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单词 mite
释义  Related topics: Insects, Childrenmite /maɪt/ noun [countable]  1. HBIa very small creature that lives in plants, carpets etc 螨虫2  SSC spoken a small child, especially one that you feel sorry for 〔尤指令人怜悯的〕小孩子,小家伙 Poor mite! You must be starving! 可怜的小家伙!你一定是饿坏了!3  a mite LITTLE/NOT VERYslightly 有点 SYN a bit She’s a mite shy. 她有点害羞。 It’s a mite too big for the box. 对这个盒子来说它有点太大了。4. a mite of something old-fashionedLITTLE/NOT MUCH a small amount of something 一点点某物,少量某物Examples from the Corpusmite• Some teachers take everything a mite too serious.• With all respect to my old friend, I believe my aims and basic purposes may have gone a mite deeper.• On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.• The dust mite, which thrives in warm, moist air, is the greatest source of allergens for asthmatics.• Then she trailed her fingers through the flour, parting, separating small hills and ridges of it, looking for mites.• The little mite had objected strongly.• Spraying with water is particularly effective for discouraging red spider mite, which flourishes in dry conditions.• When an ant comes near it, the mite will strum vigorously with its long front legs.Origin mite Old Englishmite nounChinese  lives Corpus very in creature a small that




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