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单词 awfully
释义  aw·ful·ly /ˈɔːfəli $ ˈɒː-/ adverb  VERYvery 非常 It’s awfully cold in here. Is the heater on? 这儿非常冷,取暖器开了吗?Examples from the Corpusawfully• She felt sick too, awfully, awfully sick.• The once top-rated Cosby Show suddenly seemed awfully distant in time.• He had to push awfully hard to come back from his injuries, and that is just part of him now.• She also turned out to be the last close friend I had for an awfully long time.• It's awfully noisy. Can we close the door?• The result is impressive but awfully stern and austere.• Once I was outside, I suddenly felt awfully·ful·ly adverbChineseSyllable  very Corpus




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