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单词 Depressing
1. His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.
2. We found it a deeply depressing experience.
3. It's a depressing thought.
4. I find this weather so depressing.
5. Her letter made depressing reading.
6. Living in Bootham these days can be depressing.
7. Everywhere looks so grey and depressing in winter.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. I found the whole business very depressing.
9. The film is alternately depressing and amusing.
10. The park in winter is a depressing monochrome brown.
11. I find the hopelessness of the situation very depressing.
12. The whole experience was very depressing.
13. With no hope of a holiday life's very depressing.
14. Everything is a bit depressing at the moment, but I carry on in the belief that good times are just around the corner.
15. Laundromat is really depressing.
16. I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster.
17. It's depressing how many people there are chasing so few jobs.
18. After the depressing events of the last few months, Mina felt that it was time to put a little joie de vivre back into their lives.
19. There is nothing more depressing than a seaside town in low season.
20. I find politics infinitely depressing: none of the parties appeal to me.
21. It's depressing how much conformity there is in such young children.
22. Yesterday'sunemployment figures were depressing.
23. Don't you find that depressing?
24. Paul grew tired of his drab, depressing life.
25. It was, Greg Hocking thought, both depressing and familiar.
26. It was all so sad, so depressing, so futile.
27. Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
28. Looking for a job these days can be very depressing.
29. It says much for Brookner's skill that the book is sad, but never depressing.
30. The same familiar faces reappear in the law courts with depressing regularity.
1. We found it a deeply depressing experience.
2. It's a depressing thought.
3. Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
4. Laundromat is really depressing.
5. After the depressing events of the last few months, Mina felt that it was time to put a little joie de vivre back into their lives.
6. Yesterday'sunemployment figures were depressing.
31. Can you imagine anything more depressing?
32. It was a sepulchral place, altogether depressing and gloomy.
33. The demonology that clinches the sale is deeply depressing.
34. It was a depressing book.
35. This is a depressing conclusion for liberal reformers.
36. The canteen made a perfect backdrop for depressing conversations.
37. The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam.
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38. There's nothing quite so depressing as watching your tan fade along with the memories of that wonderful holiday.
39. With this in mind, let me tell you: Charles Restaurant is one very depressing place.
40. That was the 1920s: a fairly depressing sort of minimalism.
41. In spite of depressing circumstances, I was more excited and confident than I had ever been.
42. The room was depressing, with dim light and cheap furniture.
43. Situated on the ground floor of the prison, it is dark, depressing and claustrophobic.
44. I should be able to do something about it and it was a depressing thought that I was getting nowhere.
45. They were older, more overcrowded, less well furnished, more depressing, and so on.
46. It might have been more depressing if I had been otherwise ready to leave.
47. What is more depressing is the way this escape from the facts is beginning to creep into Western discourse on Kosovo.
48. Dinner guests remarked on how depressing their house had become; the book was giving off emanations.
49. Blanche visited one which met in a room above a pub in Clapham on a Friday night but found the experience depressing.
50. At that depressing time, you would not want your investment income to fall as well.
51. When the young unemployed include graduates with valuable knowledge, it is even more depressing.
52. My companions start talking in Arabic again and I have the depressing sense of being a hick tourist fallen among real travellers.
53. Unfortunately, there is still a depressing number of poor quality certified organic wines around.
54. There are countless other examples, but I can't go on, it's depressing me too much.
55. They are depressing, alien environments, made more dismal by drab walls and endless corridors.
56. But it was depressing, too, because he did not know a single person who occupied them.
57. It would be absurd to approve of such events taking place on grey, sunless days in dark, depressing places.
58. There is some, rather depressing, evidence that women are as thrilled by male hardness as ever they were.
59. For two years Vlasov was limited to the depressing task of fighting for the very survival of his movement.
60. This is a depressing message to send to you and I regret it.
61. Cowan says it is possible that the hallucinogens act by depressing one of these groups of cells.
62. The impact on the long-term development of the world economy seems likely to be depressing.
63. For career soldiers like Jack it was a depressing time.
64. SemperFidelis I found the roundtable on fidelity fascinating reading, but intensely depressing as well.
65. It's such a depressing town - it's full of ugly, disused factories.
66. There, illegal immigration contributes to a labour surplus that is depressing farm wages and making working conditions worse.
