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单词 Vaccinated
1. Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper.
2. The children were all vaccinated against smallpox.
3. All children should be vaccinated against measles.
4. Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox?
5. Were you vaccinated against smallpox as a child?
6. The children were vaccinated against the major childhood diseases.
7. Have you been vaccinated against polio?
8. What have you been vaccinated against?
9. He had been vaccinated and soon recovered.
10. Most schoolgirls are vaccinated against rubella, but it doesn't ensure immunity.
11. Reportedly, he had been vaccinated against yellow fever 6 months to 1 year before his illness.
12. In no instance had any person recently vaccinated or re-vaccinated contracted the disease.
13. Elvis Presley agreed to be vaccinated in public to inspire his teenage fans to submit to the needle.
14. All children brought to the clinic were automatically vaccinated against tuberculosis.
15. Dogs, though, can be vaccinated against distemper - so it pays to keep their vaccine boosters up to date.
16. Children throughout the country have not been vaccinated against life-threatening diseases.
17. Travellers to India are advised to get vaccinated against infectious diseases such as typhoid before they go.
18. The chance that those who were vaccinated are those who succumbed is far lower.
19. Measles,[http://] mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated.
20. The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
21. All employees regularly exposed to blood and other body fluids to which universal precautions apply should be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine.
22. When parents encounter this obstacle, they finally get off the dime and have their kids vaccinated.
23. A health spokesman stressed there had been no reported deaths - and said parents should continue having their children vaccinated.
24. The organizers sent home a letter suggesting he get vaccinated against Hepatitis A.. What do you think?
25. These assays are essential to understanding the epidemiology of measles in vaccinated populations.
26. The operation appears to have been successful, and none of the vaccinated elephants has shown any symptoms of the disease.
27. Farmers are also worried about whether they would be able to sell milk and meat from vaccinated animals.
28. The figures show the incidence of the disease is continuing to rise among those who have not been vaccinated.
29. Anyone traveling to a country where exposure to the Hepatitis A virus is possible should be vaccinated.
30. Victims were isolated, and everyone who had been in contact with them was vaccinated.
1. Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper.
2. The children were all vaccinated against smallpox.
31. The main reason kids don't get vaccinated is that parents don't realize how important it is.
32. Have all the children been vaccinated with typhus?
33. My child was vaccinated against smallpox.
34. Has the baby been vaccinated?
35. I was vaccinated against tetanus.
36. People are vaccinated against measles.
37. Then both groups were vaccinated with a chickenpox vaccine.
38. Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough?
39. Eg: Don't to get the pet vaccinated.
40. Those vaccinated were getting sick, but not from influenza.
41. There was 1 person occurred tatter in infants' group after vaccinated, the occurred rate is 0.17%.
42. The government insists that any dogs confiscated in Beijing will be fed and vaccinated at a government-funded dog pound.
43. When someone is vaccinated or infected, the immune system makes antibodies that mostly attack a protein on the surface of the virus called hemagglutinin.
44. Any non-immune person (who has not been vaccinated or previously recovered from the disease) can become infected.
45. The immunologically competent cells of main immune organs in chicken vaccinated with HVT and supplemented with Chinese Medicine ImmunologicAdditive in their diets were observed in this study.
46. Children in wealthier countries are usually vaccinated to protect against Measles.
46. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
47. All the men in the camp have been vaccinated with the smallpox virus.
48. Zur Hausen said that while vaccination programmes should focus on girls and young women aged 9 to 25, before they are exposed to HPV, boys must also be vaccinated to eliminate the virus.
49. Make sure everyone in your family is vaccinated against hepatitis B.
50. For example, in the UK babies are vaccinated against group C Meningococcus as part of their routine immunisation programme.
51. It was reported that the soldiers in the camp were vaccinated with smallpox virus.
52. All the children under 3 years old are to be vaccinated against typhus this Saturday.
53. D: Has she been vaccinated against measles? When was she vaccinated?
54. On the basis, immune response and its regularity of vaccinated equus were discussed.
55. Authorities confessed that diphtheria may occur in vaccinated individuals, and noted that "the permanence of immunity induced by the open to question."
56. Whether or not to get their kids vaccinated "is more of a theoretical concern or concept for them, " Dempsey told Reuters Health.
57. Ninety-two percent of the populations of developed countries was vaccinated against Hib as of 2003.
58. Two years later, vaccinated cattle in their natural environment had far fewer parasitic worms than unvaccinated cattle.
59. Getting vaccinated will be your best defense, since health-care workers will most likely be in contact with people who are sick with 2009 H1N1.
60. Although he served as a vaccinator in Somalia, he had never been vaccinated.
61. Of the 69 children with cVDPV in Nigeria as of September 2007, 60 were either unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated.
62. He thought the government would be well-advised to mount some sort of publicity drive to get the most at-risk vaccinated, and said he thought it was remiss not to have done so already.
63. After the discovery, all children in the province under five years old were vaccinated and since then no cases of polio-like paralysis have been reported.
64. In these cases, it can be argued it is a civic responsibility to be vaccinated.
65. The vaccinated person developed antibodies which protected both against the cowpox infection and against the closely related virus that caused smallpox.
66. And the best form of proventionprevention, she says,[] is getting vac vaccinated each against influenza.
67. The content of crude protein of fermentation production by vaccinated complex fungus was higher than that by vaccinated single saccharomycete.
68. "I strongly urge people to sort out whether you're in one of those high-risk groups and talk to your doctor or ask your pharmacist whether you can be vaccinated," she said.
69. Why do we have to get vaccinated yearly which against influenza?
70. Tan says the WHO suggests health care workers should be among the first vaccinated, because they are on the front-line of fighting the virus.
71. Separately, WHO launched an emergency heath response plan to treat the affected populations in North and South Kivu, where 80% of the population is not fully vaccinated.
72. Importantly, tumours arising in vaccinated mice were, on average, about 80-90% smaller than tumours in unvaccinated mice.
73. Youngsters with asthma or diabetes, for example are already being vaccinated.
74. Objective To study the anti-tumor effect and mechanisms of the SD rat splenic cells vaccinated with HSP70 enriched C6 tumor cell vaccine (TCV) in vitro.
75. This case highlights the need for clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion when evaluating recently vaccinated patients and their family members with vesiculopustular rash.
76. He had never been vaccinated despite having once served as a vaccinator and despite having worked at the hospital where employee vaccinations were supposed to be mandatory.
77. "All of our pigs have been adequately vaccinated and they are all taken care of according to current sanitation rules, " Ochoa said.
78. The campaign will continue officially until September 20, but follow up activities to mop-up children not yet vaccinated will continue for several more weeks.




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