging, it is entirely dependent on the care of its adopted parents. 60. But this area, too, was wholly dependent on engineers for its existence. 61. Though petroleum still makes up four-fifths of export earnings, he has made the country less dependent on oil. 62. The next group of suggestions was less dependent on extra funds. 63. The similarity of groups within traditional society does not mean that they are heavily dependent on each other: quite the contrary. 64. The Soviet Union today is more dependent on the world market, and world resources, not less. 65. Travel and tourism is now the world's biggest industry, and many countries are almost entirely dependent on tourism. 66. In pastoral Suffolk fewer than half this class were dependent on wages, presumably younger men who were not yet cottagers. 67. I couldn't dream of what I was going to do because you become so dependent on money. 68. Processing involves floating point calculations, and speed of processing is heavily dependent on hardware. 69. Nine of them are still dependent on just one crop for over 70 percent of their income. 70. Picture quality is highly dependent on your location and even your body movement. 71. Peasants were dependent on the government for protection, and the garrisons could not survive without foodstuffs produced by the peasants. 72. Lay officers were more dependent on the rewards of their secular offices to provide for themselves and for their families. 73. To a certain extent(), just about every business here is dependent on tourism. 74. By contrast, taxpayer standing is likely to be heavily dependent on the detailed facts. 75. He is therefore deeply dependent on the structure of the society to define his role. 76. Often a widower has to prove that he was dependent on his wife before he can receive benefit. 77. During preceding periods, actions of the child were always dependent on the immediate actions in the environment. 78. The letter asks him to consider the needs of older people dependent on state benefits. 79. The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change. 80. The beauty of such gardens is that they are not dependent on scale for their success. 81. Small businesses dependent on the government also are feeling the pinch. 82. These would no longer be parasitic, completely dependent on bourgeois society and playing no productive role. 83. But they're still completely dependent on the staff at Vale Wildlife Rescue. 84. It also warned that exports were still too dependent on copper. 85. Sensitivity to sound is also dependent on the stage of sleep the sleeper is in. 86. Like at boot camp, soldiers going through specialized training are completely dependent on their drill sergeants and instructors. 87. Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy. 88. What she doesn t see is that her small-business world is dependent on a bigger economic system. 89. For instance, some foodstuffs manufacturers are dependent on their supplies of edible oils. 90. Huge growth in the service sector is largely dependent on people and not machines. 91. It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations. 92. But the catering is also heavily dependent on vending machines, which operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 93. This, however, is highly speculative and largely dependent on a perpetual bull market. 94. A failing of systems such as Jelinek's is that they are heavily dependent on the size of lexicon used. 95. There is little doubt that the clownfish is very dependent on the association with its anemone. 96. In the absence of agricultural support, the women and children become dependent on government. 97. Procedural gender biases are a source of serious anxiety in a science as powerfully dependent on method as psychology. 98. He is utterly dependent on the corporation for both his economic and emotional security. 99. Although independent, therefore, the country remains in a typically colonial economic situation, dangerously dependent on fluctuations in world markets. 100. They remain heavily dependent on advertising online for most of their revenues. 101. Prices had not climbed as fast in the first place and were less dependent on volatile international buying. 102. In general, the judicial structures are dependent on political power for their own power and survival. 103. In architecture you are so dependent on clients, on craftsmen, on zoning laws, budgets. 104. Perhaps they have allowed the child to become too dependent on the baby-sitter. 105. About 10% of the population is dependent on some form of drug. 106. Success in computation relating to time intervals is highly dependent on a number of factors and there fore is variable. 107. Table 14.1 brings together the available information on the growth in the numbers of people dependent on means-tested welfare. 108. We will encourage enhanced recovery of oil from the North Sea and avoid becoming too dependent on imported fuel. 109. In three short months she didn't need the medication she had been dependent on for years. 110. Feminists argue that women should not be so dependent on the opinion of men. 111. Questions on data availability are likely to be particularly important where users are heavily dependent on secondary sources. 112. The actor is dependent on the stimulus of other faces and voices. 113. Is that why you hate him(), because you're still dependent on him. 114. A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias. Stephen Richards 115. Even the approach taken by the new head of customer service and quality was dependent on direction from the top. 116. New industrial methods based on assembly lines and continuous processes were typically more dependent on electricity than the ones they replaced. 117. With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey. 118. Far more people are dependent on alcohol than we realize. 119. To an extent the penned hands were also dependent on the nationality of the scribe or where he had been trained. 120. The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding. 121. It is not dependent on the operating system, the faster the CPU, the faster the data acquisition. 122. Since the value of the resulting output is highly dependent on these components, they should be given early and careful consideration. 123. Thus lawyer B was more dependent on the profession than on his clients. 124. Disposal / re-use of these streams is dependent on both the level and type of contaminants present in the starting material. 125. He is dependent on Karl, his Seeing Eye dog, to lead him. 126. Site visits can awaken motivation, and pupils learn by direct experiences which are not dependent on reading ability. 127. Upjohn Inc. and Philip Morris Cos. whose profits are seen as less dependent on rapid growth. 128. It is not only the United States that has become dependent on imports of oil. 129. The success of empowerment is thus directly dependent on the success of other concepts in this book, including accountability for results. 