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单词 Discrimination
1. Discrimination against women is not allowed.
2. Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.
3. There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.
4. Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.
5. Racial discrimination still exists in modern society.
6. She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.
7. He spoke out against racial discrimination.
8. Discrimination on the grounds of sex or race is unlawful.
9. She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
10. With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.
11. We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.
12. They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
13. The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.
14. The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.
15. Levels of discrimination against recent immigrants are high.
16. People from ethnic minorities often face prejudice and discrimination.
17. They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.
18. They came across many instances of discrimination.
19. I abhor discrimination of any kind.
20. Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden.
21. The Act proscribes discrimination on the grounds of race.
22. Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue.
23. AIDS victims often experience social ostracism and discrimination.
24. This is a clear case of discrimination .
25. The program is one remedy for discrimination.
26. Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again.
27. Most racial discrimination is based on ignorance.
28. A committee will investigate allegations of racial discrimination.
29. Overt sex or race discrimination is illegal.
30. His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
1. Discrimination against women is not allowed.
2. Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.
3. There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.
4. Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.
5. Racial discrimination still exists in modern society.
6. She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.
7. Discrimination on the grounds of sex or race is unlawful.
8. She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
9. With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.
10. His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
11. We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.
12. They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
13. The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.
14. The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.
15. The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
31. We can still find examples of discrimination today.
32. They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.
33. These robots are capable of shape discrimination.
34. The government has promised to legislate against discrimination.
35. Discrimination on grounds of race will not be tolerated.
36. Discrimination against Blacks is still common.
37. The law strictly forbids racial or sexual discrimination.
38. Many disabled people suffer discrimination at work.
39. The judge said that discrimination against homosexuals is deplorable.
40. She is suing the company for sex discrimination.
41. Some firms practise discrimination in favour of older people.
42. He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.
43. We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.
44. Overt race discrimination is illegal.
45. The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.
46. They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.
47. They are planning the introduction of legislation against sex discrimination.
48. The report on sexual discrimination at work shows that some of the worst offenders are women.
49. The discrimination occurred at the shortlisting stage, not the interviews.
50. We should raise the issue of discrimination with the council.
51. There should be no discrimination on the grounds of colour.
52. Racial preferences are a way to make up for years of discrimination against minorities.
53. She showed great discrimination in rejecting the poor quality teas.
54. The company will not tolerate discrimination in any shape or form.
55. It's time we banned discrimination on the grounds of age.
56. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.
57. She told the industry in blunt terms that such discrimination is totally unacceptable.
58. The government is waging a campaign against sex discrimination in industry.
59. She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.
60. Newspapers should not publish material that is likely to encourage discrimination on the grounds of race or colour.
61. Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.
62. The company denies that it has practised discrimination against any of its employees.
63. He accused them of discrimination on the grounds of nationality.
64. If you look closely at many of the problems in society, you'll see evidence of racial discrimination.
65. The workers demanded the same wage and the same treatment! There must be no discrimination.
66. The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.
67. She told the tribunal that she was a victim of sex discrimination.
68. Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the examinations, but such blatant discrimination is now disappearing.
69. The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
70. Discrimination of any sort is abhorrent to a civilized society.
71. Interviews with the refugees catalogue a history of discrimination and violence.
72. I incline to the opinion that this principle extends to cases of religious discrimination.
73. From the standpoint of women, this looks like a policy of discrimination.
74. Discrimination by age is as vicious as discrimination by race.
75. Racist remarks by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful discrimination.
76. Last February the tribunal agreed he had been the victim of racial discrimination.
77. The law forbids discrimination on the grounds of race or religion.
78. They decreed an end to discrimination on grounds of age.
79. The government has been urged to legislate against discrimination in the workplace.
80. Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
81. Sexual discrimination is seen to be an important factor in discouraging women from careers in engineering.
82. Most of the claims involved allegations of age discrimination.
83. We must fight the corrosive effect of discrimination.
84. The result continues to be discrimination.
85. Women's groups denounced sexual discrimination.
86. The battle against racial discrimination is not over.
87. Discrimination descends through a hierarchy of the subordinate.
88. It is the basis for age discrimination through neglect.
89. About a dozen customers complained to Young of discrimination.
90. Unfortunately, discrimination against black people is alive and well.
91. Arbitrary age discrimination can affect everyone.
92. Minorities must still battle against discrimination.
93. So how did Mrs Price win her case when she was alleging age discrimination.
94. Passport schemes are a price discrimination device which allows subsidies to be directed towards target groups.
95. It is plainly true that in our society blacks have suffered discrimination immeasurably greater than any directed at other racial groups.
