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单词 Est
1 Success Et Incarnatus Est showed the choir at its lyrical best.
2 Requests, Court of, est. 1390 for the hearing of poor people's petitions for the recovery of debts, etc.
3 In a transforming instant, the est intellectual truth is seen to be that intellectual truth is of no account.
4 Est á en el sur de Europa.
5 I am hypersensitive to Est é e Lauder.
6 The EST isozyme of butterflies possess polymorphosis.
7 Plus l'amour est nu , moins il a froid.
8 Tout ce qu'il a dit est fort douteux.
9 Their products include Est é e Lauder and Clinique.
10 Est - ce que je peux essayer?
11 Est - ce que je peux essayer ce complet?
12 Quelle est votre sp é cialit é en Chine?
13 What's the difference between EST and PST?
14 L'absence ne tue l'amour que s'il est malade au d é part.
15 La caja que est á en la mesa es m í a.
16 Qu'est - ce qui est vrai et qu'est - ce qui est faux?
17 Votre invitation est pour nous un pr é cieux t é moignage de notre amiti é.
18 Objective The clinical value of endoscopic sphincterotomy(EST) and papillary balloon dilatation(EPBD) in treating choledocholithiasis was studied.
19 Cette paire est un peu é troite. Le bout de pied est serr é.
20 La pire des souffrances est celle de ne plus pouvoir aimer.
21 The genes and their functions of 4 EST associated with GAT need to be clarified.
22 Finally, the Bahadur asymptotic efficient est imator is constructed through extremal statistic.
23 To study of endoscopic sphincterotomy ( EST ) in patients with stricture of common bile duct post cholecystectomy.
24 Quel est le sujet ( le contenu ) de votre m é moire de fin d 'é tudes?
25 In secondary school I ran a little track and led Human Growth Seminars, which was sort of a teen-age est.
26 I immediately need of a freelancer developer who can work along with me EST, CST timings.
27 The paper analyzes the cultural information through a lot of examples in EST discourses and puts forward some views on its effective transmission.
28 The frequent occurrence of noun phrases, abbreviations, symbols, equations and formulae is the outstanding lexical feature of EST li te...
29 Secondary lymphoid - tissue chemokine ( SLC ) is a type of CC chemokin e identified by searching the Expressed Sequence Tag ( EST ) database.
30 It is indicated that Suxiaohong grape has closest relationship with Vitis vinifera by 0.00 and0.20 distance ratios of EST and PER isozyme pattern.
31 EST and ENBD were carried out in 48 cases, with 44 cases of successful lithotomy.
32 Monsieur Fran? ois est ainsi et avec lui , des millions de Fran ? ais moyens.
33 Toute infraction est passible d'une amende voire d'une peine de prison.
34 En synth é tique . Mais il est tr è s pratique , c'est vite lav é , vite s é ch é et antimite.
35 Objective: To assess the safety and curative effect of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and papillary balloon dilatation (EPBD) for choledocholithiasis.
35 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
36 La vie est un sommeil, l'amour est un r ê ve.
37 Results: By DD - PCR , one EST was identified to be calcium binding protein 1 ( Cabin 1 ).
38 Un attentat suicide à la bombe fait neuf morts dans le nord - est de Bagdad.
39 Our main products are robotic, disc bell, air EST gun, powder spray gun, air gun, gluing system, reciprocator, CCPPS, solvent distiller, and thickness gauge.
40 Our main commodities include gum rosin, rosin ester, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, essentials oils est.
41 We must start by being completely hon - est with ourselves.
42 Power will intoxicate the best hearts as wine the strong - est heads.
43 We implemented the model using EST ( Extended Syntactic Tree ).
44 The results showed that there were significantly different patterns between two types of Fasciola hepatica by PO and varied enzyme bands between two types by MDH and EST.
45 Background Endoscopic technique has been widely used to treat cholangiopancreatic diseases ,() and endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) is an chief therapeutics for choledocholithiasis.
46 How Paralympian Josh George Inspired a FanHouse Marathoner originally appeared on Fanhouse Backporch on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:41:00 EST .
47 Natura propensi sumus ad diligendos homines quod fundamentum juris est.
48 Est é e Lauder , founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success.
49 Of the 15 cases, 9 cases were undergone EST , 7 lithotomy, and another 9 ENBD.
50 Lifespring and Werner Erhard's Est were already tweaking their seminars for corporate clients.
51 It is sincerely hoped that the present study will be helpful for EST teaching and shed light on further work in this field.
52 Ma voiture est en panne. Je vais la faire r é parer.
53 Pero est á claro que Argentina siempre es protagonista juegue donde juegue.
54 C ? ? mo puede saber cuan oscuro est á un espacio determinado?
55 Bodhi and Loki on the chaise . Usually live 9 - 5 EST.
56 Le poisson à la sauce airge - douce est mon plat pr é f é r é.
57 Est - ce que toutes les informations sur vos formulaires de demande sont correctes?
58 Le CIGB est aujourd'hui la vedette des centres de bio-sciences parmi ce qu'on appelle le Tiers-monde.
59 Ichiro Ozawa, chef d'orchestre de ce rapprochement spectaculaire, est un vieil ami de la Chine.
60 At 1am EST on Monday, January 25th we will start our planned maintenance on our CP9 cluster.
61 The launch was delayed three minutes when a range safety computer shut down before the planned 4:50pm. EST (2150 GMT) lift-off.
