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单词 meticulous
释义  me·tic·u·lous /məˈtɪkjələs/ adjective  CAREFULvery careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly 对细节十分注意的,一丝不苟的 He kept meticulous accounts. 他的账记得一丝不苟。 Their planning and preparation were meticulous. 他们的计划和准备工作都很周密。 He cleaned the tools with meticulous care. 他十分认真地清洁了工具。 The book describes his journey in meticulous detail. 这本书很详细地描述了他的旅程。meticulous in He was meticulous in his use of words. 他用词很谨慎。meticulous about He has always been so meticulous about his appearance. 他对自己的外表一向很讲究。► see thesaurus at careful —meticulously adverb The attack was meticulously planned and executed. 这场攻击是精心策划并周密实施的。Examples from the Corpusmeticulous• Our accountant is very meticulous about his work. I can't imagine him ever making a mistake.• Geoff, who now runs a successful computer software company, is meticulous about the detail throughout his home.• My mother was extremely meticulous and always made sure that every room in the house was spotlessly clean.• Hickey was nothing if not meticulous, and he had a flair for obscuring bad news in a fog of pieties.• This beautiful piece of jewellery is the work of a meticulous craftsman.• Clough's particular strength lay in the meticulous detail in which he recorded field data.• a meticulous manager• He would listen to each reply, making meticulous notes as he went.• He was also a meticulous parliamentary diarist, providing the fullest known account of debates in 1626,1628, and 1629.• The interest was again chiefly rhythmic and required the most meticulous playing by all sections in the orchestra.• Massachusetts officials kept meticulous records of trials.• Flamsteed, meticulous to a fault, had spent forty years mapping the heavens-and had still not released his data.Origin meticulous (1800-1900) Latin meticulosus “afraid”, from metus “fear”me·tic·u·lous adjectiveChineseSyllable  small about Corpus careful making very and always details, sure




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