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单词 moody
释义 Word family  noun mood moodiness adjective moody adverb moodily  mood·y /ˈmuːdi/ adjective  1  MOODannoyed or unhappy 情绪不好的,郁郁寡欢的 Keith had seemed moody all morning. 基思好像整个早上都不高兴。2  MOODoften changing quickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad temper 喜怒无常的,情绪多变的 SYN temperamental a moody teenager 情绪多变的少年 Lewis was moody and brilliantly clever. 刘易斯喜怒无常,但是非常聪明。3  moody places, films, pictures, and music make you feel slightly sad, lonely, or perhaps frightened 〔地方、影片、照片和音乐〕令人忧郁的;令人悲伤的;令人感伤的 the moody grey sea in the dawn light 晨曦中灰暗阴郁的大海 —moodily adverb She was staring moodily into the fire. 她闷闷不乐地注视着炉火。 —moodiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmoody• Whatever the reason, he seems a totally different person now, very withdrawn and moody.• I tried to make polite small talk with him although he seemed distinctly taciturn, if not downright moody.• She's been really moody and emotional.• He became moody and unpredictable after his wife left him.• Lately he had been as moody as an adolescent and about as helpful.• She was moody at times and easily irritated.• a moody, black-and-white movie• As a result, she can seem moody self-centered, and demanding, throwing lots of tantrums.• a moody teenager• Jealous, moody type, apparently; married too but separated.• Mucho moody with tons of testosterone.mood·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  unhappy or annoyed Corpus




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