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单词 Disobedience
1. Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience.
2. I shall overlook your disobedience this time.
3. He called for a campaign of civil disobedience if the president did not honour the election results.
4. The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience.
5. Father slapped the boy on the face for disobedience.
6. His behaviour was seen as another act of disobedience.
7. He was punished for his disobedience.
8. The father harshly corrected his child for disobedience.
9. The punishment for disobedience was the lash.
10. Civil disobedience, violent or non-violent, is intentional law breaking.
11. The headmaster caned the boys for disobedience.
12. We would not endorse civil disobedience.
13. This was true civil disobedience rather than mere non-co-operation.
14. Do we intend to commit civil disobedience?
15. His parents punished him for disobedience.
16. Run, quelling any thought of disobedience.
17. Non-cooperation and civil disobedience, as Gandhi understands them, can not be construed as a coercive threat in this sense.
18. That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.
19. In the 1960s, King and others used civil disobedience to fight institutional segregation in the South.
20. Six days afterwards I set out in direct disobedience of orders to rejoin my regiment.
21. The first blow to this came with the disobedience of pride.sentence dictionary
22. In the parable of Jonah, the prophet's disobedience stirs up the deep to endanger the lives of his fellow seafarers.
23. She struggled to control her anger at her son's disobedience.
24. Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns of civil disobedience to try to persuade the authorities to change their policies.
25. Order and group conformity through bureaucratic systematization became the rule of the day; disobedience and open rebellion the rare exception.
26. If he fasted, he was released from jail; if he attempted civil disobedience, he was back in again.
27. She no longer linked the flight with her own act of disobedience over the spinach, ably abetted by Aunt Tossie.
28. The Congress instructed its members and friends to withdraw from the legislatures, and sanctioned civil disobedience and nonpayment of taxes.
29. He was prepared to cancel his plans for civil disobedience and wanted to discuss the matter with the Viceroy.
30. It had to be a battle in which his side would fight with a special kind of weapon: civil disobedience.
1. Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience.
2. I shall overlook your disobedience this time.
3. He called for a campaign of civil disobedience if the president did not honour the election results.
4. The father harshly corrected his child for disobedience.
31. Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
32. Torturers kept making up new arbitrary rules, for which they would punish disobedience.
33. One person's disobedience can have awful social consequences for many other innocent people.
34. What destroys faith is the disobedience that hardens into unbelief.
35. His religion is as much as anything the regression to a past of obedience, disobedience, sin and doom.
36. In Pittsburgh, there were a few sit-ins, invasions of churches, minor civil disobedience.
37. Would he desist from civil disobedience if he were convinced?
38. The week I spent in the ashram this energy and passion were driving Gandhi toward another campaign of civil disobedience.
39. This reminds us of Adam and Eve in the bible and the disobedience of man when they ate the forbidden apple.
40. Since the civil disobedience began, the palace had also been surrounded by armoured carriers and remote crowd-control vehicles.
41. At the first and largest rally a prominent opposition leader, Vuk Draskovic, called for a campaign of civil disobedience.
42. Disobedience has to be organized, and it has to have both a specific target and a specific objective.
43. An Army veteran, Stefanoff prides himself on his lack of law enforcement experience and on his record of civil disobedience.
44. Some have dissociated themselves because the churches have turned them off through their disobedience and indifference.
45. A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
46. Both non-cooperation and civil disobedience imply some form of resistance to unjust laws, and could result in imprisonment for those involved.
47. Nothing in their training or previous experience had accustomed them to this kind of civil disobedience.
48. A resolution approving the civil disobedience movement had been passed.
49. Thoreau wrote a famous essay justifying civil disobedience.
50. Leading academics and journalists have threatened civil disobedience.
51. The boy's disobedience angered his father.
52. I. Unreasonable demand and work stoppage, serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the FISHERMAN of the lawful orders of his superiors.
53. Low - flush toilets and miserly showerheads mandated in 1992 produced years of consumer grumbling and disobedience.
54. Much of the subsequent civil disobedience was directed against London's Metropolitan Police, which in recent years has experienced prickly relations with the city's Afro-Caribbean community.
55. This form of civil disobedience isn't a particularly new phenomenon.
56. The power of God be absent from your church because you are living in disobedience.
57. Tanzania's police, who rarely confront civil disobedience, have tear-gas sed rowdy opposition rallies.
58. Make sure that you behave very correctly towards the policeman, or he's likely to throw the book at you for disobedience.
59. The civil disobedience theory of Rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition.
60. Civil disobedience has its place in history and will probably shape our future.
61. Failure or refusalto cooperate, especially nonviolent civil disobedience against a government or an occupying power.
62. Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law.
63. Non - violence , is the mask civil disobedience wears to conceal it's true face: anarchy.
64. The Lord's anger was justifiably stirred against Israel for their disobedience and faithlessness .
65. And as an actor he has no patience for civil disobedience on the set.
66. When citizens feel the actions of gov't are unjust, unethical, undemocratic, or does not support what the gov't is supposed to stand for,[] civil disobedience occurs.
67. NCP begins civil disobedience campaign for restoration of multi-party system.
68. They have been repelled by the apparent sophistry of parts of his essay on " Civil Disobedience ".
69. It is also the region from where Gandhi's principles of "passive resistance" and "civil disobedience" destroyed the British Empire without bloodshed.
70. God's free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
71. The theory of civil disobedience recognizes that its actions , regardless of their justification, must be punished.
72. Mohandas Gandhi is the Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience.
73. I can no longer be careless about my disobedience when each cutting word and selfish deed cost Jesus so much.
74. If we determine that the dog knows what we are asking and he is being disobedience then he either needs a negative reinforcer or he needs to be put away or he needs to get a correction.
75. God free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
76. Moses had prophetically forewarned that disobedience to God would lead to this very thing.
77. 6 – represents the worship of man, and is the number of man, signifying his rebellion, imperfection, works, and disobedience.
78. He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
79. Acts of civil disobedience have been crucial to every major advance in human rights.
80. The group decided to undertake a civil disobedience campaign in the name of freedom and justice.
81. non-violence , is the mask civil disobedience wears to conceal it's true face: anarchy.
82. To disregard this principle is to make civil disobedience not only legally wrong but morally unjustifiable.
83. You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy a low and disgraceful marriage?
84. She fetched a crack on the child's head for disobedience.
85. Moreover, there is talk of activists mounting a campaign of civil disobedience.




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