96. The protesters, some of whom told how they had suffered from discrimination, were nearly all high school or college age.
97. Freis defended a local radio station in a discrimination suit.
98. The easiest form of discrimination is to cut out all those outlets and publications which will obviously not be interested.
99. The counterpart to discrimination against women in society is sexism in sociology.
100. More women will be promoted in order to compensate for discrimination in the past.
101. Visual discrimination is exercised in reading print, which can demand some fine visual tasks such as discriminating between letters of similar shape.
102. Chosen with discrimination, they make a welcome addition to parish church music.
103. We naturally welcome Labour's existing promise to repeal Section 28 and to legislate against discrimination in the workplace.
104. Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
105. As with race discrimination, damages can not be awarded if the discrimination is found to have been unintentional.
106. In that case, the court threw out a Colorado constitutional amendment that would have barred local laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination.
107. Members of capitalist systems tend to take such discrimination for granted but the logic of the exercise is far from obvious.
108. It may also be possible to extend the diagnostic discrimination using cytokeratin subtype classification, neuroendocrine status, or serological antibody titres.
109. The Bill sought to prohibit employment discrimination against qualified disabled persons on the ground of their disability.
110. The company's refusal to hire him was a blatant act of discrimination.
111. The parents' civil-rights complaint also alleges discrimination in other sports and outlined problems ranging from inconsistent discipline to withholding opportunities.
112. Nevertheless, rats can be trained to carry out visual discrimination tasks and will use visual cues to guide their natural behaviour.
113. Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis.
114. Let us consider the key elements of any policy to combat age discrimination in employment.
115. It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals.
116. America is a great philosopher that preaches and practices social pluralism and ethnic or racial equality – in the midst of cultural prejudice and social discrimination. Dr T.P.Chia 
117. The caste system, he says, will never be abolished by social reform or positive discrimination in favour of Untouchables.
118. In fact, considerable evidence is available which shows that older works face age discrimination in the labour market.
119. Aesthetic attention, therefore, consists of engaging the focus of attention in a heightened sustained discrimination.
120. Congress may forbid discrimination in public accommodations that are related to interstate commerce. 28.
121. There is lots of age discrimination in the world of jobs.
122. Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. Nelson Mandela 
123. He had been openly critical of his own archbishop's defence of discrimination against homosexuals in church employment.
124. The fact that discrimination is unintentional has no bearing on its legality or otherwise.
125. The Court chose not to face head-on the problem of state trespass statutes which conflicted with constitutional prohibitions against racial discrimination.
126. Individual citizens and minority communities themselves need protection against the power of the state and against discrimination and unfair treatment.
127. Travellers, a minority grouping within West Belfast were cited as a group who experience discrimination and racism.
128. Such racial discrimination was also apparent at all stations in the Southern States of the United States.
129. At this point the debate over the civil rights bill merged into a wider national debate concerning the legitimacy of reverse discrimination.
130. Paul Mormando and Anthony Miccio were convicted on misdemeanor assault and discrimination charges.
131. As a result of the research, it was clear that there was some discrimination against small businesses in West Belfast.
132. Failure to select a suitable candidate because of age is often a covert form of racial and gender discrimination.
133. The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
134. Yet others argue that demand is the key, as select implicit or explicit discrimination by party activists.
135. Both companies have policies about benefits, disability, reasonable accommodation, discrimination and employee assistance.
136. It also found that he was the subject of racial discrimination by the police force during its investigation of him.
137. About 30 policemen and warders swapped stories during the inaugural meeting about discrimination and brutality in their services.
138. There were some cases, nevertheless, of clear discrimination: age discrimination in the police department, for example.
139. They have exerted a definite deterrent effect on the previous job discrimination experienced by epileptics and other people with medical handicaps.