130. Hence it is appropriate that local councils are dependent on central funds. 3. 131. Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption. 132. Nothing is more soul-destroying than being completely dependent on another person. 133. The dangers of a system where those who have care of children are completely dependent on another person are obvious. 134. The inner ring is economically dependent on core Tyneside for the bulk of its employment opportunities. 135. She could move little more than her eyes, and she remained entirely dependent on her iron tomb for breath. 136. The revenue side was heavily dependent on increased international credit and financing. 137. Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty, it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training. 138. I now realized that we had no idea where he lived, and therefore were completely dependent on him turning up. 139. In these circumstances it is not clear whether or not the effectiveness of the intervention is quite so dependent on operating experience. 140. Socially, he's not as dependent on the company of others as the endomorph. 141. The National Blood Transfusion Service is entirely dependent on voluntary blood donors. 142. Hypnosis and electroconvulsive therapy were tried but had no effect,[sentencedict .com] and he became heavily dependent on tranquillizers. 143. In an age so dependent on the horse, the depth and width of interest can barely be exaggerated. 144. They can no longer hunt properly and so are utterly dependent on us. 145. The whole thing is about gaining trust, is dependent on trust. 146. They found themselves becoming increasingly dependent on their dealer's advice, at the same time sensing it might be fatal. 147. One way charters can be arranged between these and other Islands at no extra cost but dependent on availability. 148. Legislators dependent on campaign contributions became the pawns of competing special-interest lobbies, who held each other in check. 149. Britain is very vulnerable to these currency movements because we are a medium-sized economy heavily dependent on imports and exports. 150. Researchers found that 54 percent had at one time abused or been dependent on alcohol or drugs. 151. The university research covers fundamental and applied research in various disciplines and is heavily dependent on direct and indirect government funding. 152. If you use cigarettes to help you cope with pressure or to stay slim, you are probably particularly dependent on nicotine. 153. And any decision is ultimately dependent on passage of a bond measure, again most likely requiring a two-thirds majority. 154. They are in some way dependent on physiological and physical conditions. 155. The success of any conservation measure is directly dependent on the degree of public opinion mustered to its support. 156. From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile. 157. The benefits that consumers will enjoy are dependent on unbridled competition within the industry; government intervention will only hinder its evolution. 158. Other managers had very little say because they were dependent on that unit for information output. 159. The number of word candidates suggested by the recogniser is dependent on the size of the lexicon. 160. Other changes meant that agricultural workers became less dependent on their employers for lodgings and could therefore marry younger. 161. Here, men are not so dependent on the opinions of others. 162. If welfare aided economic growth it was also dependent on it. 163. Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation(), requires cooperative labor. 164. This is a truth dependent on the situation as it was - there was no adhoc electrical circuit and so on. 165. These storks are usually solitary nesters whose young, like those of Ibis, are dependent on their parents for food. 166. Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial. 167. Thirty years later he had become dependent on borrowing from friends. 168. Personality based depression happens to people with poor self-image, or to some one who is heavily dependent on others for emotional support. 169. However, most of them were affiliated to political parties and highly dependent on their parties' priorities. 170. Being a representative of a corporation is difficult and partly dependent on status within the corporate body. 171. The basic food of herbivores is plants, so even the largest carnivorous animals are indirectly dependent on plants. 172. This trim offset is virtually constant and is not very dependent on forward speed. 172. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 173. Enjoy the bliss of just being...without being dependent on anything! RVM 174. I was still unemployed and struggling financially, still dependent on my parents and my girlfriend. 175. The activity of duodenitis was dependent on the neutrophilic infiltration. 176. By degrees, little children grow less dependent on their parents. 177. Nuclear weapons and their associated command, control and communications systems are completely dependent on computers and microchips. 178. By no means all priests were dependent on income from the Church. 179. She is totally dependent on her daughter for help with bathing, washing, dressing and feeding. 180. What you may have to take into consideration is the well-being of companies or individuals you are dependent on for your future. 181. Although the industry is rapidly introducing advanced digital communication technologies, the telephone network continues to be dependent on analog transmission. 182. Women are said to have been created as equal to men yet are functionally to be dependent on men. 183. Even at the best companies, family friendliness is often episodic, largely dependent on relationships with an immediate supervisor. 184. Today many Third World countries remain dependent on selling their commodities to the West. 185. The area is heavily dependent on tourism. 186. Vegetation synthesis is dependent on vegetation analysis. 187. The formal genetics of mammalian cells has been dependent on breeding experiment with whole organisms. 188. The surface area of crystalline clay minerals is highly dependent on the extent of lattice expansion. 189. Acceptability for storage in the overhead compartment is dependent on the weight of the baggage. 190. The flavor of a beer or ale is dependent on a number of factors. 190. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 191. The United States is peculiarly dependent on and related to other peoples and other nations. 192. Unlike synthetic dyes, natural dyes are not dependent on non - renewable resources. 193. Elizabeth Bennet is financially and spiritually dependent on Darcy, the hero. |
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