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单词 Chains
1. Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. 
2. The prisoners were kept in chains .
3. The prisoner burst out of the chains.
4. He was led away in chains.
5. The fierce lion burst free from the chains.
6. Small businesses are losing out to the large chains.
7. These chains seem fairly solid.
8. The chains clanked as the drawbridge opened.
9. The prisoner was led away in chains.
10. The room was festooned with gay paper chains.
11. Deep-sea valleys are the counterparts of the mountain chains.
12. They sat on the grass making daisy chains .
13. The captives are wearing chains.
14. Supermarket chains have crowded out the smaller shops.
15. Supermarket chains try to lure customers with price discounts.
16. The prisoners are in chains.
17. The severely sentenced prisoners' chains clanked as they walked.
18. Chains are a badge of slavery.
19. The hostages were kept in chains for 23 hours a day.
20. The people rose(), casting off the chains of unjust rule.
21. All the large supermarket chains are currently locked in a price war.
22. The prisoners wore handcuffs and iron chains on their legs.
23. Mayors wear chains round their necks as badges of office.
24. Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density.
25. He liked to shock with his gold chains and loud clothes.
26. For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela 
27. Small grocery stores are going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.
28. The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains.
29. Small, independent bookstores simply can't compete with the big national chains.
30. At last the country has freed itself from the chains of the authoritarian regime.
1. The prisoners were kept in chains .
31. Mayors wear chains around their necks as badges of office.
32. The chains might break but that's a chance I'll have to take.
33. He'd spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains.
34. The working class has nothing to lose but its chains. .
35. The biker was dressed in full regalia, with shiny black leather and lots of chains.
36. Mad guard dogs slavered at the end of their chains.
37. The big supermarket chains certainly regained favour in 2000.
38. Prices even vary within supermarket chains.
39. The chains were fastened with steel locks.
40. His smile was ovens and chains and darkness.
41. No chains, no baseball cap, no eight-ball jacket.
42. The gold chains were gone now, too.
43. His voice sounded like chains being dragged through gravel.
44. Words as well as engrams exist in chains.
45. Rival gangs battled with knives and chains.
46. Supermarket chains have shaved prices.
47. Following food chains can lead to exciting discoveries.
48. Engrams, particularly in the prenatal area, are in chains.
49. It was a barque with chains round it.
50. Enormous chains were fastened to our ankles.
51. Wear a couple gold chains around his neck.
52. Under these conditions, however, ethylene forms short chains or rings, rather than the long chains of the solid polymer.
53. And, perhaps the most important question, How do you escape, Houdini-like, from the chains of words?
54. The contract is expected to set the standard for contracts with other Northern California grocery chains and major independents.
55. Behind the scenes, cinema chains enjoy the economies of centralised purchasing and have utilised computers to track inventory and prevent spoilage.
56. Frederick's bed is said to be still in the palace, hanging from iron chains.
57. Some footwear chains are exclusively geared to meeting the demands of fashion conscious teenagers, for example.
58. Throughout the world, researchers found similar island chains, isolated yet volcanically active.
59. They are thus perfectly suited to the analysis of our beliefs about causal chains or sequences.
60. At the time it was held secure by a crane using two chains.
61. The rate increase is doubly painful for societies with large loss-making estate agency chains.
62. The speaking I strings together signifying chains according to socially acceptable codes of meaning.
63. Hesione is standing with her hands bound behind her back and held in position by two heavy chains attached to weights.
64. In fact, employment rose at the New Jersey chains and fell slightly in Pennsylvania.
65. She is being held in chains in the city jail and the possibility of bail has already been ruled out.
66. From its rear chassis, two heavy chains were securely attached to the steel bars of the gates.
67. In 1910, only sixty-two dailies were owned by chains, which averaged less than five newspapers per chain.
68. Complex human behaviour is seen as established sequences or chains of S-R bonds.
69. At a time when many chains are losing money, Lechters is turning a healthy profit.
70. We dined among men with heavy watch chains and heavier bellies.
71. Some large chains of supermarkets publish booklets on calorie, fat, and fibre content of their foods.
72. City experts say profits could halve over the next year as the other supermarket chains eat into Gateway's market share.
73. And other quick-serve restaurant chains, such as Boston Market, are jumping on the bandwagon.
74. While tapping the same market, the chains approach the business customer in different ways.
75. There was a sound of chains rattling, and the fervid snarling of the beasts increased.
76. Retail systems. Retail chains vary from being very long to very short.
77. Yeewho had managed regional offices of national retail chains for two decades before founding Zhenwas skeptical about branching out into department stores.
78. During that time continents, oceans, and mountain chains have moved horizontally and vertically through large distances.
79. Small independent merchants who were threatened by both the supermarkets and the chains were forced to adopt the supermarket principle.
80. Hospitals, which used to be almost exclusively not-for-profit institutions, are being taken over by large corporate chains.
81. Loops of wire pressed octagons into her face, just below the hairline, imprinting a headdress of chains.
82. The effect was to trigger off a largely middle-class uprising designed to break the chains hampering economic growth and professional advancement.