140. There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion. Malala Yousafzai 
141. Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
142. The major cost of age discrimination is economic dependency, the most extreme form of which is poverty.
143. Business is booming for an Avis franchisee in the Carolinas despite well-publicized allegations of racial discrimination against customers.
144. We deplore anything that looks or smacks of discrimination,[] harassment or improper conduct.
145. She complained to an industrial tribunal alleging discrimination on the basis of the age range specified and she was successful.
146. Discrimination was highest for male, junior clerical jobs, management trainees and accountants, and lowest for female clerical jobs.
147. Comparison and discrimination between children and schools is the essential motive for ranking children.
148. There is also evidence that the economic effects of age discrimination are harsher in Britain than other comparable countries.
149. For example, under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, age may be taken into account in certain circumstances.
150. He fought many battles with the early Labour party in Lancaster and discrimination against socialist employees was alleged.
151. If discrimination denies them opportunity in one place and offers it to them elsewhere, they will take it.
152. Blacks were demonstrating against employment discrimination and a lack of political representation.
153. According to numerous opinion polls, they solidly oppose the kinds of discrimination that Cardinal Ratzinger condoned.
154. Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface.
155. This requires a conscious effort, because it is clear that discrimination is more often unintentional than intentional.
156. The aim of the Democrat civil rights legislation was to prevent employers from discriminating against minorities even if such discrimination was unintentional.
157. May responded that this exclusion did not constitute discrimination, nor did it degrade the status of women in the Church.
158. Already a number of police forces have issued directives against discrimination making it inevitable that Darlington police will have a homosexual policeman.
159. The President signed legislation banning discrimination against the disabled on June 26.
160. Discrimination and parental choice have come to be linked over a number of issues of current importance.
161. The city dropped the age limitation just before a law enforcement exemption to federal age discrimination laws expired in 1993.
162. In the whole, as the degree of discrimination increased it was found that reaction time increased at a fairly constant rate.
163. Age discrimination and fears of age discrimination are alive and well in the workplace.
164. Provided the discrimination was not indirect and unintentional, damages can be awarded to take account of injury to feelings.
165. There is no intention to abolish either county or district councils as a whole and there is no discrimination between them.
166. Meanwhile John Lawer insists he won't be giving up on his epic adventure or his one-man campaign against three-wheel discrimination.
167. Fat women are campaigning against all forms of discrimination currently experienced.
168. That day Khader decided she would devote her life to fighting discrimination against women.
169. This reduces social and historical circumstances to modifying influences on a cognitive structure predisposed to differentiation and even discrimination.
170. You may prefer not to do so because of the risk of breach of confidence or discrimination.
171. Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
172. No legal framework prevails to enable disabled people to counteract discrimination, unfair employment practices, problems of access, etc.
173. Another proposal was that an independent commission would be set up to examine the question of racial discrimination.
174. The junior adventure story has not suffered the same extremes of literary discrimination.
175. Discrimination against elderly people, however,[/discrimination.html] appears to be a general feature of cancer treatment.
176. Again, standing alone this evidence is not probative of any discrimination in the local construction industry....
177. Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?
178. Sexual discrimination still goes on in the company.
179. For a long time, sexual discrimination prevented women from voting in elections.
180. Discrimination technology for bacillariophyta and pyrrophyta was established by chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectra of phytoplankton.
181. The influencing factors among the sever responder groups were isolation, social discrimination and negative coping.
182. Until I emigrated to America, my family and I endured progressive ostracism and discrimination.
183. The Panama City woman filed a federal complaint that accuses the company of religious discrimination.
184. They prefer to skate around the issue of sex discrimination.
185. Signaling message handling functions deal with message routing, discrimination and distribution.
186. Objective To establish a canine multiplex system for individual discrimination and paternity identification.
187. The group will study homosexuality and oppose sexual discrimination, according to Ai Xiaoming, the group tutor.
188. Sexual experience and learning process influence the ability of discrimination of yearling sheep.
189. The dated discrimination of yellow peril was banished by paper, but not extinguished from mind.
190. Result The discrimination is specific, highly sensitive, simple and reproducible.
190. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
191. Sexual discrimination is seen to be an important factor in turning female graduates away from engineering.
192. By contrast Syria, long secular under the Baath party's rule, denies political rights without sexual discrimination.




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