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单词 awestruck
释义  awe·struck /ˈɔːstrʌk $ ˈɒː-/ adjective  IMPRESSfeeling great respect for the importance, difficulty, or seriousness of someone or something 肃然起敬的,充满敬畏的,惊叹的 She gazed awestruck at the jewels. 她惊叹地注视着那些珠宝。Examples from the Corpusawestruck• When I consider the journeys of these slow-moving creatures, I am awestruck.• Jane was spending the day with the girls, who were awestruck by it all now.• Several of the ball players signed autographs for the awestruck kids.• For a dozen heartbeats the city was awestruck, numbed and silent.• The Rattlers have long gotten over the awestruck stage with Orlando.• She was Demeter, she told the awestruck women.awe·struck adjectiveChineseSyllable  difficulty, respect Corpus great the seriousness importance, or feeling for




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