83. Long chains of tiny craters on Phobos suggest the drainage of regolith into deep cracks that riddle its interior.
84. There's a lot of competition between the big supermarket chains.
85. Scientists predicted that solitons should be very mobile, but only along the polymer chains.
86. This was based on demographic data and information about competing hotel chains.
87. There was a sound of soft footsteps, of chains being loosened and bolts drawn back.
88. The thickened edges of these rafts are of course the mountain chains such as the Andes.
89. In a fight with other video chains for market share, Blockbuster spent heavily on advertising and promotion.
90. They may be long chains of clauses linked by coordination or simply by being adjoined.
91. Even though her neck was repeatedly sliced, several gold chains she wore were not broken.
92. Rusted chains hung from roof girders; the floor was concrete, fouled by the windswept detritus of years of abandonment.
93. Therefore, the plasma cells produce either an excessive amount of kappa light chains or an excessive amount of lambda light chains.
94. At chains such as Hair Club for Men, rugs are glommed on to existing hair and must be adjusted every few weeks.
95. There are tales of clanking chains and doors which open and close of their own volition.
96. One day I was going to go to Petland and get one of those big chains, the stainless steel ones.
97. Where such chains exist, an apparently random journey through a network becomes a fairly predictable matter.
98. Blood from his torn ear was soaking his left epaulette with its tarnished chains and gilded eagle.
99. You can conceive of globular protein molecules folding from chains of left- and right-handed amino acids but not helical protein molecules.
100. The deal should allow Glynwed's food service division to sell complete cooking and refrigeration equipment ranges to national supermarket chains.
101. Finally when molecular motion increases to a sufficiently high level, all the chains behave like weak springs the whole time.
102. The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. Samuel Johnson 
103. The roads into the docks were closed off by solid gates, rusty barbed wire(), padlocked chains.
104. I had seen the march of feudal armies, the victors returning in triumph, captive princes led past in chains.
105. We must assume either that all chains between junctions are of equal stretched length or that there is some definable length distribution.
106. But none of them have really rattled the big chains until Food Giant came along.
107. In the same period, off-licence chains owned by the brewers saw their share reduced to less than 25 percent.
108. Numerous downsized banks, insurers and retail chains have seen their customers' satisfaction plummet.
109. They used to have big chains right round, fore and aft to keep them together.
110. In this, of course, he was helped by Jacob Marley, his dead partner doomed to roam through eternity in chains.
111. A slithering of chains, a horrid steel-on-stone sound, and three steps to match.
112. The toy store, fried chicken and office supply chains were stated since Lew became chairman in 1991.
113. But they face opposition from a lobbying powerhouse of credit card companies, banks, auto companies and retail chains.
114. They discovered almost 1,000 chains, suggesting that the entire meteorite contained millions of bacteria, says Friedmann.
115. A gang walking around in public brandishing bicycle chains could have been convicted.
116. Her jewelry was gold[/chains.html], delicate chains at her wrist and throat.
117. And no sign of chains or a whip or iron bars.
118. Saying they were losing money there, large grocery chains began moving out of inner-city neighborhoods in the 1980s.
119. Many big chains had pushed for a 2 percent reduction, but believe the 1 percent cut could still help.
120. The orientation of the chains of amorphous polymers on deformation.
121. The I in enunciating a signifying chain signifies the self by taking up a position in the signifying chains enunciated.
122. Likewise, a wholesale bakery believes that it is in the business of making bread and desserts for grocery chains.
123. He says they are market leaders and serve one in twenty drivers, other chains can follow them.
124. Very often shopping schemes are aimed principally at the multiple chains, which will pay higher rents.
125. Police are quizzing staff and contractors in Middlesbrough municipal buildings after the theft of the nine-carat chains and two badges of office.
126. Primary structure refers to the joining of the amino acids through peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains.
127. So far 4,411 retailers with 10,789 shops, including some major chains, have signed up to take part in the scheme.
128. The above reference to large and powerful retail chains implies that they can exert a strong influence in the marketplace.
129. The alignment of polymer chains at specific distances from one another to form crystalline nuclei will be assisted when intermolecular forces are strong.
130. Meanwhile, Westminster Press and Associated slightly enlarged their chains, partly, as with Thomson, by new launches.
131. Most big city newspapers, bought up by chains, were operated from out of town as bottom-line corporate businesses.
132. Movie theater chains are expanding rapidly, and even small local theaters are getting in on the act.
133. Passage of the bill could allow Puerto Rico to free itself from the chains of colonialism.
134. In between these two extremes you will find Markov chains.
135. In branched polymers such as the older, high-pressure, polyethylene the molecular-weight between side chains is relevant.
136. These may be simple or complex, forming saddles when intermediate chains are shortened.
137. I had been thrown off the cricket team at school for making daisy chains on the boundary.
138. He is swathed in chains, from which hang trophies - namely the heads of his victims, hanging by their hair.
139. The license limit has prevented retail chains from selling alcoholic beverages at all but a handful of locations.
140. The firm reckons that discounters will eventually end up cannibalising each other's market share rather than damaging the bigger chains.
