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单词 awesome
释义  awe·some /ˈɔːsəm $ ˈɒː-/ ●●○ adjective  1  IMPRESSextremely impressive, serious, or difficult so that you feel great respect, worry, or fear 令人赞叹的;令人畏惧的,可怕的 an awesome responsibility 一项令人惊惧的责任 the awesome sweep of the scenery 连绵的壮丽景色2  GOOD/EXCELLENT especially American English informal very good 很好的,了不起的 Their last concert was really awesome. 他们上一场音乐会真棒。 —awesomely adverbExamples from the Corpusawesome• The food was totally awesome.• The view was awesome.• Their weariness was honorable, even awesome.• It is this, as well as the awesome and terrifying vision at the time, which so disturbed him.• It was an act that demonstrated how awesome are the power and prestige of the presidency.• Great areas of grass and woodland thus give way to mesquite desert, at an awesome economic loss to man.• It truly is awesome, even at this level; it can be terribly challenging and terribly exciting.• In the light of this awesome fact, how can we treat our membership of that body so lightly?• Abruptly the ground fell away from our feet, an awesome void opened before us.awe·some adjectiveChineseSyllable  great or you feel so difficult extremely Corpus impressive, serious, that respect,




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