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单词 mosey
释义  mo·sey /ˈməʊzi $ ˈmoʊ-/ verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] American English informal  1  WALKto walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way – used humorously 漫步,溜达,闲逛〔幽默用法〕 I guess I’ll mosey on down to the store now. 我想我现在就溜达着去商店吧。2  I’d better mosey along/be moseying along informal LEAVE A PLACEI should leave now 我得走了 I’d better mosey along – it’s getting late. 我还是走吧,天晚了。 —mosey noun [singular]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmosey• Not just any El Nino, but the biggest, baddest El Nino to mosey up the coast in 150 years.Origin mosey (1800-1900) Perhaps from Spanish vamos “let's go”mo·sey verbChineseSyllable  used walk a relaxed – to slow humorously in way Corpus somewhere




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