67. The hall was carpeted in a depressing shade of green.
68. I doubt if my picture, though depressing(Sentence dictionary), is too gloomy.
69. Perhaps more depressing than actual shortages of provision is the tendency to alienate the old in contemporary society.
70. As for the social scene, there is nothing depressing about the Warehouse, Ricci's, Joy or the excellent Gallery.
71. It's depressing to see an intelligent, spirited young woman like her turning into a meek and compliant wife.
72. There was, however, a depressing lack of the qualities needed to make significant progress at this level of international competition.
73. I think this was the most depressing place for learning that I have seen anywhere.
74. The vote for the extreme right is depressing, but not the beginning of a trend, let alone das End.
75. Many economists expect the Fed to continue easing rates during the first half of 1996(), further depressing yields.
76. The appearance of a drug that promotes sleep without depressing the central nervous sys-tem has been long awaited.
77. Everything was slathered over in a depressing dark green paint.
78. Without furniture, smelling chill and slightly damp, it could have been depressing, but it wasn't.
79. I think the answer is yes, which leads to a depressing conclusion, and not just about disability.
80. It was at once reassuring and depressing to find life's major events so predictable in their repetition.
81. There is always something rather depressing about the communal areas of multiple-household houses.
82. The desire not to make waves is a particularly depressing and insipid form of self-censorship.
83. Ted resumed the operation of the cabin and tried to shake off the depressing atmosphere that now pervaded the small room.
84. Is it depressing to perform the same routines with the same people?
85. For some unknown reason, the blinds were always drawn, giving it a depressing atmosphere.
86. The monthly publication of the unemployment figures provides a depressing barometer of the dole queue.
87. Colours were brutal and depressing; dank shades like dung and army-blanket fawn.
88. Uncle Rory could not be more depressing than reality was, just now.
89. A depressing picture, but nevertheless I would argue that there has been a marginal improvement over the years.
90. The house consisted of two reception rooms, each furnished with black oak monstrosities that created a dark and depressing atmosphere.
91. I find Buck's Fizz depressing ... or any music that expresses no humanity.
92. Her therapist, she thought, was the most depressing person she knew, and that was saying something.
93. We idealize the world of jobs and conveniently forget how boring and depressing most people found it.
94. The time-consuming tasks of keeping families clean and fed were for the most part carried out with wholly inadequate equipment in depressing surroundings.
95. However, sunshine was a sparse commodity and we found the short, dark winter days of these latitudes very depressing at first.
96. The next morning, we got a particularly depressing sample of how poorly our intelligence-gathering system worked.
97. There was something about Chilete and the cloud-mist drizzle of that dreadful morning that was utterly depressing.
98. That thought is too depressing for words ... player for player we are probably the strongest squad in the premier league.
99. Individuals were not the only suckers in this depressing game.
100. He arrived at a decision, threw the cigarette away, and turned towards a small depressing row of agricultural cottages.
101. I find it really depressing that a city as diverse as New York has succumbed to this kind of corporate takeover.
102. Some idea of the effect can be gained by depressing the surface of a table tennis ball with the thumb.
103. There is nothing more depressing than sitting and watching the paper peel off the walls.
104. Depressing the handle, he burst through into the room beyond.
105. How depressing to see a potential threat to money treated more seriously than a clear and present threat to innocent children.
106. The past year has been a rollercoaster one for the royals with a few highs followed by lots of depressing lows.
107. Generous application of whitewash outside, shining fresh paint within of a drab depressing colour.
108. Job hunting takes a lot of effort and can be a long, depressing process.
109. I find it really depressing that my old neighborhood has gotten so run-down.
110. Cabinet meetings had grown so unproductive and depressing that we had to plead with the President to schedule them.
111. Listening to the news can be really depressing, when all you ever hear about is violence and crime.
112. Jack had been meaning to write for some time but had kept putting it off because it was too depressing.
113. The more wonderful the means of communication, the more trivial, tawdry, or depressing its contents seemed to be.
114. We had tea in the dining-room, a depressing room which looked into a court.
115. It would be better to label the depressing event as a photo-op and tea with contributors.
116. Every tale - depressing as it is in its own right represents another body blow to the leasing industry.
117. She thought with remorse of the missed opportunity, for breaking the depressing pattern of loveless affairs.
118. Woolley's training programme was grindingly hard, tent-life cold, wet and colourless, and the news from the front depressing.