141. A moment later there was a rattling of chains and locks and the door swung open.
142. Viscosity, or resistance to flow, is a property of fluids containing long molecular chains that tangle and intertwine.
143. She fingered glittering necklaces, gold and silver chains, bracelets, beads, brooches, earrings.
144. Once formulated, they remain for ever in the environment and build up in food chains and ultimately in our bodies.
145. The structure of large corporations, with chains of command, was not unlike the armed forces.
146. Another problem is that the chains in polyacetylene are not neatly ordered, but convoluted and higgledy-piggledy.
147. Both of those editions were pulled off the racks by supermarket chains that had received complaints from customers.
148. Further studies are also required to evaluate any disparity in their expression of the two L1 chains.
149. The owner of chains of tobacconists, newsagents and convenience stores, its success depends on large numbers of small purchases.
150. The mighty Prudential and other life insurers bought chains of estate agencies.
151. Also, long walks, like choke chains, are out of the question.
152. Average room and car rates based on averages from 10 leading hotel chains and six car-rental companies.
153. Hundreds of smaller chains and stores went out of business, many hurt by price wars waged by appliance chains.
154. There are no main-chain hydrogen bonds to the metal ligand side chains.
155. They bought six hanging baskets, three bird feeders, three wind chimes, plus the chains and hooks.
156. Discovering these chains or networks of negative irrational thoughts is the basis of cognitive therapy.
157. If you want more information on supply chains, contact your departmental representative on the project.
158. The me directs these chains in keeping with its desire to maintain the illusion of wholeness and continuity.
159. Those who survived the battle Lie in the hulks in chains.
160. Small independent bookstores just can't compete with national chains and online retailers.
161. The suspect meat, more than eight tonnes of it, ended up in three national supermarket chains.
162. Earrings and heavy chains around the neck are a no-no on the field.
163. Lord Kemsley and Lord Rothermere owned chains of provincial dailies too.
164. That shuts out producers such as supermarket chains, where loaves are baked from batches of frozen dough made elsewhere.
165. As the factor came out, it shut behind him and they heard the bars and chains go on.
166. The forces between atoms on a polymer chain are about two orders of magnitude stronger than those between chains.
167. The Labeques appeared on the landing, giggling, wearing black leather and clinking with glittery chains.
168. S.U. was to be encouraged, eliminating chains of assessment and decision making which had lain within the purview of the superintendent.
169. She says that most desirable street corners already have one or more of the two chains.
170. From now on, these items will be included in the existing export ban of leg irons, shackles and gang chains.
171. Nonprofit organizations are establishing partnerships with large grocery chains to bring supermarkets into low income neighborhoods.
172. Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
173. They are crude and narrow compared to the Dwarf mines of the other mountain chains and prone to collapsing unexpectedly.
174. Matched brass florets mark the corners of the three leather volumes that contain them, and delicate brass chains fasten their bindings.
175. The group would continue to manage its various hotel chains, which include Sofitel, Mercure and Novotel.
176. Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me. Nelson Mandela 
176. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
177. Better to starve, if necessary, in a plastic suburban mall than go back to South Chicago in chains.
178. A monumental granite drinking fountain towered up, with battered, insanitary metal cups hanging from it by chains.
179. Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they dare not trust themselves, to walk in liberty. Aldous Huxley 
180. Unbranded generics spawned new competitors, including several supermarket chains that also sold Clean Keeper products.
181. I could make the huge, heavy body bag creak on its chains and complain to my blows.
182. We could climb up the ladder belatedly, but if only we shook off our mental chains like water.
183. Confinement, which had gradually become accustomed and endurable, now chafed like chains.
184. Most active construction is coming from the smaller chains and operators like Quality Inns.
185. For Marx and Engels the working class had nothing to lose but their chains of false consciousness.
186. In some minerals two single chains are combined to form double chains, in which the chains are linked by cations.
187. The next day they decided to use a different crane and the chains were removed.
188. Some bacteria that live in mud on Earth use chains of magnetite as tiny compasses to determine which way is up.
189. The toy store, fried chicken and office supply chains were started since Lew became chairman in 1991.
190. But Agriculture Minister Nick Brown stressed he does not blame the store chains.
191. The lead singer had a Mohican haircut and lots of chains and zips.
192. Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all. Ovid 
193. Hemoglobin F, or fetal hemoglobin, is composed of two alpha chains and two gamma chains. 214.
194. Its strength and abrasion resistance have made it ideal for shoe cleaning cloths, as provided by most hotel chains.
195. Upscale retail chains are doing the same with specially formulated baby creams and lotions.
196. Some shooting chains initiate other branching chains.
197. But chains say they don't target indie theaters.
198. Gel formation requires hooking various chains together.
199. Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones.
200. When this process occurs, molecular chains can orient in the fiber direction.
201. Direct main chains, franchise chains and other types of freedom.
202. Interestingly, the sheet contains left - handed and right - handed helical chains.
203. Chains of saline lakes are found in places in continental interiors.
204. Others specialize in carving wooden chains or a " ball in cage " from one piece of wood.
205. The large hotel chains employ architects and interior decorators who specialize in hotel work.
206. Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their station wagon key chains.




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