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单词 one-shot
释义  ˈone-shot adjective [only before noun] American English  ONCEhappening or done only once 只发生一次的;一次完成的 SYN British English one-off This is a one-shot deal. If it doesn’t work, it’s over. 这是一次性的交易,如果不成,那就拉倒了。Examples from the Corpusone-shot• Scientists and administrators bickered over whether this should be a continuing program in ocean-bottom drilling or a one-shot drive to the mantle.• As with non-co-operative playing of the one-shot game, the tacitly collusive equilibrium still requires information.• They really trust these silly, one-shot tests more than they trust me!• But they are one-shot treatments and so are not subject to the whims of patient compliance with complex drug regimes.ˈone-shot adjectiveChineseSyllable  once done or only Corpus happening




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