62 Combination of ERCP and EST is safe, effective and less pain for choledocholithiasis.
63 Une entreprise est une unit é de production qui vend ses produits sur un march é.
64 Sophie est une fille blonde et charmante. Elle va bient ? t é pouser monsieur Dupont.
65 States which have not signed the present Convention are allowed toaccede thereto at their requ est.
66 L'amour est le seul r ê ve qui ne se r ê ve pas.
67 For example, New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time (EST), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5.
68 For envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus.
69 In accordance with that , the thesis put forward humanized design tactics in ground employ complexion, space differentiate, place, facilities, traffic organization and landscape est.
70 This article attempts to apply the analysis by legal inter- est to the research of euthanasia from the aspects of natural man's right of life and personal dignity.
71 Hun - ter in the for - est near - er creeps.
72 Someone's swan song usually is also considered that person's final est finest work.
73 Comment est - ce que vous allez commencer votre vie au Canada?
74 Ce sont Lao Wang et son fils: celui - ci est lyc é en , celui - l à est ing é nieur.
75 Car il est puissant , le Seigneur Dieu qui l'a jug é e.
76 GMAC received the Federal Reserve's approval to become a bank holding company last week, but that was contingent on putting into place a complicated debt-for-equity exchange by 11:59 p.m. EST Friday.
77 This emergency maintenance window is in effect today from 3pm through 9am tomorrow EST.
78 Luo est furieux contre l'organisation des secours et les autorit é s locales.
79 Ma porte est toujours ouverts pour abriter le ciel et la terre.
80 But it is election time in Tanzania, one of the poorest countries in the world, and Mr. Kikwete is embroil ed in what political analysts say is the feisti est presidential race this country has seen.
81 The unedited interview will run in its entirety tonight at 11 p.m. EST, another first of the show.
82 L'amour n'est pas seulement un sentiment , il est un art aussi.
83 Rus é comme un renard : pour quelqu'un qui est habile, rus é.
84 The results show that measuring precision is elevated and sequential computer control is easy by means of 3-point method of EST.
85 Fusion Versus Disk Replacement for Degenerative Conditions of the Lumbar and Cervical Spine: Quid Est Testimonium?
86 Il est orient é sur trois axes : é ducation, d é couverte de talents et rencontres.
87 To compare the therapeutic efficacy and procedure related complications between endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) and surgery in treatment for choledocholithiasis concomitant with liver cirrhosis.
88 No positive correlation was found among encephalatrophy and sex, family history, treatment with medicaments and electric shock treatment (EST).
89 Surely , EST translation study is facing temporary embarrassment : reorientation.
90 Il est surtout furieux contre la corruption desautorit é s locales.
91 There are differences in some bands and their Rfs of EST and POD in the counterparts tissues between two salamanders.
92 Endoscopic stone extraction included movable stones that could be returned into common bile duct and irremovable stones that should be intubated and extracted aided by EST (endoscopic sphincterotomy).
93 Vincent : Je te pr é sente Monsieur Dupont . II est Journaliste.
94 Excusez - moi de vous d é ranger . Ce meuble est tr è s lourd. Pouvez - vous m'aider?
95 Officially, summer does not end until September 22,(http:///est.html) 2010 which marks the first day of fall 2010 at 11:09 EST (Eastern Standard Time).
96 Spyker's renewed offer is valid until 5 p.m. EST on Monday, December 21.
97 Elle est ma soeur a & icirc; n é e , pas ma soeur cadette.
98 The transporter/erector, also serving as an umbilical tower and strongback, was partially tilted away from the rocket around 1:30 p.m. EST.
99 Da igual. Las pongo aqu í . Est á bien . A ver , & iquest; qu é deseas comer?
100 Ce jardin est le lieu de rencontre privil é gi é des promeneurs.
101 He was photographing the striking caterpillars and the large black and orange butterflies they turn into in a red maple for est.
102 Dioscorea Zingiberensis Population POD and EST zymogram diversity degree prove to be high, 50% and 59%, respectively.
103 There existed obvious differences of EST isoenzyme between larva phase and adult phase and different isoenzyme zymogram in each intraspecific clade.
104 L'amour est comme le soleil, il é claire et r é chauffe mais il peut aussi aveugler et br ? ler.
105 During GA 3 enhancing bolting, peroxidase ( POD ), catalase ( CAT ) , AMY, EST, ATP and protein contents changed correspondingly.
106 The results showed that EST and RAPD techniques could be used to divide heterotic groups of Lentinula edodes, but polymorphism detected by RAPD were much higher than that by EST.
107 The tool with the main est apiculture is beehive and mew plinth.
108 The genetic diversity of 27 materials in 8 species of Dendranthema was studied based on the polymorphisms of POD and EST isozymes.
109 Le caract è re chinois est tr è s difficile pour les é trang è res.
110 Est - ce que examen est difficile? Quelle partie est - elle difficile? Le fran & ccedil ; ais est - il difficile?
111 EST - PCR and EST - SSR marker were developed in Chinese cabbage.
112 L'amiti é est plus souvent une porte de sortie qu'une porte d'entr é e de l'amour.
113 La Chine est un pays immense . Chanque r é gion est diff é rente des autres.
114 Est - ce que vos parents sont d'accord aves votre projet d 'é tudes en France?
116 The prejudice, equalitarianism , from point to area, multi standard est. wrong tendencies are analyzed, and correct measures are provided.
117 Among the pilots with cervical spondylosis flying various aeroplanes, those who flew attack aeroplane or helicopter accounted for the high est or the lowest percentage (29.6% or 9.3%).
118 Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.
119 A Maria ea Ana est ? o nos correios. Elas querem mandar postais aos amigos.
120 Quelle est la temp é rature minimale ( la plus basse ) de la journ é e?




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