119. I telephoned your Ma yesterday, to hear that things were a bit depressing at the school and in the country generally.
120. The news from the front, which came to us by word of mouth, was depressing.
121. For instance, there is no more depressing sight than horses and ponies standing miserably in a muddy field.
122. She made excuses for them, but she found them depressing.
123. It can be very depressing watching these magnificent warriors being crushed by falling boulders.
124. The effect of all this was not wholy depressing.
125. The test results were very depressing.
126. It must be really depressing listening to everybody's whinges.
127. He was depressing on the button.
128. The most headless passer - by feels the depressing influences of a place.
129. In Australia,(http:///depressing.html) reports about Aboriginal people often make for depressing reading.
130. I'm rather keen to go on holiday in February because I think it's a very dismal, depressing month.
131. Why do tunes in a major key, such as Singin' in the Rain, sound cheerful, while those in minor keys – Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall, say – sound gloomy and depressing?
132. I have a letter from Sister Yun in which is horribly depressing.
133. Mondays are stereotypically depressing, so we tend to recall the worst Mondays.
134. Choose from two modes of operation; continuous mode when using accessory attachments or touch mode which activates mixing when depressing the cup head.
135. Objective:To evaluate the effect of segmental arch technique and implant reinforcing anchorage on depressing the(dongated opposed teeth for preparing enough space for mandibular dental implant.
136. Objective To observe the curative effect of Zihuangjiedu Tablets on aphthae of syndrome type of depressing internal heat in liver .
137. Nine years after the father's death, a series of events conspired to break the depressing cycle of constant pessimism from a well-meaning medical profession.
138. And colour is acted the role of powerfully article, for example aureate, sap green, purple, blue-black , gules, conduce to the bedroom that reduces Chinese style furniture to cause depressing feeling.
139. All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.
140. It's very mind - numbing and must be very depressing.
141. Without any illuminative black or other and brunet desktop, constant regular meeting makes the person has depressing feeling.
142. New paraxylene and PTA capacities are also depressing the market while glycol is now sliding, on its turn.
143. The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy.
144. He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss.
145. Goth music: dark depressing music listened to by people who always wear black clothes.
146. Conclusion mechanism of ping chuan mixture associated with depressing the airway inflammation.
147. The report, called "Child Poverty and Deprivation in the UK", makes for depressing reading.
148. Seasonal fluctuations were obvious with dry-hot summer depressing the earthworm population sharply, leading to the aestivation of earthworm.
149. The retrospect was depressing.
150. Some have a depressing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain.
151. There is always a depressing and decadent tinge to these pictures.
152. They all talk with the same depressing harsh arid tongue.
153. New homes lack buyers and high-rise offices lack renters, depressing prices and forcing developers in Shanghai and other cities to mothball projects as financing dries up.
154. The new tax system gives a depressing impact to the development of the leverage effects of tax.
155. The mechanism of pyrogallic acid depressing sulphide minerals has been discussed by means of HMO calculation, interaction energy and energy band structure.
156. Cabbage was always a depressing reminder of the leaner years of my childhood.
157. The Dead by Joyce describes the life state that is depressing, paralyzing, tiring, idle and living dead of the middle- and lower-class citizens in Dublin and the ultimate ending.
158. The rest of the day'sactivities often seemed drab or depressing.
159. The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin.
160. During the Romanesque, sinister and depressing fears of the last judgement dominated such depictions.
161. Mary: This is depressing. I'm going dancing. See you later!
161. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
162. The Movie: "Even I think my films are depressing, " Ingmar Bergman once admitted.
163. A little unwilling and ordinary stylist wants to break white, rice then the depressing aspect of dichromatic unify the whole country, let closestool also come beautiful change personally.
164. Principle of the differential method depressing the drift noise is analyzed, the algorithm in the quartz resonant force sensor is offered.




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