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单词 moult
释义  Related topics: Birds, Animalsmoult British English, molt American English /məʊlt $ moʊlt/ verb [intransitive]  HBBHBAwhen a bird or animal moults, it loses feathers or hair so that new ones can grow 〔鸟〕换羽;〔动物〕脱毛 —moult noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmoult• By August the male will have begun to moult and will become almost indistinguishable from the female.• The dragonfly nymphs may take up to 2 years before they moult into the adult form.• No, he had been moulting, like a bird.• You can not but feel that Aisling O'Sullivan, moulting magnificently like a sick eagle, is having a high old time.• As they grow they moult several times.• One day she carried a tall moulting sunflower into the Staff Room.• Periodically, they moult their thin transparent skins, changing shape as they do so.• The larva moults to give rise to the four-legged nymph, which, after five more days, becomes the adult mite.moult verbChinese   Corpus animal or when moults, it bird a




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